Tuesday, November 30, 2010

AM Class / KBB-1-a - Monday

28k TGU
28k GS
28k R. Lunge
24kg :30:30 Swings


Basement Ballistics - Sunday

10 1H-Swings
10 1H-Swings
10 Hot Potatoes
10 1H High Pulls
10 1H High Pulls
10 Hot Potatoes
10 Snatch (L)
10 Snatch R
10 Hot Potatoes
10 HTH Swing
10 HTH Swing
10 Hot Potatoes
10 Clean L
10 Clean R
10 Hot Potatoes
10 C&P L
10 C&P R
10 Hot Potatoes

10 slingshot
10 Crush Squat
10 slingshot
10 Crush Press
10 slingshot
10 Squat-Press Crush
10 slingshot
10 Squat-Press Crush
10 slingshot
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch/Press at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch/Squat/Press at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch/Squat/Press at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing

10 KB Pullovers
20 russian twist
10 KB Pullovers
10 1/2 TGU
10 1/2 TGU
10 Crunch w/ KB Ext above head
10 Leg Raises (rev crunch)
10 crunches
10 hands under back crunches
10 toe touches (legs vertical)
10 Windshield Wipers
10 Crunch w/ knees bent (elbow to knees)
10 Side Crunch leg raise
10 Side Crunch leg raise
10 Cross Leg Crunch
20 Legs up, touch opposite leg w/ hand
10 Plank Lift 1 Arm up
10 Plank Lift 1 Arm up
10 Marching Leg Plank
10 Pulsing Plank

10 1H-Swings
10 1H-Swings
10 Hot Potatoes
10 1H High Pulls
10 1H High Pulls
10 Hot Potatoes
10 Snatch (L)
10 Snatch R
10 Hot Potatoes
10 HTH Swing
10 HTH Swing
10 Hot Potatoes
10 Clean L
10 Clean R
10 Hot Potatoes
10 C&P L
10 C&P R
10 Hot Potatoes

10 slingshot
10 Crush Squat
10 slingshot
10 Crush Press
10 slingshot
10 Squat-Press Crush
10 slingshot
10 Squat-Press Crush
10 slingshot
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch/Press at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch/Squat/Press at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch/Squat/Press at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing

Thursday, November 25, 2010

10 min of swings & primal diet

Ate pretty well. Stayed primal/paleo except for the pecan pie, which I was planning on enjoying the heck out of.

I enjoyed the hell out of it. :)

@ a hotel w/ a 24kg bell. Did :15/:15 swing variations for 10min.
Hit the pool and the hot tub.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Snatch Workout + PM Swings

24kg 5/5 Swings on the minute for 16 mins (160 snatches)


32kg Heavy Swings for class warmup
16kg light swing roundabout for 10 minutes for class finisher


That time of the year again.

Just wanted to drop a quick note to all my current and previous students who have made the past year a big hit.


Seriously, a big thanks to all of you guys. We started off rocky and even had to cancel one class for lack of participants. Now, the room is filled to capacity and folks are signing up on a waiting list!

And now to more serious matters
We are entering THE DANGER SEASON....
Its cold.
Its dark.
And we have two big feedlot holidays coming up. Here's some hard fought advice I have learned over the years.

1. Strive to eat as healthy as you can. For me, that means I start with a big salad, followed by steamed veggies and finally a nice big helping of protein (turkey, etc...). As
I follow a primal diet, I will be skipping a lot of carbs this year compared to previous
seasons. No potatoes, chips, bread, cookies, candy, etc... With 1 exception. See #6

2. Go slow. We eat too fast. Slow it down, talk more in between forkfuls. We all
know it takes some time for our bodies to register that we are full. So go slow. Here is a
another good tip I picked up from Ori Hofmeckler's Warrior Diet:

Eat till you feel thirsty.

Turns out that an early sign that you are full is a mild thirst.  

3. Exercise. Go for a walk before and/or after your meals. Maybe do 10 swings between plates?!!

4. Learn to recognize Non-Scale-Victories (NSV's).
While I was doing weight watchers (life member, btw) they really hammered us on NSV's. So what is an NSV? Here's an example: The past month my weight has not moved 1 single pound. Frustrating? Annoying? Aggravating?

It might be, except that I whipped out the tailors tape and realized I have dropped an inch off of my belly, chest and thighs. Plus I look leaner in the mirror. I also bought some new pants that I had been holding off purchasing because I was afraid I might gain back some weight.

The result? In the past year, I went from a size 36 waist to a 32. And most of that success came after I got REALLY serious about my diet in July. W00t!

5. External Validation. This is somewhat dicey, in that you don't want your selfworth based on what others think, but sometimes it can really help. My wife has been quite helpful in reminding me that have made some great gains. You see, it's harder for me to see the changes. Afterall, what I see in the mirror today is pretty much what I saw in the mirror yesterday. My wife helps put it in perspective.

6.Finally, enjoy yourself.
You will remember a great holiday season long after any dietary speed bumps are forgotten. The average American will put on 1-2#'s this holiday season. A good diet and some moderate exercise will burn 1-2#'s a week. So, worst case scenario, you are looking at a 1-2 week detour in your goals. Plus, as Russian Kettlebell practitioners, none of you are average.

Personally, I will be having a slice of my aunt-in-law's world famous pecan pie. It's a once a year treat that I really look forward to. Bear in mind, my goal will be just one slice (unlike previous years where I might have half a pie!)

Be well everyone, and again, thank you!


Monday, November 22, 2010

Snatch warmup + KBB-2-A

24kg 5/5 on the minute snatches
5 mins

24kg TGU

24kg GS to start, then did Double 24kg Front Squats
24kg Renegade Rows

Friday, November 19, 2010

Snatch & Conditioning.

130 16kg snatches in 7mins before class....

PM Class....
Swing Workout

10 1H-Swings
10 1H-Swings
10 Hot Potatoes
10 1H High Pulls
10 1H High Pulls
10 Hot Potatoes
10 1H-Swings
10 1H-Swings
10 Hot Potatoes
10 HTH Swing
10 HTH Swing
10 Hot Potatoes
10 Dead Clean L
10 Dead Clean R
10 Hot Potatoes
10 C&P L
10 C&P R
10 Hot Potatoes

1 TGU/Down
1 TGU (stay upright)
1 OH Squat
10 Swings
1 TGU/Down
1 OH Squat
10 Swings

10 slingshot
10 Crush Squat
10 slingshot
10 Crush Press
10 slingshot
10 Squat-Press Crush
10 slingshot
10 Squat-Press Crush
10 slingshot
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch/Press at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch/Squat/Press at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch/Squat/Press at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing

Repeat Swing & TGU routine

Finished with 5mins of roundabout swings (Tracy Rif style)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Sunday Snatch

Arithmetic is not a kettlebell instructor requirement. I usually tell my students this as I miscount how many reps they have left. I did it to myself today. misread program and did 192 (24kg) kb snatches in stead of 160. I wondered why I was gassed!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

On belay

Was supposed to do some snatches....well,  160  to be precise,  but I ended up being a belay-slave for a climbing wall birthday party with my daughter... A good time was had by all...

Friday, November 12, 2010

AM Burn

Feeling sluggish this AM.
Led AM class wiht KBB A (week 1)
Used light weight (16kg) and took many breaks.

Decided to skip the swings at he end and teach them the windmill instead.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Basement of Pain

met w/ the FemBots today. Did one of their routines. G-d help me.

I used a 24kg for all unless otherwise noted.

Part I, repeat 3x's
20 sec. dead lifts
40 sec. 2-hand swing
30 sec. plank
1 min. jump rope or jumping jacks or jumping lunges or battling ropes (i did jumprope and battling ropes)
5 each deadlifts/5 right lunges/5 left lunges
5 right/5 left rows (or renegade rows)
20 sec. dead lifts
40 sec. 2 hand swing
30 sec. plank
1 min. jump rope or jumping jacks or jumping lunges
10 sec. hot potato/10 sec. over head press (16kg bell)
10 sec. cleans 
I used a 24kg for all unless otherwise noted.
Part II, repeat 3x's:
TGU, 1 each side
V ups, 10 x's 
Skull crushers, 10 x's (16kg)
Kettlebell sit ups, 10 x's (16kg)

I used a 16kg 
Part III, Kettlebell Challenge:  
Alternate 10 swings with burpees, starting with 1 burpee and adding another one after each swing set, till you get to
10 swings/10 burpees. 
The point is to try to get this in under 7 minutes.
I personally managed 9 sets in 7 minutes using the 16kg. 
FemBots did 10sets in 7 minutes.
They are machines!

AM Class

Ran AM thru KBB-B, did some 28kg C&P to demo the routine. Also led the Swing finisher w/ a 24kg (light day)

RKC Prep: Heavy Swing + PM Class


10x5 32kg Swings

15min of 24kg TGU

Then ran PM Class through Burn-B. I didnt train witht hem the whole time, but I definitely led the Swing finisher at the end with a 32kg.

My hip-pop has become amazing since starting the rkc:prep/heavy swing training!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Easy day...

Monday, November 8, 2010

KBB 2.0 w/ AM Class

Did Phase 1, A with class using 24kg for GU and 32kg for the GS, rows, and swings..


Saturday, November 6, 2010

RKC Prep: Density 160 Snatches

24kg Snatches
4/4 on the minute for 20 minutes...
160 Snatches

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Heavy Swings + Snatches + PM Class + more heavy swings

Training the Missus.

A mishmash of 2H Swings, Goblet Squats, Goblet Press (2arm overhead press).
Also taught her the high pull.
Appx 30 mins of effort using 5 and 10 rep sets.

For myself, I used 32kg for some 1h and 2h swings. Trying to really pop it up, make it float.

Hoping to get a 7min snatch test in before class tonight. Might have to happen after class. We'll see. All part of the RKC prep

Trained w/ PM Class:
10 GS, IGYG (observe knee's at bottom)
Repeat 2x

5 Clean + 5 Front Squat + 5 Press
Repeat other side

6x5 1H Heavy Swings (Ideal: Female: 20kg, Male: 28kg)

Short Bridge x25
Plank :30
Short Bridge x25

5 Alternating GUSU each side

Russian Twists 1:00

Reaction Goblet Squat (30:30)
5 1h Swings
Reaction Goblet Squat (30:30)
5 1h Swings
Reaction Goblet Squat (30:30)

5 High Pulls
5 2h swings
5 Presses
Repeat other side

5 Goblet Squats (pause at bottom)
5 Sumo Squats
5 Cossacks

5 Clean + 5 Front Squat + 5 Press
Repeat other side

6x5 1H Heavy Swings (Ideal: Female: 20kg, Male: 28kg)

Swing Finishers after small rest
30:30 any swing type. threw in a :30 GS set too.
I used a 32kg for some more heavy work...

Monday, November 1, 2010

Heavy Swings

32kg Swings 11x5

Focos on really making the bell float at the top (chest height).