But first, good job last night. Except for [redacted] who now has an unexcused absence on her permanent record.
Two things, one toxins, and one about dieting.
First and foremost, a report came out several months ago about high lead and/or cadmium levels on an undisclosed brand of Chinese made kettlebells. Which brand? No one is saying (fear of lawsuits, eh?). The problem, with the exception of perhaps two brands, all KB's are made in China!
So follow simple lead safety guidelines: When you are done handling, well, really any metal, wash your hands. The primary route for this type of lead poisoning is through ingestion, not touching. Wash your hands after class!
Now I have no idea if the bells we use are bad. Truthfully, I have used this brand for years and have not see any signs of lead toxicity. Be prudent. Wash your hands. I would apply this to all metal contact (including dumbbells, barbells plates, etc..)
I just read Dan John's 'Never Let Go' book and he had an interesting piece of advice on dieting.His recommendation?
Go hardcore for one month.
For one month follow whatever plan you are on to a tee.
You see, one strict month is manageable for most of us.
Its easier to resist the donuts or candy machine for one month, than it is to resist them when you are on the forever diet plan that most of us employ.
I personally have taken this advice to heart and I am telling you it makes your will power so much stronger.
I know I know, you guys are thinking, but Sean, you are like a freaking manly man adonis, you dont need to diet! (I hope your laughing now...)
Well, sadly, I do. I am really struggling with "the last 20 pounds". And truthfully I have been for nearly a year. There is some mystical magical barrier that my body throws up when I hit this weight. Its evil. So I have been super strict, following my diet plan and things are starting to happen.
Best of all, the results are spurring me on. I am going to try 1 more month of strictness. After that, I may switch to a muscle building plan, or maybe just a maintenance plan, and then I will come back to my diet.
Finally, here is one of my fav quotes:
“We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” -Jim Rohn
Where were you a year ago? What if you had been disciplined one year ago, where would you be? Where do you want to be in one year?
Have a good weekend , see you Tuesday, when we watch [redacted] perform a bulgarian split squat snatch windmill triple lindsey for the class to make penance for missing Thursday.
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