Saturday, November 12, 2011
Back at it.... c&p
Steve Maxwell Advancced Joint Moblity Routine
Some Relax into Stretch exercises for hips and shoulders
A few Z-health toe pulls
24kg C&P Ladders (note the decreased weight. I am trying to build back up w/o injury)
5 Rung Ladder x 3 sets Rest for as long as needed to hit 5 rungs per set.
Goal was for 5 sets, but called up to help the missus.30mins worth of C&P work...
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
EKG Kettlebell Test
Using a 16kg, I scored 76.
Butt kicker. I started off too strong/too fast and lost some numbers in the final rounds as I was more gassed than the starting rounds.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Easy Peasy...
50% Snatch effort w/ 28kg:
Roll the bones.....7
68 Snatches in 7min
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Life interrupted + ETK: RoP
6AM KB class went well. I tortured them with John Wolf's EKG Bodyweight #1 Pre-Test, then had them do (5) 2-rung ladders, followed by :30/:30 snatches for 9 min.
Go to work and chaos has setup shop. Minimal Lunch, minimal time seated. go, go go!
Got home late and decided to do my C&P Medium day, but I did not add the Swings & Snatches like I normally do.
If I jam too hard at night, I can't sleep. So for today, 32kg 5x5 C&P.
See ya!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
EKG Bodyweight Test + "Easy" C&P day
Today was just a bodyweight pretest. I used it as a warmup, and it felt great. My hips really opened up thanks to the shinboxes and the sprawls.
Now I just need work to settledown enough that I can make it to my martial arts dojang so I can use some of these!
EKG Bodyweight Pretest, Level 1
8 rounds of tabata for each:
Shinbox Hip Extension: 3
Spinal Rock: 7
SL Kick+DL: 3
Mt Climber Sprawl: 5
Total: 18
Needed number to attempt KB Level 1 from EKG DVD: 18! Whew!
Now that I am warmed up, time for my "Easy" Clean & Press day... w/ 28kg
1,2,3 Ladder (oops, shoulda been 2 rungs lower than Hard day (4-2=2)
Rest as needed...Its supposed to be easy day after all..
50% Snatch Effort w/ 28kg....Roll the dice and....3+6. the dice hate me today..9 "EASY" minutes...
Took a little tweaking to figure out 50%...In the end, I matched 4 reps on each side for :30sec total. Rested 30sec. Repeat...
Total Reps: 66
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Dan johns 250 swing medley
With 28kg
25 2h sw
25 5/5/5/5/5
50 10/10/10/10/10
25 hth
25 5/5/5/5/5
25 10/10/5
25 hth
25 5/5/5/5/5
Time 12:12
Medium, w/ lorilee (WEDS)
32k swings to warmup
5/5 loaded cl X5
5/5 32k sw 10 darcsw 5/5 sw
#3,2,1 sn 2,2,1sn 1,1 sn
3/3 windmill
Pulloverz on park bench
10 w/16kg
10 w/ 16kg
5 w/ 32kg
5 w/ 32kg
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Hard Clean & Press
Per ETK I should use a bell that I can press 5-8 times, which I cannot really do on my left side with a 32kg, but I dont have an interim bell, so I said, screw it! Lets see what happens.
So I cannot quite make 3 full rungs w/ the 32kg. I did give it the old college try. In the end I needed to take a page fromt he 'How to press a heavier Bell' bonus section of ETK and used my off hand to 'assist as little as possible' the pressing side.
Below is my routine. I think I will go back to the 28kg for next weeks Hard day and see how I do with 4-rung ladders. I am hoping I shocked my system enough to get a strength bump.
32kg C&P 3-rung ladders
*assisted press on L side
*assisted press on L side
*push press on L side
Rolled 7 on 2 dice....So, 7 minutes of 32kg 1H-swings
20 HTH
20 HTH
120 swings total. Whew!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Hand Care
BUT, you need to stay on top of your callouses. If you dont, they will tear, which hurts. A lot. Torn up hands mean no bell work. We cant have that!
Below are 3 items I use for callous control.
The first is a simple glycerine-based, non-oily, hand lotion. (Corn Huskers Lotion) It is said to have skin toughening properties to it. I like it because its cheap and seems to do the job. And it doesnt smell like a flower garden. You can get it for a few bucks at walmat.
Next is a ped egg. Looks like a cheese grater, but not painful at all to use.
Finally, if you have some serious callous work to do, the tweezerman safety razor is great. But be careful, its possible to dig too deep and cut tender skin.
Looking for a stronger grip?
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
ETK Medium(?)
5x2 32kg TGU (Note, I had to just do the GeUP partm, no getDOWN as knee is still not trustworthy.)
(I skipped last 3 sets as form felt off and I did not want to injure myself)
5/5 40kg 1H Swing
10/10 40kg 1H Swing
10/10 40kg 1H Swing
5/5 32kg Snatches
5/5 32kg Snatches
5/5 32kg Snatches
Easy day, plus playing around w/ new exercises
Deadlifts. Pretty much have zero experience w/ deadlifting olympic bars. So today i found the rack empty.
Did a few reps @ 135, and few at 225. Cool, not bad for first time.
Also did my first weighted pullup w/ a 20kg bell on my foot. 2 reps. Again, not bad for my first time.
32kg C&P:
3 - 45s rest
4 - 60s
6 - 60s
5 - 45s
Monday, September 5, 2011
32kg C&P's
So today I decided to try a different approach, switch to a 32kg bell. My goal was to do 5 sets of 3-rung ladders, but became apparent I was not quite ready for that, so I did the following instead.
(32kg each side )
Set 1: 1,2,2
Set 2: 1,2,1 then 1 push press
Set 3: 1,2,1, then 1 assisted press (see ETK Bonus material)
Set 4: 1,2
No more juice, time to call it a day...
28kg Swings (medley of 1h, hth, and DARC swings)
106reps in 5min, resting as needed.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Loaded Cl + Some Snatch testing...
1/1x5 28kg Turkish Getups
10 2h SW 44kg
5/5 1h SW 40kg
5/5 32kg Snatches
1/1 40kg Snatch (PR)
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
C&P Easy Day | My First Ever SSST
Didnt have access to my working bell (28kg) so I bumped it up to 32kg.
5 Ladders, 2 rungs ea
30 reps total = 960kg = 2116#'s
6min of 32kg snatches.
5/5 (switched to lowering to rack before re-snatching)
44 reps total...= 1408kg = 3104#'s
5220# total..
Afterwork I was motivated by Brady Jones RKC to try my first SSST.
24kg Snatches. AMAP in 10 min.
I got 167. not bad for my first attempt.
FWIW: I hit 100 snatches at minute 4:45, so I am still able to meet my RKC requirement. :)
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Heavy Day
1,2,3,4 Rest 2min
1,2,3,3 Rest 3min
1,2,3,1 Rest 4min
1,2,3,1 Rest 5min
1,2,3,1 (almost did 2 reps at end)
Rolled the bones: 5min
1H 28kg swings, AMAP
104 total
So I played around with my rest times to see if I could hit that fourth rung...I think I should do 5min between all sets from now on.
I will shorten my rest period once I can hit 1,2,3,4 for all 5 sets.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Easy C&P + Snatches
28kg 1,2,3 (mistake, supposed to be 1,2)
32kg 1,1 (experiment)
28kg 1,2
28kg 1,2
28kg 1,2
28kg Snatches (50)
Time: 3m20sec
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Hard Day
1,2,3 (brief rest) 4
1,2,3 rest 3
Snatches planned for later today.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
28 kg C&P + Swings + Sqt thrusts
28kg C&P
5 ladders, 3 rungs ea
From an Alan Cosgrove Article:
28kg 2H Swings + Sqt Thrusts
Start at 8, ladder down...
8 Sw, 8 Sqt Thrusts
7 sw, 7 Sqt-thrusts.....
1 Sw, 1 Sqt Thrust
Conditioning Suicide!
As written, it should be 15 and 15, but I am not ready for that...YET!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Aarons complex & swimming
Some light swimming earlier in the day, then some kb complexes.
RKC Aaron Pierson sent me a complex to play with (using double 20's)
10 DSW
10 DSN
10 DCL&P
10 DSquats
10 deadlift+Burpees
10 Pushups
Felt good, all in all. I was a little worried about the dsn right after dsw, but i managed it well. Definitely took rests through-out.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Back at it! Rite of Passage with 28kg...
Heavy C&P Day
28kg 3 rungs
3 ladders
Managed to do 1 more ladder of 2 rungs. Per ETK, I stopped when I could not bang out that 3 rep.
Rolled the dice and came up with 8min of swings:
2H swings - 26reps
5L/5R x2 (20 reps)
2H swings - 20reps
5L/5R x2 (20 reps)
2H swings - 20reps
6L/6R x2 (added 1 more on last set to hit 25 reps)
2H swings - 5reps
136reps total
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Mon, Tues, Weds Rite of Passage
Ended up slinging iron w/ my class:
5 rung dl ladder
A5 rung sw ladder
5 rung gs+sw ladder
A2: Double Kettlebell Push Press - 2 x 15-20
A3: Explosive Push Up - 2 x 10-15
B1: Kettlebell Front Squat - 2 x 5-8ES
B2: Jump Squat - 2 x 10
C1: Double Kettlebell Row - 2 x 8-10
C2: Ballistic Kettlebell Row - 2 x 20
HE: Double Kettlebell Swing to High Pull - 4 x 30 sec ES
A2: Jump Squat - 2 x 30 sec
A3: 2-Hand Swing - 2 x 30 sec
A4: Jump Squat - 2 x 30 sec
A5: Sprawl - 2 x 30 sec
B2: Push Up - 2 x 30 sec
B3: Sumo Deadlift - 2 x 30 sec
B4: Push Up - 2 x 30 sec
B5: Goblet Squat - 2 x 30 sec
Tues: Off
Weds - Med day
A1. 32kg Loaded Clean 5/5 for 5 sets
A2. 32kg 5 sets of TGU
B1. 32kg Swings 10/10 for 2 sets
C1: 32kg Snatches. 2/2, 1/1 <- Grip/hand pain in Left palm is what cut this short. Need to work on my Left hand grip...
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Variety Day - Tacfit and a 5k
After a week of working on my press w/ the 28kg bell I decided I wanted to try a 32kg press.
Military Press
28kg 3/3
32kg 1/1
Today was not really meant to be a 'weightlifting' day, so I left it at this.
I have pressed the 32 in the past, so this was no real feat or PR for me, but it felt good and the 32 is feelin lighter than it ever has. My goal is to do double 40kg C&P on my 40th birthday. I have 6 months to go, but I suspect I will hit this PR much sooner.
After that I did the Recruit level of Tacfit Warrior.
This is a bodyweight program that is geared more around dynamic movements similar to martial arts/military conditioning, rather than raw strength building (like Convict Conditioning, which is also a terrific program.)
The system uses a tabata timing pattern for each 4min movement. I did this w/ a medium intensity/speed.
Spinal Rock
Monkey Front Lunge
Plank Pull
Rear Sit Thru Press
Sit Thru Extension (my students hate these!)
Shinbox Kick.
All told, its about an 30min program and you control the difficulty by upping or lowering your intensity/speed.
I will be starting this program full time next week so this was just a regrooving of the movements so its fresh in my mind.
If you want to see what you an achieve with Tacfit style of programming, check out these vids:
Still feeling good and a little antsy, I did a 5k run. This was probably my fist run in several months.
I utilize the Chi-Running method, which is very easy on the joints and feet. I wore my minimalist vivo-barefoot shoes and had no issues. I look back and think about all those crazy super-"supportive" running shoes I used to buy and have to laugh at myself. My new shoes are no cheaper than the old ones, but my fit and knees dont hurt anymore.
Here's a vid explaining ChiRunning
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
c&p hard day + swinga
28kg c&p ladders (3 rungs, 5 sets)
dice roll yielded 9 minutes of swings AMAP, resting when form sucks.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Heavy cleans + tgu
5/1 32kg tgu
(Straight outta etk:rop)
Left knee tweaky still, so I only did the "up" portion of the getup on that side...
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Sunday, July 3, 2011
Updates + Sissy Challenge...
Fortunately Joy and Lorilee came over Friday & Saturday to apply some much needed pressure to get me back into the swing of things...
Like most guys I work harder when there are women around who are stronger and faster than me.
Today's solo session was from Shane Englands RKC's 'The Edge Sissy Test Invitational '
Official Sissy Test Instructions:
Step 1:Start the timer
Step 2: Perform 25 burpees (If you do not know how to do a burpee, shame on you, and please do not attempt this challenge)
Step 3: Perform 1 kettlebell swing (If you do not know how to perform a proper kettlebell swing, shame on you, and please do not attempt this challenge). Bell size is your choice, but the weight should be moderate for you as you will be very tired and if your form breaks down Pavel will appear and kick you in the face.
Step 4: Perform 24 burpees
Step 5: Perform 2 kettlebell swings
Steps 6: Continue that pattern until you work down to 1 burpee and 25 kettlebell swings. If you are not smart enough to continue that pattern, then please do not attempt this challenge.
Step 7: Upon completing your 25th swing stop the timer. Note your time and go get a drink of choice.
My numbers (and remember we are at high altitude 6365')
325 burpees (the kind with pushups, no wimpy squat thrusts here!)
325 32kg two-handed Swings
Min HR: 82
Avg HR: 135
Max HR: 172
Calories: 1528
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Dbl SW, Dbl Cl,
DCL x6
10 sets
Scott Sonnon's Tacfit Warrior Cool Down Vid
5 min Foam roller

5min Cold Shower
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Death by Geoff
dbl 24kg FS
Sets of three for 25min...
20min Joint Mobility Work...
10min of contrast showers...
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Double ladders
Using 24k's
3 rung ladders for time.
7.667 sets
45 of each
Using 28k and a 24k (new 28 won't be in till tues next week)
Dsw ladders
5.6667 sets
76 of each
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Saturday, June 11, 2011
Friends in the Denver did a snatchapolooza workout yesterday, decided to stand with them and do one myself. 5/5 on the minute for 16 minutes (24kg) and 10/10 Power Snatches (32kg).
Wanted to do the SotM with the 32, but I think all the smog/wildfire smoke in the air is doggin' me. Plus I'm up high (6572 ASL), not like those lowlanders in Denver... :)
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
PM on Monday and Doubles today
Program Minimum, 30 1h-swings w/ 28k (heaviest I had with me)
today, with AM Class
DCl x5
DSq x5
DPr x5
Repeat 4x
Heavy sw (32kg) x 10
1 push up
10 hop skips
Med sw (24kg) x10
2 push ups
10 hop skips
Repeat 5x
Swing round about (20kg) 10min
Dcl+sfs+dpr Repeat 4x
Dcl+sfs+dpr Repeat 3x
Swing finishers 20kgs 30-30 5min
Saturday, June 4, 2011
10+ hrs sleep, KBM Heavy - Week 6! YEA!
Did KB Muscle on an empty stomach.
Week 6, 6 rounds w/ double 20's!
Had to throw in extra rests (as always), but I did it!
Now, the hard part, do I continue phase 2 (another 6 weeks, different sequences) or take a break and do something else?
Gotta admit, I'm a little burnt on the program, but maybe resetting and doing phase 2 will seem new and fresh again!?!?
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Intermittant Fast, KBM Meidum week 6, Primal Challenge, No Coffee!?!?!
It was my wifes b'day party and I prepared some good meats (brisket, hamburgers, hotdogs) there were a few veggies (not enough, but I was tied up @ the grill) and of course the obligatory cakes and ice creams.
I made a Gluten Free cake for the missus (who is gluten intolerant). I had some of her cake but I also had some of the regular cakes that others brought, and even some ice cream!
Now by and large, when I go off the diet I usually end up with VERY sore joints the next day. Like I feel 20 years older kind of joint pain. This time I didnt, but I wonder if thats because I didnt have as much refined white flour products? Not sure, but at about 7pm last night I decided to do a 24hr fast. Only allowed foods, my morning coffee (sans heavy cream) and water.
Fast forward 21 hours or so later.....
Got home from a trip to Wally-World and realized I still needed to do my Kettlebell Muscle Medium Day.
Gotta tell ya, I was not looking forward to this. I was already feeling a little weak, but I ok'd it with my ego that if I felt really bad or if my form was crap, I was cleared to stop at anytime.
First two sets were good, no need to set the bells down except when proscribed by the program.
Sets 3-7 however necessatated a brief (maybe 30 mississippi's max) in the middle. I just didn't have the juice to do the presses w/o a brief rest.
But I got all 7 rounds in, so I am very pleased with myself. :o)
I have another 3 hours left in this fast, but I'm going to call it good and have a small protein shake.
Might play around with Scott Sonnon's Tacfit Stress relief routine tonight, or at the very least tomorrow.
Starting June 1st, my students and I are going to do a Paleo/Primal/Whatever Challenge.
The idea is to eat clean/(primal) for 30 days.
I wont be pushing primal/paleo per say to those that don't want to, but I will ask them to eat clean. Basically if you have to read the ingredient list to tell whats it in, you probably shouldn't be eating it.
This challenge is based off of Crossfit New Englands Paleo Challenge. I made a few tweaks to work with my group and equipment restrictions. Personally, I would like to drop 10#'s of fat....Not weight, but FAT, so we'll see how this goes.
I am giving up my heavy cream (coffee) and am going to REALLY strive to not drink coffee this next month. Nothing wrong w/ coffee on a paleo diet per say, but I have a wicked addiction to it, and I cant help but think that I am driving my adrenals too hard.
See ya in a month!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
KBM wk5 - Heeeeeeeaaavvyyy
Test drive of Tacfit Warrior
Did the hard session Friday (yesterday) at lunch.
Recruit level. Not bad, some of the moves are reminiscent of ground fighting, some remind me of kettlebells. Good heart rate, good sweat. Basically 8 movements done to tabat timing.
6 min warmup drills
Workout, 8 sets of 20/10 with 1 min between drills. Appx 28 minutes
RPE: varied between 6-10 depending on drill.
Cooldown drills: 7min
The program is 28 days but I am not ready to tackle it yet (I want to at least finish KB Muscle Week 7)
Format is like this:
No Intensity Day (strain prevention) (RPE: 1-2)
Low Intensity Day (Stress Conversion) (RPE: 3-4)
Moderate Day (same workout as above, but not all out, keep RPE between 5-7)
High Intensity Day (RPE:8-10)
Friday, May 27, 2011
kbm easy day week 6 last night (updated: should've been wk 5)
Edit: Got off track this week, I should only be on week 5! oh well...Bonus work for me!
Gut check...
12.3% on Omron
36" across the button....
The omron analyzer is new, so no way of comparing that, but the weight is stable and the gut is shrinking.
Hard work pays.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
ProgMin - Heavy lunchtime
2h Swings x30reps
Goal was to not put it down in between, but my grip kept failing me. Time, just need more time
set 1: 30 reps
Active recovery 1 min
set 2: 24 reps + 6
set 3: 11reps + 6 +7 + 5
Active recovery 1 min
set 4: 11reps + 7 + 8 + 4
Active recovery 1 min
set 5: 11reps + 9 + 10
Active recovery 1 min
50 sec left on timer, decided to add another set when it expired
set 5: 12 reps + 6 +7 + 5
Active recovery 1 min
All tolled, 14min 3 secs
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Kb muscle week 6 medium (updated: should've been wk 5)
edit: got off track, should have been week 5 not 6, guess i did extra :
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Tues Lunch - Program Minimum
44kg 2h-swings
30 reps
1 min active recovery
repeat for 12 min
Got appx 5 sets in.
Mon AM
5 min
C&p ladders 5/5
5 min
Gusu 5/5
Rev lunge 5/5
10 min
Extremecardio fig 8...
change 4th ti last from sw+pr to just tri presses
:30/:30 swings till end of session, (about 2min today)
Friday, May 20, 2011
Am circuit, lunchtime Prog mi
W/ AM class:
1 min circuits :20 sec transition (amap unless otherwise noted) Battling ropes
Goblet squat
Double swings
Double Cleans
Halos 5 each direction, repeating
Pushups 10/10
1h swings 5/5 Presses, repeating
Bicycle crunches Repeat for 1 cycle
(appx 12min for a 10 position circuit)
Next cycle tabata, so :20/:10 each station.
Do each station 4x before moving on. (appx 18min total)
Swing finishers:
:30/:30 for remainder of training session.
----- lunch w/ femBot michelle
Program min, week 1
20 2h swings (44k bell)
1min active recovery
Repeat 12 min
Thursday, May 19, 2011
KB M heavy week 4
Round 1 - no breaks
Round 2 - bells up
Round 3 - cl pr4 rest pr, sq, rest pp, sq
Round 4 - cl, pr rest, sq, pp2 rest pp3, sq
Trying to get further w/o putting down the, actualy 2 rounds is pretty good for me when using dbl 20's.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
KB muscle wk 4- easy day / lunch PM
Week 4
Dbl 20's
Did some tabata dsw later in class.
Program min w/28kg
20 (2h, 1hn alternating) swings
1min active recovery.
Repeat for 12 min
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Easy Day
24kg Snatch on the minute
6/6 for 13min
plus 3/3 to round out numbers to 160 reps.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Heavy Swings + ROP
5x 44kg 2h- Power swings
10 44kg 2h- swings
5x 44kg 2h- Power swings
10 44kg 2h- swings
Lunch, ROP from AoS workbook with the missus (who is doing grat, btw)
20 44kg 2H Swings
1min of active recovery (jacks, gasping, crying, etc...)
Repeat for 12min
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Travel routine w/ 16kg
One Arm Swing – 5 reps Clean – 5 reps High Pull – 5 reps Snatch – 5 reps Jerk – 5
15:15 snatch for 7 min
Cadence Snatch (R) – 1 snatch every 10 seconds for 1 minute Cadence Snatch (L) – 1 snatch every 10 seconds for 1 minute
One arm long cycle clean and jerk (R) – 1 minute One arm long cycle clean and jerk (L) – 1 minute
Speed Snatch (R) – perform as many snatches as possible in 30 seconds
Speed Snatch (L) – perform as many snatches as possible in 30 seconds
3/3 neg pistols 0kg/16kg (l have issues w/ left knee)
100 burpees (pushup style, not the girly squat thrust ones) in 11:45
Monday, May 9, 2011
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011
Murderous heavy day week 3
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Wednesday, May 4, 2011
KB muscle - week 3 - "Easy" day + some Heavy GTG
Later in the afternoon I did 3 28kg MP's on my R side, and 2 on my left.
Trying to get my press stronger!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
kbm - week 3
at lunch i continued my kb muscle grind...
Medium day
6 sets, dbl 20's
Friday, April 29, 2011
KBM test
I decided to try doing KBM heavy day wih double 24's...
maybe, but i had to know...
result, 3 sets, but had to rest a lot, and not just at the end of the sets, but in between.
so, what next? i am going back to double 20's till i am more comfy with the load.
i'll get there soon enough...
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
getups and kbm
tgu for 45min
kb muscle w/ double 20's
5 sets --- whew!
Friday, April 22, 2011
More doubles...
Decided to start getting back into training last night and today.
Still working w/ dbl 20's... I know I should be rocking heavier weights, but for now, while I grease my groove, dbl 20's will be my main course....
KB Muscle, medium day, 4 sets.
Also spent some time training the miss with regular and power swings.
She's doing great, is very motivated, and is happy with 'just swings'. :-)
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Heading out for RKC
Monday, April 4, 2011
park medley
good times...
Sunday, April 3, 2011
RKC just around the corner!
did 10/10 32kg Swings
Repeat 5x.
Friday's Park Shenanigans
Dl sw warm up
Farmers walk
Walking lunges
Oh walk
Rack walk
Igyg sw
Windmill low x5
Windmill hi x5
C&p ladder 5 rungs 1 ladder
Ren row/ row
Ballistic row
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Heavy Swings + More
Double C&P + Pullup 3rungs, 3 ladders 24kg
With PM Class:
Tall Kneeling Press
2 Hand Swing
repeat for time (appx 40min)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Gluten Sensitivity
Just the other day I went off my Paleo diet and had some pizza and a few cookies (family/religious event)
The next day, my joints hurt, I was in a foul mood. Now if that is not an indicator, I dont know what is!
Check out the article:
This Weeks Training
10 Swings
10 Squats (horns down)
10 High Figure 8 (Slingshot)
10 Good Mornings
10 Dead Upright Rows
5 Squats + Press
5 Squats + Press
10 Hot Potatoes
5 Windmill Left
5 Windmill Right
10 Figure 8
5 Presses
5 Push Presses
5/5 Tactical Lunges
5/5 Dead Clean & Press
10/10 Snatch
10/10 Snatch
10/10 High Pulls
10/10 1H Swing
5 HTH Swings
10/10 C&P
20 HTH Swings
10 Snatch Left
10 Snatch Right
20 2H Swings
repeat one more time
24kg Snatch on the minute.
11 minutes.
7/7 plus 6 extra reps on final minute to bring count up to 160.
Pat Flynn's High voltage Complex
5 SW
5 CL
5 High Pull
5 Snatch (sub SW for Level 1)
5 Jerk (sub Press)
repeat for other side
4x each side
House of Pain
5 SW
5 SN (SW for level 1)
1/1 TGU (sub 5x GUSU)
2x each side total.
Swing roundabout. appx 10min’s
Friday, March 18, 2011
AM Circuit
GS, FS, SW, MP, Russian Twist, Burpees, Crunches, Rowing Machine (yea, dragged the rower in to the room), jumprope
Good session.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Pat Flynn & Mark Sisson Routine...
Did this today (w/ 16's since heavy bells are @ Y):
KB Sandwich (1 rep):
Dbl Cl + Push up (on handles)
Dbl Cl + Front Squat + Push up
Dbl Cl + Front Squat + Press + Push up
Dbl Cl + Front Squat + Press + Dbl Snatch + Push up
Dbl Cl + Front Squat + Press + Dbl Snatch + Renegade Rows + Push up
Repeat 3x
(Need dbl-20's to make this appropriate)
High Voltage KB Complex (5reps each)(one arm):
Swings, Cleans, High Pulls, Snatch, Jerk
repeat for Right Side...
Repeat 2x, then tore callus.
At this point 16k's were a smidge too light, but 20k's might have been too much.
Next up, 1 cycle of Primal Blueprint Fintess routine
50 Pushups
12 Pullups
25/25 Bulgarian Split Squats
15 Divebombers
90s SuperPlanks (up/downs)
45s/45s Pulsing Side Plank
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Snatches + Class
Swings x10
Repeat 3x
Group 1: Hop Skip (jump rope w/ the rope) while
Group2: Squat Thrusts x10
Switch groups
Repeat 3x
1arm DLx5/5
1arm Swing 5/5
repeat 2
Suitcase DL x5/5
Pushups x5
Repeat x2
Swing :30
Crunch+Punch :30
5 Presses L
5 Rows L
5 Presses R
5 Rows R
repeat 2x
Swing round about (Tracy Reifkind style) :15 intervals for appx 3mins. WHEW!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Snatches, Deck of Cards, Swing Finishers
Deck of Cards w/ PM Class Using 24kg (except for Heavy Swings)
Aces = 10 Heavy Swings (32kg)
Hearts = Goblet Squats + Press
Diamonds = Dead Cleans
Clubs = Mountain Climbers
Spades = Pushups
---Class really cranked this one out!
Next we went around the room and had every one throw in 1 exercise
Swings, Fig 8, Jack-Pushups, Mountain Clibmers x2,
:40/:20 Swings for 5 minutes
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Lunch session
6/6 on the minute for 176 total plus a side of
swings and a cold refreshing
farmers walk....
1 mile chi run on treadmill
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Training this week...
15min tgu 24kg
5 GS 24kg
5/5 Rows 24kg
:30:30 swings
Tues PM
24kg Snatch on the minute 7/7 for 11 mins
154 snatches
Thursday PM:
me: Double 24kg C&P w/ Rows, 3 laddders, 3 rungs
With Class:
Prisoner Squats
Man Maker 10/10 thrusters/side
10/10 Dead C&P/Side
10/10 Overhead Squats
10/10 Windmills/Side
10/10 Snatches/side
Upper Blast 10 Windmills (L)
10 Push Presses (L)
10 Dead Cleans (L)
10 2H Curl (hold horns)
10 1 arm Rows (L)
10 Push ups Weight on (L)
10 2H Upright Rows
10 Hot Potato
repeat Right side
Leg Burner 10/10 Overhead Squats / Side
10/10 1H Squat Kick / Side
10/10 Overhead Back-lunge / Side
20 Tactical Lunges
10 1H-Swings L
10 1H-Swings R
10 Prisoner Squat
10 Prisoner Squat
Swing Workout 10/10 1H-Swings / Side
10 Hot Potatoes
10/10 1H High Pulls / Side
10 Hot Potatoes
10/10 Snatch / Side
10 Hot Potatoes
10 HTH Swing
10 HTH Swing
10 Hot Potatoes
10/10 Clean / Side
10 Hot Potatoes
10/10 C&P / Side
10 Hot Potatoes
Swing roundabouts 10min (appx 200 swings)
Planks 1min
Bodyweight Squat to cool down….
Fri AM with class.
Prisoner Squats
Man Maker 10/10 thrusters/side
10/10 Dead C&P/Side
10/10 Overhead Squats
10/10 Windmills/Side
10/10 Snatches/side
Upper Blast 10 Windmills (L)
10 Push Presses (L)
10 Dead Cleans (L)
10 2H Curl (hold horns)
10 1 arm Rows (L)
10 Push ups Weight on (L)
10 2H Upright Rows
10 Hot Potato
repeat Right side
Leg Burner 10/10 Overhead Squats / Side
10/10 1H Squat Kick / Side
10/10 Overhead Back-lunge / Side
20 Tactical Lunges
10 1H-Swings L
10 1H-Swings R
10 Prisoner Squat
10 Prisoner Squat
Swing Workout 10/10 1H-Swings / Side
10 Hot Potatoes
10/10 1H High Pulls / Side
10 Hot Potatoes
10/10 Snatch / Side
10 Hot Potatoes
10 HTH Swing
10 HTH Swing
10 Hot Potatoes
10/10 Clean / Side
10 Hot Potatoes
10/10 C&P / Side
10 Hot Potatoes
Swing roundabouts 10min (appx 200 swings)
Planks 1min
Bodyweight Squat to cool down….
Saturday, February 12, 2011
More doubles...
Repeat 5x....
Some pullups, chinups...
Finally short chi-run on treadmill.....Winter sucks, I hate treadmills...
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Pullups: Skipped, elbows aggravated
Divebombers: 15
Bulgarian Split Squat: 25/25
super (up/down) Planks: 90sec
Pulsind High Side Plank (lower hip to floor, then raise up): 45s/45
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
PM Muscle & Cards
dbl 20kg
5 sets
Deck of cards:
Goblet Squats
Plank Variations
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
RKC Prep
32kg 1arm Swing 10reps/arm
Repeat 5x
100 swings total
Double 20kg C&P&Pullup Ladder. 3-rungs
5 ladders
30 Double Cleans&Presses + 30 pullups
Double Clean x5
Double Mil Press x5
Double Front Squat x5
Double Push Press x5
Double Front Squat x5
After doing the last set, I am thinking I should drop the C&P/Pullup ladder and do more Kettlebell Muscle work with the double 20's.
I was very gassed. Which means, that's what I should focus on for the RKC (get used to that level of conditioning, because I think I am strong enough for the cert...Its my cardio that needs some love...
Saturday Reshape Class
A healthy mix of bodyweight and single bell moves.
Pool of sweat all around me.
Good stuff
Friday, January 28, 2011
bells 'n fitdeck
5/5 1arm DL
5 2h swings
1 min jacks
5/5 suitcase DL
5 2h swings
10 swings + ascending burpee ladders
Fitdeck + kettlebell addon + combat sports add on. No rest between cards.
Appx 30 min
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
More Prep work...
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
TGU + FS + More...
24kg TGU 2/2 repeat for 15min
16kg dbl-front squats 5x5 (still waiting for dbl 20's to arrive)
Pushups 5x5
Side-2-side skaters (lunges of a sort) + 1 BW squat: 10,8,6,4,2
10 heavy(24kg) 2h swings + 1 pushup
10 med (16kg) 2h swings + 2 pushups
Repeat for 2min
Repeat above 3x
(Should have gone 32kg and 20 kg...)
deck squat-thrust + pushup.
Standup, and repeat 5x
deck squat-thrust + pushup
No standup, repeat 5x
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Swings, Double Ladders
32kg 2h-swing 10reps
Work I: Heavy Swings
32kg 1h-swings 10/10
Repeat 5x
This was a butt kicker. Really trying to focus on keeping the lat activated. Tough to do w/ such a heavy swing.
Work II: C&P and Pullup Ladders
Planning on using double 20k's but they have not arrived yet. My back was still a little stiff from some bad 24kg double-KB swings I did last week, so I decided to go light and increase the rungs and ladders.
16kg Double-KB Clean & Press + Pullup Ladders. Goal was 5rungs, 5 ladders.
I hit the numbers for the double-kb C&P Ladders, but I was toasted on the pullups. Had to drop numbers and even threw in some chinups.
Pullup Ladder One: 1,2,3,4,5
Pullup Ladder Two: 1,2,2,3,3
Chinup up Ladder Three: 1,2,2,3,2
Pullup Ladder One: 1,2,2,2,2
Chinup Ladder One: 1,2,2,2,1
Friday, January 21, 2011
Heavy Metal Day @ DKB Fitness
Warmup. 2 bells, 1 med, 1 hvy
10 hvy 2h-Swings
10 med 2h-swings
repeat 3x
w/ appropriate sized bell (I went "heavy")
Double Front Squat (DFS) x5
Double Military Press (DMP) x5
Repeat 3x
10 Double Sumo Deadlifts
Repeat 2x
DMP + Pullups.
5rung Ladder
Hvy 2h Swing x10 + 1 Pushups
Med 2h Swing x10 + 2 Pushups
-> Repeat for 2min (I managed 2 sets)
--> Rest and Repeat for another 2min.
---> Rest and Repeat for a final 2min.
Again, I managed 2 sets for each 2 min period....And good Hardstyle Swings got VERY hard towards the end.
Pity was given at this point (Pretty sure some people were pocket dialing 911!)
Rolling Ab/Crunch with KB held to chest and feet gripping KB between feet....
Repeat for some period 45sec perhaps?
Repeat final time for 30sec.
Alternating Rows (two bells between arches)
For some amount of time, but I managed x8 reps
Repeat for shorter time, I managed x4 reps.
Double Deadlifts x5
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
AM class
5 32kg DL
10 32kg 2H Swings
repeat 5x
C&P Test. Was able to press 32k on right, but not on left. Good to know.
3 Rung 24kg C&P Ladder
5 24kg Double Rows
5/5 24kg Suitcase Deadlift
repeat 5x
High Plank 15sec
Pulse High Plank 15 Sec
10 24kg 2h Swings
Low Plank 15sec
Up/Down Planks 15 sec
5 24kg 2h Swings
20 Mountain climbers
10 wipers (l/r = 1 rep)
10/10 Side Plank Leg Lift
10 crunches
10 bicycles
10 Prisoner squats
10/10 thrusters
20 Squat Kicks
20 Mountain climbers
10 wipers (l/r = 1 rep)
10/10 Side Plank Leg Lift
10 crunches
10 bicycles
10 Prisoner squats
(skipped last 2 sets as ITB/Knee's started complaining)
Sunday, January 16, 2011
full r-phase
Did the full R-phase DVD today.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Snatch+dblC&J+Burpee....And led class...
- 10 min of 16kg Snatches: 199 (plus 1 more at minute 10:00)
- 10min of Double C&J w/ 16kg. Goal was 100 in 10 min. Ended up doing 5 on the minute with a minute off at 7:00. Total dbl-C&J: 45
- 10 minutes of Burpees (with pushups, not squat thrusts!) Goal: 100, actual: 60
Felt VERY amped after this routine, so I decided to jam w/ the PM Class:
PM Class
Z warmup
Jumping Jacks
5 Burpees
2h Swings
Jumping Jacks
1h Swings
1h Swing
Grease the groove--
[Bottom-up Cleans L/R] x2
Bottom-up Cleans & Press L/R x1
GS (I had to skip the GS. - Knee acting up.) x10
repeat x6
BUCL hold for :20sec
16kg Double Swing x3 (teaching doubles, so low reps)
repeat x3
Renegade Rows x8/x8
Cossack Squat - Bell Racked over squatting leg. x5/x5
repeat x3
TGU w/ :20sec High Bridge hold x5/x5 (skipped this to tweak students form)
Desk Squat x10
2h Swing x10
Burpee's x5
Repeat x5
(this kicked butt!)
Monday, January 10, 2011
AM Class/RKC Prep
Z-Neural 1, Swings, DL, Halos for warmup...
w/ 24kg
3 Cleans Left + 3 Presses Left + 3 Rows Left
3 Cleans Right + 3 Presses Right + 3 Rows right
3 Double Swings
2 Cleans Left + 2 Presses Left + 1 Rows Left
2 Cleans Right + 2 Presses Right + 1 Rows right
3 Double Swings
1 Cleans Left + 1 Presses Left + 1 Rows Left
1 Cleans Right + 1 Presses Right + 1 Rows right
3 Double Swings
Repeat 3x
(I missed last set of 1's while instructing)
rest 1min
10reps each, no rest:
Swing Left
Swing Right
Hot Potato
High Pull Left
High Pull Right
Snatch/Swing Left
Snatch/Swing Right
Hot Potato
HTH Swing
Hot Potato
High Plank :30
Fist to Face Plank :30
Up/downs :30
Bicycle Crunches :30
5 Pumps
10reps each, no rest:
Goblet Squat
Goblet Press
Goblet Squat + Press
5reps each, no rest:
Swing Left
Swing Right
Hot Potato
High Pull Left
High Pull Right
Snatch/Swing Left
Snatch/Swing Right
Hot Potato
HTH Swing
Hot Potato
:40:20 Swings for 5 min
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Getups, Goblet Squats+Pushups, Swings+Snatches
32kg Goblet Squats 5x5
Pushups 5x5
24kg Swings on the minute:
10 2h
10 2h
10 2h
10 hth
5 1h Left
5 1h right
5 5natches Left
5 Snatches Right
10 Snatches Left
10 Snatches Right
10 2h Swings
cool down:
Hip flexor stretches from 4hb
Foam roller (all over)
Saturday, January 8, 2011
C&P-pullup-swing ladders
Used 24kg... Appx 30 min to complete.
Friday, January 7, 2011
AM + Gymnastics
Also attended a beginning Gymnastics class for adults. I had a blast. I can do cartwheels and I am real close to a free standing handstand!
One step closer to my goal of being able to do a HSPU!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
AM Bodyweight
Full Pullups: 3+3+2+2+1+1 = 12
Bulgarian split squat: 25/25
Divebombers: 15
Superplank (up/downs): 90s (OMG!)
Pulsing high side planks: 35s+10s/35s+10s (goal is 45/45)
Full Pushups: 12+10+5+4+8+3+4+1 = 50
Full Pullups: 3+3+2+2+1 = 12
Ran out of time on cycle 2.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Weds AM + Lunch
5x5 GS 5x5 Pushups
Russian Twist
Bicycle Crunches
5m Swing Finishers
At Lunch:
15min TGU
Tues Primal Blueprint Fitness
Incline Pushups: 50
Rev Pullups (negatives): 7
Side Squat: 30
Dive Bombers: 15
Low Plank: 90s
Side Low Plank: 45s/45s
Cycle Two---
Incline Pushups: 50
Chinups: 7
Side Squat: 30
Dive Bombers: 15
Low Plank: 90s
Side Low Plank: 45s/45s
Mon AM
DC&P 3-rung Ladder + Dbl Row 3-rung Ladder + 10 Swings
Repeat 3x
:30 each
Halos, rest :30
Halos, Hot Potatoes, rest :30
Halos, Hot Potatoes, Snatches, rest :30
Press x5
Popups x5
Swings x5
Planks for good measure...