- Halos
- Pumps
- Goblet Squats
- Managed to squeak out 18 sets. 126 snatches, not too bad, but I have a long way to go.
I am still fighting with breathing and form, but its slowly getting better. I am increasing at around 5% per session... I'm hoping things will click and I will soon be able to get some larger numbers.
I have noticed that on VWC days, I have A LOT more energy during the day. I must say, i really like that!
VWC is very much a mental game.
I am also knocking around the idea of doing VWC on M,W,F and various Strength routines on the other days. We'll see how that plays out.
My 96# KB should be here weds, tiem for soem heavy swings, hooah!
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