I was also looking over some of Stew Smiths's books (Maximum Fitness and SpecOps Workout). I am going on travel for 5 days and won't have my bells with me so I need some body weight ideas to take with me. The hard part will be finding a place to do pull ups. Hrrmmm...
I just bought his Advanced Combat Fitness eBook. I will post up what I think about after I have a chance to mess with it.
If you haven't see them (fitdeck.com), its a deck of exercise cards. Shuffle 'em and start cranking out the pictured exercise. The randomness of the deck can really mess with you. One day you start with squats and this, bah, this is sissy stuff. The next day squats land at the end of your 50 minute workout and you practically die from the squats.
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