Monday, December 20, 2010

How to Challenge Yourself...

Work out with women.

Seriously. Friday was my first session after a 1 week haitus due to what I thought was surely the Zombie Flu.
Turns out it was just an upper respiratory infection.

So I met up with two Alpha Fembots...Which is actually redundant, because all of my fembots are Alpha's.

Whats a fembot?
It's a reference to the killer robots in the Austin Powers movies. Machines. Unfeeling, hardcore machines that wish to kill me. Or so it seems while I am training with them.

Ya see, most of my students (about 75%) are women. Why? I dunno, it seems hard to bring guys is when they are used to bench pressing buicks, and you hand them a 35# kettlebell.....which smokes them...

But I digress, Feeling almost un-undead on Friday I met up with two 'students' for a double kettlebell session.
I presented a page out of Geoff's KB Muscle book.
I was not sure how many sets we would end up doing, as we have never tackled KBMuscle before.
In the end, using bells we could comfortably press 10x, we did 5 sets...(I actually was a little light, using two 16kilo's, but my lungs and body were not quite ready for a double 24k session.)

Took us about 15 minutes. So, thinking we were done, I tried to make my way to the door.
They wouldnt let me pass. I guess there was more work to do.


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