Thursday, February 18, 2010

TKD - Belt Test

Last night was a belt test for TKD, as such no KB work. I needed to be fresh and focused.


The review of my forms was that they were strong. They were fast. Now I just need to make them perfect.

It was also mentioned that I am not a typical "low level" student as I have had Kung Fu and some TKD in my distant past. :)

The 1-step sparring went well.

The kicker? the "1 minute" full contact sparring sessions. OMFG! I dont doubt that they were 1 minute long, but they felt like freaking forever!

My classmate was testing for his green belt and he had to do fice (FIVE!) 1-minute rounds.

I an dreading those tests!

Since I was going back to ETK basics w/ my KB work, I pulled snatches out of my routines.

Guess whats going back into my workout diet?!

Next week I start the ROP program which incoporates snatches, so that is good, but I need to work on my VO2Max training. Viking Warrior Conditioning Baby!


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