Saturday, February 27, 2010

New Program

Decided to test out new program I will run at Y

-= Warmup =-
with 24kg->
5 1H DL Left / Right
10 2h SW
5 1H DL Left / Right
10 SW
5 1H DL Left / Right
10 2h SW
5 1H DL Left / Right
10 2h SW
---- 10 Min ----

-= Work =-
with 16kg->

5 Goblet High Pull
6 Bodyweight Squats
5 Goblet High Pull
10 Goblet Squat

6 Goblet High Pull
6 Bodyweight Squats
6 Goblet High Pull
9 Goblet Squat

7 Goblet High Pull
7 Bodyweight Squats
7 Goblet High Pull
8 Goblet Squat

8 Goblet High Pull
8 Bodyweight Squats
8 Goblet High Pull
7 Goblet Squat

9 Goblet High Pull
9 Bodyweight Squats
9 Goblet High Pull
6 Goblet Squat

10 Goblet High Pull
10 Bodyweight Squats
10 Goblet High Pull
5 Goblet Squat

---- 15 min ----

30sec plank
10 goblet press - rest remainder of 30 sec
30sec plank
10 goblet press - rest remainder of 30 sec
30sec plank
10 goblet press - rest remainder of 30 sec
30sec plank
** too long on plank for new folks. Try 20sec

---- 10 min ----
rest 1 min

10 farmer dl left
10 farmer dl right
10 farmer dl left
10 farmer dl right
- 40 min total

Other ideas:
Adding CC Wall PU
Russian Twists
Hot Potato
Cool downs?

Team Leader

Mosey'ed down to Albuquerque Friday to meet w/ my Team Leader (Highest Ranked kettlebell guy in the state) for some one-on-one time.

I went for a form check up and some help on designing a program for my local Y utilizing basic skills.

The funny thing was, I spend all this time telling my clients, "Are you glutes/abs,quads,lats tight? TIGHT! TIGHTER, TIGHTER!"

So while checking my form, care to guess what he told me? Yup, Keep those glutes tight!

He said its normal for folks who have been doing this for a while to loosen up a bit. We naturally seek a more efficient way to do things, in my case I would release tension a bit at the top of my swing. It conserves energy, which is what we naturally gravitate to. So, just like my clients, I am "learning" the basics with them!

He also helped me re-groove the C&P using a more vertical arm. Its a bit hard to explain, but if you have Return of the Kettlebell, look an Kenneth Jay's form on the Viking Push Press. The C&P is very similar with respect to the how vertical the forearms are. I will try to post a picture later on of what I mean.

He also helped me with some elbow pain using Z-Health drills. All of it R and I-phase stuff. This coupled with my new swing, my new C&P, life should be much better for me.

More later...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

ROP wk 5

C&P Ladders

1-16kg L, 1-16kg R
1 Tactical Pullup
2-16kg L, 2-16kg R
2 Tactical Pullup
3-16kg L, 2-16kg R
3 Tactical Pullup
Rest 1 min
Repeat 5x total.

16kg 1H Swings
50 L
Rest 20sec
50 R
Rest 20sec
Repeat for 8 min
total sets=4, 200 Snwings total.

Monday, February 22, 2010

ETK Variety - AOS: Providence

Rounds 1-6
16kg Swings
16kg Dead Cleans
16kg Chest Press (tweaked elbows! yuck...lighter next round....)
16kg FS/Sumo Squats
16kg one-leg DL
12kg Windmill/ OH Squat

Part 2
16kg Swings
16kg Dead Cleans
8kg Chest Press
16kg FS/Sumo Squats
16kg one-leg DL
12kg Windmill/ OH Squat

Sunday, February 21, 2010

ROP wk 5

C&P Ladders

1-16kg L, 1-16kg R
1 Tactical Pullup
2-16kg L, 2-16kg R
2 Tactical Pullup
3-16kg L, 2-16kg R
3 Tactical Pullup
Rest 1 min
Repeat 3x total.

16kg Snatches
10 L, 10 R
Rest 1 min
Repeat for 5 min
total sets=3, 60 Snatches total.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

TKD - Belt Test

Last night was a belt test for TKD, as such no KB work. I needed to be fresh and focused.


The review of my forms was that they were strong. They were fast. Now I just need to make them perfect.

It was also mentioned that I am not a typical "low level" student as I have had Kung Fu and some TKD in my distant past. :)

The 1-step sparring went well.

The kicker? the "1 minute" full contact sparring sessions. OMFG! I dont doubt that they were 1 minute long, but they felt like freaking forever!

My classmate was testing for his green belt and he had to do fice (FIVE!) 1-minute rounds.

I an dreading those tests!

Since I was going back to ETK basics w/ my KB work, I pulled snatches out of my routines.

Guess whats going back into my workout diet?!

Next week I start the ROP program which incoporates snatches, so that is good, but I need to work on my VO2Max training. Viking Warrior Conditioning Baby!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Medium day. Belt test tomorrow.

16kg 1-Arm Swing 50 reps Left
1 min active recovery
16kg 1-Arm Swing 50 reps Right
1 min active recovery
16kg 1-Arm Swing 50 reps Left
1 min active recovery
16kg 1-Arm Swing 50 reps Right
1 min active recovery

Appx 10 minutes worth of swings.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Swings & G Squats

Took my bells for a walk to the park w/ the missus.

8kg & 16kg Farmers walk with an occarsional overhead press walk.

At the part we did 5 sets of 10 rep swings, me doing 1-arm 16kg and her 2-arm 8kg variant

Next we did a see-saw ladder w/ Swings and Goblet squats:

1 Goblet Squat - 10 Swings
2 Goblet Squat - 9 Swings
3 Goblet Squat - 8 Swings
4 Goblet Squat - 8 Swings
5 Goblet Squat - 7 Swings
6 Goblet Squat - 6 Swings
7 Goblet Squat - 5 Swings
8 Goblet Squat - 4 Swings
9 Goblet Squat - 3 Swings
10 Goblet Squat - 2 Swings

I also worked in 2 sets of 16kg snatches per arm.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

ET Week 3 redux

Still working on ETK Week 3

16kg 1-arm swing, 40 reps left
1 minute easy jog
16kg 1-arm swing, 40 reps right
1 minute easy jog
16kg 1-arm swing, 40 reps left
1 minute easy jog
16kg 1-arm swing, 40 reps right
1 minute easy jog
16kg 1-arm swing, 40 reps left
1 minute easy jog
16kg 1-arm swing, 40 reps right
1 minute easy jog
Appx 13minutes of work.

40 reps! W00t! It was tough towards the end, but I did it.

16kg Snatch- 10 reps right
16kg Snatch- 10 reps left
Double 16kg Snatch- 6 reps
Double 16kg c&j- 6 reps
16kg Snatch- 10 reps right
16kg Snatch- 10 reps left

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

ETK week 3, TKD Tonight

more or less starting ETK Week 3

Clubbel warmup

16kg 1-arm swing, 40 reps right
1 minute easy jog
16kg 1-arm swing, 40 reps left
1 minute easy jog
16kg 1-arm swing, 40 reps right
1 minute easy jog
16kg 1-arm swing, 40 reps left
1 minute easy jog
16kg 1-arm swing, 40 reps right
1 minute easy jog
16kg 1-arm swing, 40 reps left
1 minute easy jog
Appx 13minutes of work.

40 reps! W00t! It was tough towards the end, but I did it.

TKD tonight

ETK still week 2

Tuesday's ETK Workout

Wall Squats x10
16kg Halos x10 each side
Pumps x10
Repeat for 10 min.

16kg 1H-Swings 30reps Right
1 Minute Active recovery (easy jogs)
16kg 1H-Swings 30reps Left
1 Minute Active recovery (easy jogs)
16kg 1H-Swings 30reps Right
1 Minute Active recovery (easy jogs)
16kg 1H-Swings 30reps Left
1 Minute Active recovery (easy jogs)
16kg 1H-Swings 30reps Right
1 Minute Active recovery (easy jogs)
16kg 1H-Swings 30reps Left
1 Minute Active recovery (easy jogs)
12 minutes total

30 reps for 1H Swings is really working me.
Supposed to do 40 reps next week!

Monday, February 8, 2010

TKD Tonight

Studied 1-steps, forms and self defense tonight. All in prep for belt test nest week.

Kettlebells tomorrow!

Friday, February 5, 2010

ETK - Week Two cont..

Wall Squats x10
16kg Halos x10 each side
Pumps x10
Repeat for 10 min.

16kg 1H-Swings 30reps Right
1 Minute Active recovery (easy jogs)
16kg 1H-Swings 30reps Left
1 Minute Active recovery (Jumping Jacks)
16kg 1H-Swings 30reps Right
1 Minute Active recovery (easy jogs)
16kg 1H-Swings 30reps Left
1 Minute Active recovery (Jumping Jacks)
16kg 1H-Swings 30reps Right
1 Minute Active recovery (easy jogs)
16kg 1H-Swings 30reps Left
12 minutes total

First day with 30 reps for the swings and I feel it!

Skills training:
16kg Jerk 10 each side
16kg Windmill 4 each side
16kg Corkscrew bent press 5 each side.

5 Tactical Pullups

Cool down:
16kg RKC Arm bars

Other notes:
My Left knee is still sore from a bruise I incurred sometime last week.
I was working on some hip prying on hard linoleum and bruised it somehow, although there is no visible bruising, anytime I try to do a get up on the knee it HURTS!

So, no GU for a while.