Sunday, October 31, 2010

Level 1 Skills Class

Today at 1pm.

Gonna make 'em sore.

Most of them will also be at my 6am class tomorrow!

Introduction to Kettlebell Training this Sunday

This is where the fun begins. Learn the essential techniques for training with kettlebells safely and effectively.
An intense course designed to teach you cornerstone kettlebell movements, this course is a prerequisite for the AM and PM kettlebell classes.

Topics include joint mobility, basic techniques, and core kettlebell movements. This class is offered once a month and is approximately 2 hours of instruction. FLAT soled shoes required (chuck taylors, converse, vans, vibram fivefingers, wrestling, powerlifting shoes etc…).
Bring: Flat-soled shoes. Water bottle. Hand towel.
Sunday Oct 31st @ 1pm
Duration: 2 hours
Cost: $30

Call or email for details...

RKC-Prep tuneup

Met w/ Sr.RKC Zar Horton for a RKC-prep tuneup...

I am always amazed by the high level of teaching the RKC world fosters.
Zar was able to notice some small subtle incorrect movements in my knees. A little tweak, problem solved.
Shoulder was tender from hvy presses a few weeks back. A few T-Phase Z-Health drills, pain gone. Killer stuff..

Also came away with some suggested RKC-prep training to do.

Monday, October 25, 2010

c&p - pulup ladders, snatches

28kg 3 ladders/ 3 rungs

28kg Snatch 10l/10r

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Basement Ballistics

Met w/ Joy & Lorilee at L's basement for some ballistic KB training.

Rest as needed.

floorpress – 5 each side
Bicycle with legs only, arms holding two kb’s in a double press – 10 times
v-up’s – 5 times

cleans, 3 ea. side
10 mountain climbers
5 V-ups
Repeat 4x

floorpress – 5 each side
Bicycle with legs only, arms holding two kb’s in a double press – 10 times
v-up’s – 5 times

C&P 3-rung Ladder 1, 2, 3
Between each rung, do 5 snatches each arm

Double cleans, 5 times (remember, try to stay heavy)
Reverse lunge, 2 each side
20 mountain climbers

floorpress – 5 each side
Bicycle with legs only, arms holding two kb’s in a double press – 20 times
v-up’s – 10 times

7. 1H-Swing Ladder (4, 5, 6, 7)

8. Alternating Getups for 5 minutes

9. Snatch Ladder (4,5,6,7)

Goblet squat, heavy, 5x’s
5 push ups

floorpress – 5 each side
Bicycle with legs only, arms holding two kb’s in a double press – 10 times
v-up’s – 5 times

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

C&P + Swings

Appx Week 8 of RoP

5 ladders / 3 Rungs, 24kg
32kg 1arm rows

24kg 10 left, 10 right. Rest 1 min. Repeat 4x in 8 min.
Publish Post

Sunday, October 17, 2010

5k Chi Run

Not exactly screaming fast, but not bad considering this my 5th run of the year...(started end of September)

202# on the bathroom scale

Saturday, October 16, 2010

C&P Test + Swings

Goal: 5rungs/5 ladders of 24kg with 28kg 1arm rows
Ladder One: 5 rungs, rest 2min
Ladder Two: 4 rungs, rest 2min
Ladder Three: 4 rungs, rest 2min
Ladder Four: three rungs + another  3rd rung
Ladder Five: 3 rungs

5min of swings. Timer set to :15 repeating
8-10 reps per 15 sec. Some 1 min sets thrown in.
Used 2H and 1H and  alternating.

Ok, well, my dreams of nailing 5 ladders of 5 rungs were shot down. So what does this mean?
Per Enter the Kettlebell, I cannot move up to the next weight until I can do 5x5

My plan is to do 5 ladders with 3 rungs on Monday, 4 rungs on Weds and see if I can do 5x5 next Sat.
This more or less puts me at week 8 of RoP from ETK.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Primal Workout of The Week: Cave Burpees

100 full burpee's for time.
Took me 13m45s
Slow compared to other primals, but damn, that was a kickbutt workout!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

heavy swinging...

5min of
5 Wall Squats
5 Pumps
5 Halos

10min of:
32kg 2H Swings 20 reps
rest 1min
(training w/ the missus (she's doing Program Minimum))

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

RoP: C&P + Rows + Swings

 Shoulder feeling better, still sticking w/ 24kg. No Pullups yet.

24kg C&P 5 ladders, 4 rungs
24kg 1Arm Row 5 ladders, 4 rungs

8min 24kg 2h Swings 50reps - rest 20:
Swing 50r
rest 20sec
swing 30 rest Swing 10 rest Swing 10
rest 20
swings 20r rest swings 5r

Monday, October 11, 2010

c&p + rows + swings

going lighter today due to tender mid delt

24kg 2h swing 20reps

24kg C&P - 5 Ladders with 3 rungs per side + 24kg Double Row

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Saturdy Mixup

2.27mile chi run

50yd sprint x2
10 push ups
50yd sprint x2
10 swingset knee tucks
10 pushups
10 swingset knee tucks
10 pushups
75yd sprint x2
10 incline pulls
10 incline pushups
1:00 static top of dip
10 incline pull
10 incline pushups
10 plyo wall hops
10 box squats mid thigh
10 cossacks

Monday, October 4, 2010

RoP C&P + Snatches

28kg C&P
3 ladders of 3 Rungs
(rest 2min between ladders)

28kg Snatches
10 Left
10 Right
Rest 1 min.
repeated for 5:45sec
Managed 3sets each side, 60 total

Sunday, October 3, 2010

202 am

202# this morning...
Coming off the heals of an 18hr fast yesterday.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

5k ChiRun

Went for my first 5k ChiRun on blacktop in my vibrams (I have done some trail runs in the past that were probably 5K+)

Used 175 BPM on my metronome. Stayed mostly in 2nd gear.

My stopwatch glitched, so I dont know the total run time, but it was a pretty relaxed pace, 9min/miles maybe? I wasnt going for the gold, just trying to get my volume up.

No aches, pains, or new war wounds to impress the ladies with.

Friday, October 1, 2010

RoP: Presses & Swings

28kg C&P 3 ladders of 3 Rungs
Pullup ladders
rest 1min between rungs

28kg Swings
25 Left
rest 10 sec
25 Right
rest 10 sec
 25 2h Swings
rest 10 sec
 25 2h Swings (Set bell down at rep 9 to breathe!)
rest 10 sec
 25 2h Swings (Set bell down at rep 9 to breathe!)
Total time 6 min.

 Tweaked left delt a bit. Reckon I am lifting shoulder a bit. Will drop weight next session and watch movement in the mirror.

Mark Rifkind mentions thinking about the pivot point for the press is actually at the insertion of the lat in the humerus. So don't think of pressing from shoulder joint.