Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Had to work through lunch today, which is why lunch workouts suck....But it is when I am at my strongest.

Reconfirmed resting HR is in the low 40's this morning. Thats always nice.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Snatch Workout...

Lunch break:
16kg Snatch 7reps per 15:15
did 10 sets; Time 5min
Was hoping for more, but it is a start...
The VO2Max 15:!5 is for 80 sets total....that's 40 minutes!
Looking at the positive, I am 12% complete on this task!

Wall Pushups
3 sets of 50

24kg 1H Swings 1min:1min protocol
3 sets

Knee tucks
3 sets of 40 (resting during sets..whew!)

KBB-2 Part B (Monday)

28kg C&P 3reps each side
repeat for 15m
(10 sets, so 60 reps total. Buh-zingah!)

28kg Getup Situp, 5reps each side (4 sets)
28kg Reverse Lunge, 8 reps each side (4 sets)
Repeat for 15min

24kg 1h Swings 20:10 Protocol
goal: 10min
Reality: 5min

Swings are dogging me, but my strength/lifting ability is progressing quite nicely!

Later that afternoon....
3 reps each side with 200# crush grip (similar to CoC Crushers but with pound's instead of single digit numbers

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Easy Skill Drill (snatches and overhad walks...)

Easy day, just wanted to work some drills.

28kg one-arm overhead walk around the yard (left/right)

16kg Snatch 15:15 protocol (just working on snatch groove)
4 min

28kg+16kg Offset Overhead Walk around the yard (left)
28kg+16kg Offset Overhead Walk around the yard (right)

28kg 1H Swings 10L
28kg 1H Swings 10R

24kg kg 1H Swings 10L
24kg 1H Swings 10R

 Didnt want to go too hard and heavy today. tomorrow is my first C&P day using my new 28kg..


Saturday, June 26, 2010

took my new 28kilo for a spin

Took her to my company summer picnic. Yeah, I'm "that guy". I reckon if you are reading this, so are you.

I did keep telling them that I left the heavy ones at home.

I picked up the 28k/62# so I can more easily make the transition from a 24kg C&P to a 32kg C&P.

So every time I needed to help my daughter in to or out of a tree, I did a C&P followed by an overhead walk to where she was at. I would work the reverse side on the stroll back.

Also tossed in some a couple snatches and some farmers walk.

Quite a bit of volume spread over 3 hours or so. I will be sore tomorrow.

Friday, June 25, 2010

KBB Phase 2 Part A

Challenge Day.
Decided to see if my 10RM needed for the GS is really ona 32kg.
So I did the 8reps using a 40kg. Guess what? I did it! Booo-yah!

After Monday's performance with the 24kg on the TGU i dropped down to a 20kg so I could do 3 reps in a row.
20kg TGU 3reps Left, then 3 reps Right.
repeat 4x in 15min
Rest 3 Min

Metabolic Pairings:
40kg Goblet Squat for 8 reps
32kg Staggered Stance Row (similar to 1-arm but back leg is much closer.
Repeated 5x/sied for 15min
rest 4 min...

24kg 1H-Swing 15:15
goal: 10 minutes.
Actual: 5m30s minute.before form got messy.
Needs work!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

KBB Phase 2 - Week 1 - Part B

24kg C&P 3 reps left, 3 reps right
Repeated for 15min = 78 reps

rest 3min

Metabolic Pairings
24kg GUSU 5reps left, 5reps left (4 sets total = 40 total)
32kg Rev Lunge 8reps (3 sets total = 48 reps)
Repeat for 15min

24kg 1H-Swing 15:15
Repeat for 10min
avg of 8 reps a set.

Later in the evening,
24kg Overhead walks.  - These really get your 'core' activated. Trying to keep a bell locked overhead while walking on on even ground, up lanscaped stairs, etc.. WHEW!

Did another set with a 16kg

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Resting HR Karvonen Formula

Resting HR this morning, 43. Will take an average over the next few days to be sure..

Once you have your resting HR you can detect overtaining (if it increases) and you can also plug it into the karvonen formula to create a more realistic heart rate range.

(220) - (your age) = MaxHR
(MaxHR) - (resting heart rate) = HR Reserve
(HRR) x (60% to 80%) = training range %
(training range %) + (resting heart rate) = (your target training zone)

So for me, age 38:
220-38 =182 MHR
182 - 43 = 139 Heart Rate Reserve

139 * .60 (%) = 83.4
83.4 + 43 = 126 (60%)

139 * .80 (%) = 111.2
111.2+ 43 = 152 (80%)

139 * 1.00 (%) = 139.4
139.4+ 43 = 182(100%)

I have not used a HRmonitor in a while, but I know heavy and/or fast snatching puts me near 177, which working backwards would be:

177-43 = 134
134 / 139.4 = 96%

Yea, it feels like 96...

I will dig out my monitor and see the next time I do a heavy workout where I fall...

Monday, June 21, 2010

KBB Phase 2 Week 1 Part A


24kg TGU 3reps Left, then 3 reps Right.
3 reps is alot w/ the TGU!!! Had to REALLY focus when descending on the 3rd rep..
Managed to do that 2 times before I dropped down to 2reps/per side...

So it looked like this:


Rest 3 Min

Metabolic Pairings:
32kg Goblet Squat for 8 reps
32kg Staggered Stance Row (similar to 1-arm but back leg is much closer.
hinge at the hips ala DL form.
Goal: Repeat for 15 Min...
Actual: 5 sets in 11m30s

rest 4 min...
24kg 1H-Swing 15:12
goal: 10 minutes.
Actual: 1 minute.

I was tired and I have not adjusted to my diet. So I called this Finished. Maybe tongiht I will work on my snatch form a little bit.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

AFAA...And FAT....And KBB-4 Part B

got home from day 2 of my AFAA cert class.

We did, among many things, skin fold testing.

As the only (fat) man in the class. I got to make my shirt off so they could demo the test on a guy. A month ago I would have enjoyed the results as I was really doing really well on the Warrior diet. (10#'s lighter easily...)

BUT, in the past month I have been not so good in terms of food choices...Especially late at night (curse my beloved wife for buying such sweet sweet goodies for my daughter! And our monthly meeting of the LBC (Little boys club) met for pizza, beer and poker on thursday...

All of this is soooo wrong since I am supposed to be doing "KB Burn" for training.

I reckon you want to know what my numbers were...



Ok, deep breath.

Maybe one more...

Its moments like these that put you back on track.

As of today, I am swearing off all garbage, going back to my Warrior Diet veggie overload and I am going to lean out DAMNIT!

FWIW: I have no problem w/ Geoff's nutrition guidelines in KBB, but my 'day job' keeps me hoppin' and we work 10-hour days...I just dont feel up to carrying in a cooler of food everyday...

After waddling my 23% in the door I did Week 3 of KBB part b (C&P day)

KBB-4 Part B
24kg C&P Ladder 3-Rungs L/R
repeated 7x in a 15min period
The last set was more like push presses, as my L side is weaker.
To keep things even, I did PP on the Right for the last set too.
Volume = 9979.2#'s
Rest 3 Min

Metabolic Pairings
A. 24kg GetUp-SitUp 5Reps Left/Right – 4 Sets
B. 32kg Reverse Lunge 5reps, L/R – 3 Sets
Total Time 14min
Volume = 4220#'s

Rest 3 mins

2H Swings
Still struggling with this one.
I did 3 sets of 30:30 w/ the 32kg
I dropped to the 24kg (which felt like afeather in comparison) and did another set of 30:30

At this point I was fried. Long days studying, poor diet, crappy sleep last night...Well....I wussed out and called it quits.

One more week of this and then I move to Phase 2 of KBB, which utilizes 1H swings for the finisher...

AFAA Cert...

Taking a 3-day AFAA cert so I can continue teaching at the Y.

As a Y-employee (KB Instructor) I must have a recognized cert, not surprisingly, HKC/RKC is not on their approved list.

I was a bit uppity about the whole thing. Most of the work is what you would expect from a big box gym trainer... "Isolate this...Use this machine...Dont do deadlifts ..." etc...

4+ years ago I would have eaten this sh*t up, but now that I have found religion (kettlebells), my reply to just about any client is "Pick up a kettlebell!"

Its not all bad, the anatomy and physiology is good, whic would help when discussing problems with other professionals.

I am telling myself to just shutup and do it!

The fact that it has messed up the timing of my training has not helped. I hope to squeak one in tonight...I have one more week on KBB Phase I. Phase II will have same exercises but the temp/volume will be changed...

Just shutup and do it!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

KBB-4 Part A

24kg alternating TGU
Repeat for 15min
total sets 10 (each side!)
PR for a 15 min routine!
3 min rest...I needed it.
32kg Goblet Squat 5 reps
32kg 1-Arm row (each side) 5 reps/side
Repeat for 9 sets
PR!! for a 15min routine!
3 min rest...I needed it.
32kg 2H Swing
Goal: 30:30 for 10 min.
Reality (I was really gassed by this point): 20:40 for 6 min.
Decided I should quit while I was behind. :o)

Monday, June 14, 2010

KBB-4 Part B

KBB-4 C&P Ladder 4-Rungs L/R
repeat for 15min
Rest 2.5 Min

A. 24kg GetUp-SitUp 5Reps Left/Right – 4 Sets
B. 32kg Reverse Lunge 5reps, L/R – 4 Sets
TotalTime 15min

Rest 3 mins

32kg 2H Swing 30:30 Protocol
10 min total. Dying by the end...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Snatchy Snatchy

The Party Line for Passing the RKC Snatch Test

Level 3
Start 1 min countdown
24kg snatch 5l then 5r
Rest till 1min expires.

Did 10 sets, so that's 50 per arm. 100 total.

KBB-3 Part A (Friday)

Well after all that complaining about being 'hungover' I cranked out my KBB routine later that afternoon.

24kg alternating TGU
Repeat for 14m30s min
total reps 9/side. 18 total.
3 min rest
32kg Goblet Squat 5 reps
32kg 1-Arm row (each side) 5 reps/side
Repeat for 8 sets (appx 13min)


Had to make an appointment, so skipped swings today. Might make it up over the weekend.

Friday, June 11, 2010

ugh...Burnout? Cert hell?

I feel hungover today.
Weird, since I have not had a drink in a few weeks...

So, its either diet related, perhaps a sugar hangover, or its over training.

I did try that snatch test yesterday....hmmm...Nothing weird in my diet last night...Well...there were a few fritos, which I may not classify as good food, I have never felt this bleh after eating a some...

So what should I do?
Well, regroup on my diet, and maybe skip today's workout. :o)

I am also studying for my AFAA cert which is next weekend. Now there's a story for ya.
I signed up for the cert thurs and the guy on the phone pretty much thought I was crazy. Apparently they want you to spend a month pre-studying before you take the cert...I have 8 days to digest 400+ pages of Anatomy & Physiology, ethics, teaching modalities, etc...

I'm shooting for 60 pages a day. Which so far sucks! 60 pages of A&P is enough to make your brain explode.

Still, I feel confident that I will attain the AFAA cert, not that this will be easy by any stretch of the imagination. The cert will allow me to train folks at the Y.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Snatch Test

Actice recovery day ;o)

24kg Snatch test
10 Left
10 Right
10 Left
10 Right
10 Left
10 Right
5 Left
5 Right

Total Time: 5 min

Ultimately, for the RKC i need 100reps in 5 min.
I have a ways to go.

Stuff to think about while prepping for snatch test:

How to Add 10-20 repetitions to your 5 minute snatch test....

The Party Line for Passing the RKC Snatch Test

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

KBB-2 Part B

Experimented w/ 32Kg C&P today, as noted below*
32kg *Assisted C&P Ladder 3 Rungs (left & right) – Not quite ready for mega sets of 32Kg presses…dropped down to 24kg

24kg C&P Ladder 3-Rungs L/R
24kg C&P Ladder 3-Rungs L/R
24kg C&P Ladder 3-Rungs L/R
24kg C&P Ladder 3-Rungs L/R Time: 15:00More next time.
Rest 2 Min

32kg GUSU – Nearly killed myself. Maybe the presses took it out of me, but I QUICKLY switched to 24kg for this superset.
A. 24kg GetUp-SitUp 5Reps Left/Right – 4 Sets Total
B. 32kg Reverse Lunge 5reps, L/R – 3 Sets TotalTime 14:08
Rest 3mins while debating how to make the 2-3min rest stretch into 4 min...No dice....

Swings….Horrific Swings

Intended: 32kg 2H Swings using 30:30 Protocol with an avg rep range of 14or 15.

Set 1: 15 Reps (YES!)
Set 2: 13 Reps (Ummmm...)
Set 3 – 10: 10 reps. (WTF?!?!)

Why 10 reps?
I found that I could not maintain good tension (glutes) at the top of the swing when I hit the higher rep range.

So, just like I tell my students, go for Quality, not Quantity. I found I was still able to be tense using 10 rep sets which basically turned it into a 20:40 split.

Don’t worry. I will get there!

Swing Time: 10 min.

Monday, June 7, 2010

KBB-2 Part A

Decided to kick it up today and use the 32kg for everything...

32kg alternating TGU
4 sets before I decided to drop to 24kg for safety's sake.
24kg for another 3 sets
13 min total
3 min rest
32kg Goblet Squat 5 reps
32kg 1-Arm row (each side) 5 reps/side
Repeat for 7 sets (apps 14min)
4min rest
32kg 2H Swing 30:30 protocol
Was supposed to go for 10 min, but after 4min30sec I was cooked....

But I was using a 32kilo bell, and not my usual 24k..

Whew! Good, hard training session. I love it!


24kg Snatch 10 reps left / Right
repeat 5x

100 total.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

KBB-1 Part B

A. Strength:
24kg C&P 3-runged ladder.
Repeated for 4 ladders.
Rest 3 min

B. Metabolic Pairing:
B1. 24kg Getup-Situp 5 per side
B2. 24kg Suitcase Reverse Lunge 5 per side
Repeated for 8 rounds.
Rest 3 min

C. Finisher
24kg 2H Swing - 20:40 Protocol.
Repeated for 10 mins.
avg 12 swings / set

Thursday, June 3, 2010

VO2Max Snatching

Trying to get back into my snatching groove.

Beginner day :o)
15:15 protocol
16kg Snatches, 7 reps /side
11 sets total.

WHEW! I need to work on these A LOT more...But this is a babystep to get back into the groove...


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

KBB A routine...

-= Strength =-
24kg Alternating Turkish Getup (15 min)
18 reps total (432kilos moved)

-= Metabolic Pairings (Supersets) =-
24kg Goblet Squat 6 reps
24kg 1-Arm Rows 6 reps
repeat for 15min
9 sets total (3888 kilos moved)

-= Finishers =-
24kg 2H Swings (20:40) split
10 minutes with an average of 10.5 swings/ rep
105 swings total (2520 kilos moved)

Total weight moved: 6840kg/15,079 pounds