Friday, May 28, 2010

Snatch Workout...

Was feeling low energy due to a so-so night of sleep. Ended up going to the park with the little ones and my 24kg kettlebell - BUT I forgot my timer!

I decided to do some snatch training, so here's the numbers:

24kg Snatch Left 10 reps
24kg Snatch Right 10 reps
repeat 5x resting as needed...

100 Snatches total! No idea how long it took me, but it was hard. I definitely need to add these back into my program...Especially ifI plan on getting my RKC cert.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

KBB Part B

DEFINITELY back in the swing of things today:

A. Strength:
24kg C&P 3-runged ladder.
Repeated for 4 ladders.
Rest 3 min

B. Metabolic Pairing:
B1. 24kg Getup-Situp 5 per side
B2. 24kg Suitcase Reverse Lunge 5 per side
Repeated for 8 rounds.
Rest 3 min

C. Finisher
24kg 2H Swing - 20:40 Protocol.
Repeated for 10 mins.

total weight moved today: 7392kg (16,296.57 pounds)

Monday, May 24, 2010

back at...FINALLY!

Finally over my upper resp infection...well 99% there.....

KBB Part A

24kg Alterating Getups 8 per side

24kg Goblet Squat 5 reps
24kg 1-Arm rows (left) 5 reps
24kg 1-Arm rows (right) 5 reps
Repeat 10x
= 3600kg

Skipped Swings (upper respiratory still a bit tender...)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

damn flu...

still hurting from a flu I picked up last weekend....sigh...

no work to report...

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Heavy Metal 2

Was in SF yesterday and decided to stop by and do dkbfitness's Heavy Metal II class!


I really enjoyed the class! Believe it or not, in the nearly 3.5 yrs I have slinging bells, this was my first class I have taken that was not a skills, cert or other form of jam-packed learning. Just some good old fashion fun.

The energy from the group was great, and having one of the gal's do tactical pull-ups before me definitely made me dig deeper. (she was an animal wrapped in the skin of mortal female shell!)

My work schedule will probably keep me from attending this class to regularly, but it was worth it yesterday!

Exercises included such things as:
Double Deadlifts
Double Cleans
Double C&P's
Pull ups
Push ups
Clean and Squats

and a bit of crying...

Ok, the crying was my addition to the work out... phew!

I am taking Sat & Sunday off to recuperate....

Thursday, May 6, 2010


24kg Alternating Getup **
Exertion Level: 8
**I tried to do 3 reps per side then switch, but this was too hard (read: Unsafe)

24kg Goblet Squat 5 reps, followed by
32kg 1Arm Rows 5 reps per side
Repeat for 15min

24kg 2H-Swings
30:30 protocol for 10 min
Exertion Level: 10
30:30 kills me!

total training time was arounf 45-50 mins.

Hi, My Name is Sean and I have a problem....

As I was leaving to go do my manly brutal kettlebell work guess what arrives? Yup, the enchiladas.

Being a man among men, I felt obliged to help haul the food into the building. the moment I opened the car door and smelled those enchiladas, my willpower crumbled.

3 serving later and I am afraid to look that the scale. Here I am trying to lose that last 10#'s and I'm pretty sure I just ate a day’s worth of calories in one sitting.

Oh well, I guess it was fated to be my free day. But now I must be ever vigilant this weekend. No junk. All fresh veggies and wholesome food.

For those that don’t know I am following the Warrior diet, which is not too shabby. In a nutshell, you can eat fruit and veggies during the day and then at night you have a really big meal. There is a sequence to it though.

First, leafy greens.
Then other veggies.
Then your lean protein.
Then, if you are still hungry, you can have some wholesome carb's...Like, I dunno, fruits, etc....

But how do you know when you're full? It’s simple really. You are full when you are thirsty!

Say what? I know, crazy, but it’s true. One of the, "Hey you are full" indicators is thirst.

I managed to get pretty lean on this program. then I went on travel. No big deal, but it has taken me a while to refocus on my diet.

I'm back now! Except for the enchiladas...

No junk this weekend.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Practice what you preach - Training

After last week I decided that C&P's with a 24kg (54#) bell was not challenging enough, so today I bumped up to using 32kg (70#'s).

What I found was that 32kg was too much, and I dont own a 28kg. Though I should probably buy one.

Instead I did push presses and backup presses.
So the push press utilizes a small dip in the legs to assist the bell up.
Pavel advocates the long push press in his bonus text to the Enter The Kettlebell book.
I was not looking for a heavy leg day today, so I did a minor dip, make sure to keep good tension.

The backup press: Use your other hand to assist the bell pas the sticking point.

32kg Clean & Press Ladders. 3 rungs, 3 steps. (see above notes)15 Mins totalRest: 3min

32kg Getup-Situp
32kg Reverse Farmer Lunge
32kg Getup-Situp
32kg Reverse Farmer Lunge
24kg Getup-Situp <- I was getting tired and wisely decided to drop down to the 24kg bell for this final GUSU.I ran out of time and was not able to squeak in another set of lunges.
time 15min
Rest 3min

24kg 2h-Swing 30:30
I WAS DYING today!

I made it halfway through with no ill affects. But after the midpoitn, I was feeling tanked. I even (GASP!) set the bell downb early a few times.

Thats right, I practice what I preach.

I was too tired to SAFELY swing the bell for a full 30 sec, so I set it down and enjoyed the extra few seconds of rest. It was dreamy.

All in all, a good session for me. Its been nearly a week since I slung iron, I feel proud of my work today.