Thursday, November 4, 2010

Heavy Swings + Snatches + PM Class + more heavy swings

Training the Missus.

A mishmash of 2H Swings, Goblet Squats, Goblet Press (2arm overhead press).
Also taught her the high pull.
Appx 30 mins of effort using 5 and 10 rep sets.

For myself, I used 32kg for some 1h and 2h swings. Trying to really pop it up, make it float.

Hoping to get a 7min snatch test in before class tonight. Might have to happen after class. We'll see. All part of the RKC prep

Trained w/ PM Class:
10 GS, IGYG (observe knee's at bottom)
Repeat 2x

5 Clean + 5 Front Squat + 5 Press
Repeat other side

6x5 1H Heavy Swings (Ideal: Female: 20kg, Male: 28kg)

Short Bridge x25
Plank :30
Short Bridge x25

5 Alternating GUSU each side

Russian Twists 1:00

Reaction Goblet Squat (30:30)
5 1h Swings
Reaction Goblet Squat (30:30)
5 1h Swings
Reaction Goblet Squat (30:30)

5 High Pulls
5 2h swings
5 Presses
Repeat other side

5 Goblet Squats (pause at bottom)
5 Sumo Squats
5 Cossacks

5 Clean + 5 Front Squat + 5 Press
Repeat other side

6x5 1H Heavy Swings (Ideal: Female: 20kg, Male: 28kg)

Swing Finishers after small rest
30:30 any swing type. threw in a :30 GS set too.
I used a 32kg for some more heavy work...


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