Friday, September 10, 2010

Tracy's "15min routine"

Playing around with swings and my new flip camera. (no vid in this post, sorry)
So I did her "15 min swing workout" from her new DVD, which is good stuff btw.

I did appx 262 swings during her "15min routine" (actually 11min 15sec), but the first time around I used a 16kg, mostly to try and match her 10rep/15 sec pace.

After reviewing my swings I was horrified. I had a slight arc in my back. Nothing that hurt, but clear as day on the video. So then I rewound the disc and tried it again, making a point to get a better arc in my spine.
Didnt work. Up to 525 swings now...

Rewound DVD and grabbed the 24kg and did about 40 more swings.
Better, but not what I wanted.
Rewound it again (by now I am only doing 40 or 50 swings per rewind doing half w/ 16kg and half w/ 24kg)

I have no idea how many swings I did today, but in the neighborhood of 800 swings seems a good stab....

Some things I need to fix/be aware of:
  • I must really make a point of arching back when I am down low, about to start swinging. Make sure I have an anterior tilt on pelvis.
  • Keep eyes on horizon, lift head a little at the bottom. I was really looking too far down.) 
  • Pull up the kneecaps. I noticed that once I forgot to do that, my glutes stopped firing as hard.
  • Practice AP thoracic glides from Z-health
  • Practice 'Chickens' from Z-health
  • Practice more swings...
The 11min15sec workout: (Gymboss set for :15on :15off)
2H swing (10 reps)
1H transfers (10)
2h swings (speed) (12)
1H transfers (10)
2H swing (10 reps) +  1H transfers (10) (30 secs total)
rest :30
2h swings (speed) (12) + 1H transfers (10)(30 secs total)
rest :30
1H transfers (10) +  2h swings (speed) (12) (30 secs total)
rest :30
(1) 1H-swing + (1) transfer, switch hands, repeat 10x (20 reps total)
rest :30
(1) 1H-swing + (1) transfer, switch hands, repeat 10x (20 reps total) + (2) 2H swings (working in to rest at this point)
rest less than :30
(4) 1H-swing + (1) transfer, switch hands, repeat 10x (20 reps total) + (4) 2H swings
rest  less than :30
(4) 1H-swing + (1) transfer, switch hands, repeat 10x (20 reps total) + (6) 2H swings
rest  less than :30
(10) 1h swing (left) +  (10) 1h swing (right) + 2h-swing (8)
rest less than :30
(10) 1h swing (left) +  (10) 1h swing (right) + 2h-swing (10)
rest less than :30
2H-swing (10)


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