Friday, June 25, 2010

KBB Phase 2 Part A

Challenge Day.
Decided to see if my 10RM needed for the GS is really ona 32kg.
So I did the 8reps using a 40kg. Guess what? I did it! Booo-yah!

After Monday's performance with the 24kg on the TGU i dropped down to a 20kg so I could do 3 reps in a row.
20kg TGU 3reps Left, then 3 reps Right.
repeat 4x in 15min
Rest 3 Min

Metabolic Pairings:
40kg Goblet Squat for 8 reps
32kg Staggered Stance Row (similar to 1-arm but back leg is much closer.
Repeated 5x/sied for 15min
rest 4 min...

24kg 1H-Swing 15:15
goal: 10 minutes.
Actual: 5m30s minute.before form got messy.
Needs work!


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