Monday, November 30, 2009

Tae Kwon Do, Turkish Getups

Great TKD workout. Did a lot of floor work.

I fought hard but I need to work on shrimping. I know TGU can help with that, so I did a 10 minute set of 24kg TGU.

tossed in some Pull ups and some chin ups for good measure.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Insnaity Plyometric Cardio

did Plyo w/ the missus today.
She enjoyed it, so hopefully we'll keep this tradition going.

I will still focus on kettlebell strength routines in preparation for my HKC cert in January.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Heavy Swings, Turkish Getups

32kg 2H Swings 30:30
6 minutes

16kg TGU
5 minutes

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Swings, TGU and some other things

24Kg Swings 10 minutes of 30:30 protocol
24kg TGU 10 minutes
24kg C&P 1 sets of 5reps each side
24kg 1 set 1-arm row

Thursday, November 19, 2009

TGU, C&P, Rows

24kg TGU 5left, 5 right
24kg C&P 3 sets of 5reps
1 set 24kg 1-arm row

TKD - Belt Test

Went to class last night and was surprised to find I was ready to test for advanced white. I passed. Yay!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Tae Kwon Do and TGU

A good TKD workout followed up by:

10 minutes of 20kg TGU
4 pull ups w/ several negatives thrown it afterward

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Swings and TGU

10 minutes of 30:30 24kg swings

16kg TGU 5-left, 5-Right

16kg Goblet squats 5 reps

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Snatch Workout

Doing a 15:15 Protocol I did 8 sets of 7rep snatches using a 16kg.

Pretty lousy performance, but I need to remember thatI ahve not done a VO2max workout in a long time.

Snatch form Practice
5L, 5R
Did it twice .

Better stop while I am ahead.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

RKC Prep Workout #3

Felt pretty strong today, so much so that I switched to a 24Kg bell 1/2 way through.

Workout #3

Clean and Front Squat (L/R) 16kg 5 Reps
Swing 2H 16kg 5 Reps
Clean and Front Squat (L/R) 16kg 5 Reps
Clean and Press (L/R) 16kg 5 Reps
Clean and Front Squat (L/R) 16kg 5 Reps
Get-up (L/R) 16kg 5 Reps
Clean and Front Squat (L/R) 16kg 5 Reps
Snatch(L/R) 24kg 8 Reps
Clean and Front Squat (L/R) 16kg 5 Reps

Circut 2
Clean and Front Squat (L/R) 24kg 5 Reps
Swing 2H 24kg 5 Reps
Clean and Front Squat (L/R) 24kg 5 Reps
Clean and Press (L/R) 24kg 5 Reps
Clean and Front Squat (L/R) 24kg 5 Reps
Get-up (L/R) 24kg 5 Reps
Clean and Front Squat (L/R) 24kg 5 Reps

Hards are too trashed at this point to do the final snatch and C&Squat.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

RKC Prep Workout #2

4 deadhang pull ups.

RKC Prep Workout #2
Clean and Press (L/R) 16kg 5 Reps
Get-up (L/R) 16kg 5 Reps
Clean and Press (L/R) 16kg 5 Reps
Clean and Front Squat (L/R) 16kg 5 Reps
Clean and Press (L/R) 16kg 5 Reps
Swing 2H 24Kg 20 Reps
Clean and Press (L/R) 16kg 5 Reps
Snatch 24Kg (L/R) 10 Reps
Clean and Press (L/R) 16kg 5 Reps

Friday, November 6, 2009

RKC Prep workout #1

Time to get back in the saddle again!

Workout #1 with 16kg
(5 reps unless otherwise noted)

2h Swing 20reps
Clean and Press L/R
1H Swing L 20reps
Clean and Front Squat L/R
1H Swing R 20reps
Get-up L/R
1H Swing L 20reps
Snatch L/R
1H Swing R 20reps

Repeat 2x times

Violent flu and my the future plans.

Finally recovered from a nasty stomach bug that was probably floating around the airport.

I just changed my HKC cert to one in January w/ my Fav RKC, Keira Newton.
Originally I was going to do an April HKC cert. As such I am dropping the Insanity Cardio Program so that my kettlebell form and conditioning is in place for the cert.

On deck for the next 2 months?
  • High Volume Swings
  • Turkish Get-Ups
  • Goblet Squats
  • VO2Max Snatch Conditioning