Monday, May 30, 2011
Intermittant Fast, KBM Meidum week 6, Primal Challenge, No Coffee!?!?!
It was my wifes b'day party and I prepared some good meats (brisket, hamburgers, hotdogs) there were a few veggies (not enough, but I was tied up @ the grill) and of course the obligatory cakes and ice creams.
I made a Gluten Free cake for the missus (who is gluten intolerant). I had some of her cake but I also had some of the regular cakes that others brought, and even some ice cream!
Now by and large, when I go off the diet I usually end up with VERY sore joints the next day. Like I feel 20 years older kind of joint pain. This time I didnt, but I wonder if thats because I didnt have as much refined white flour products? Not sure, but at about 7pm last night I decided to do a 24hr fast. Only allowed foods, my morning coffee (sans heavy cream) and water.
Fast forward 21 hours or so later.....
Got home from a trip to Wally-World and realized I still needed to do my Kettlebell Muscle Medium Day.
Gotta tell ya, I was not looking forward to this. I was already feeling a little weak, but I ok'd it with my ego that if I felt really bad or if my form was crap, I was cleared to stop at anytime.
First two sets were good, no need to set the bells down except when proscribed by the program.
Sets 3-7 however necessatated a brief (maybe 30 mississippi's max) in the middle. I just didn't have the juice to do the presses w/o a brief rest.
But I got all 7 rounds in, so I am very pleased with myself. :o)
I have another 3 hours left in this fast, but I'm going to call it good and have a small protein shake.
Might play around with Scott Sonnon's Tacfit Stress relief routine tonight, or at the very least tomorrow.
Starting June 1st, my students and I are going to do a Paleo/Primal/Whatever Challenge.
The idea is to eat clean/(primal) for 30 days.
I wont be pushing primal/paleo per say to those that don't want to, but I will ask them to eat clean. Basically if you have to read the ingredient list to tell whats it in, you probably shouldn't be eating it.
This challenge is based off of Crossfit New Englands Paleo Challenge. I made a few tweaks to work with my group and equipment restrictions. Personally, I would like to drop 10#'s of fat....Not weight, but FAT, so we'll see how this goes.
I am giving up my heavy cream (coffee) and am going to REALLY strive to not drink coffee this next month. Nothing wrong w/ coffee on a paleo diet per say, but I have a wicked addiction to it, and I cant help but think that I am driving my adrenals too hard.
See ya in a month!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
KBM wk5 - Heeeeeeeaaavvyyy
Test drive of Tacfit Warrior
Did the hard session Friday (yesterday) at lunch.
Recruit level. Not bad, some of the moves are reminiscent of ground fighting, some remind me of kettlebells. Good heart rate, good sweat. Basically 8 movements done to tabat timing.
6 min warmup drills
Workout, 8 sets of 20/10 with 1 min between drills. Appx 28 minutes
RPE: varied between 6-10 depending on drill.
Cooldown drills: 7min
The program is 28 days but I am not ready to tackle it yet (I want to at least finish KB Muscle Week 7)
Format is like this:
No Intensity Day (strain prevention) (RPE: 1-2)
Low Intensity Day (Stress Conversion) (RPE: 3-4)
Moderate Day (same workout as above, but not all out, keep RPE between 5-7)
High Intensity Day (RPE:8-10)
Friday, May 27, 2011
kbm easy day week 6 last night (updated: should've been wk 5)
Edit: Got off track this week, I should only be on week 5! oh well...Bonus work for me!
Gut check...
12.3% on Omron
36" across the button....
The omron analyzer is new, so no way of comparing that, but the weight is stable and the gut is shrinking.
Hard work pays.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
ProgMin - Heavy lunchtime
2h Swings x30reps
Goal was to not put it down in between, but my grip kept failing me. Time, just need more time
set 1: 30 reps
Active recovery 1 min
set 2: 24 reps + 6
set 3: 11reps + 6 +7 + 5
Active recovery 1 min
set 4: 11reps + 7 + 8 + 4
Active recovery 1 min
set 5: 11reps + 9 + 10
Active recovery 1 min
50 sec left on timer, decided to add another set when it expired
set 5: 12 reps + 6 +7 + 5
Active recovery 1 min
All tolled, 14min 3 secs
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Kb muscle week 6 medium (updated: should've been wk 5)
edit: got off track, should have been week 5 not 6, guess i did extra :
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Tues Lunch - Program Minimum
44kg 2h-swings
30 reps
1 min active recovery
repeat for 12 min
Got appx 5 sets in.
Mon AM
5 min
C&p ladders 5/5
5 min
Gusu 5/5
Rev lunge 5/5
10 min
Extremecardio fig 8...
change 4th ti last from sw+pr to just tri presses
:30/:30 swings till end of session, (about 2min today)
Friday, May 20, 2011
Am circuit, lunchtime Prog mi
W/ AM class:
1 min circuits :20 sec transition (amap unless otherwise noted) Battling ropes
Goblet squat
Double swings
Double Cleans
Halos 5 each direction, repeating
Pushups 10/10
1h swings 5/5 Presses, repeating
Bicycle crunches Repeat for 1 cycle
(appx 12min for a 10 position circuit)
Next cycle tabata, so :20/:10 each station.
Do each station 4x before moving on. (appx 18min total)
Swing finishers:
:30/:30 for remainder of training session.
----- lunch w/ femBot michelle
Program min, week 1
20 2h swings (44k bell)
1min active recovery
Repeat 12 min
Thursday, May 19, 2011
KB M heavy week 4
Round 1 - no breaks
Round 2 - bells up
Round 3 - cl pr4 rest pr, sq, rest pp, sq
Round 4 - cl, pr rest, sq, pp2 rest pp3, sq
Trying to get further w/o putting down the, actualy 2 rounds is pretty good for me when using dbl 20's.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
KB muscle wk 4- easy day / lunch PM
Week 4
Dbl 20's
Did some tabata dsw later in class.
Program min w/28kg
20 (2h, 1hn alternating) swings
1min active recovery.
Repeat for 12 min
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Easy Day
24kg Snatch on the minute
6/6 for 13min
plus 3/3 to round out numbers to 160 reps.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Heavy Swings + ROP
5x 44kg 2h- Power swings
10 44kg 2h- swings
5x 44kg 2h- Power swings
10 44kg 2h- swings
Lunch, ROP from AoS workbook with the missus (who is doing grat, btw)
20 44kg 2H Swings
1min of active recovery (jacks, gasping, crying, etc...)
Repeat for 12min
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Travel routine w/ 16kg
One Arm Swing – 5 reps Clean – 5 reps High Pull – 5 reps Snatch – 5 reps Jerk – 5
15:15 snatch for 7 min
Cadence Snatch (R) – 1 snatch every 10 seconds for 1 minute Cadence Snatch (L) – 1 snatch every 10 seconds for 1 minute
One arm long cycle clean and jerk (R) – 1 minute One arm long cycle clean and jerk (L) – 1 minute
Speed Snatch (R) – perform as many snatches as possible in 30 seconds
Speed Snatch (L) – perform as many snatches as possible in 30 seconds
3/3 neg pistols 0kg/16kg (l have issues w/ left knee)
100 burpees (pushup style, not the girly squat thrust ones) in 11:45
Monday, May 9, 2011
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011
Murderous heavy day week 3
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
KB muscle - week 3 - "Easy" day + some Heavy GTG
Later in the afternoon I did 3 28kg MP's on my R side, and 2 on my left.
Trying to get my press stronger!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
kbm - week 3
at lunch i continued my kb muscle grind...
Medium day
6 sets, dbl 20's