Thursday, December 31, 2009

May your Goblet runeth over...

24kg Goblet Squat 5 reps
16kg BU Press 5 reps
Swings x20 Repeat 5x, rest 1min

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Front Squats and more...

Z-health warmup

24kg Double Clean & Front Squat 5 reps
40kg 2h-Swing 10r
24kg Double Clean & Front Squat 5 reps
32kg C&Push Press 5 reps
24kg Double Clean & Front Squat 5 reps
24kg Get-up 5 reps
24kg Double Clean & Front Squat 5 reps
24kg Snatch 10 reps
24kg Double Clean & Front Squat 5 reps

Monday, December 28, 2009

Snatches and Convict Conditioning

Z-Health warmup

Snatch 24kg 5reps each side
Snatch 32kg 5reps each side
Snatch 32kg 5reps each side (grip failing. Drp down a notch)
Snatch 32kg 5reps each side
Snatch 32kg 5reps each side

Incline Pushups 2x20
Knee Tucks 3x40

Harris Benedict Caloric Needs Calculation

Harris Benedict Equation

655 +(4.35 x Weight in pounds) + (4.7 c high in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)

66 +(6.23 x Weight in pounds) + (12.7 c high in inches) - (6.8 x age in years)

Multiply by Intensity Level
1.2 Sedentary Light/little exercise
1.375 Light Light exercise (1-3 days/week)
1.55 Moderate moderate(3-5 days/week)
1.7 Very Active Hard(6-7 days?week)
1.9 Extreme Hard dailiy exercise and/or physical job)

For weightloss, subtract 500/day
For maintenance, subtract nothing
For gain, add 250-300 calories/ day

Divide total by nubmer of meals you eat per day.

eg: I am 77" tall, weigh 220 work out moderately (3-5 days/ week) =
(((66+(6.23 * 220) + (12.7 * 77) - (6.8 * 37))*1.55)-500)/5) = 570 calories per meal based on 5 meals a day.

If I were to eat 6 meals a day then it would be 475/ meal.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

RKC Minimum & RKC Prep

Did RKC Minimum from the Art of Strength Book with my wife.

She used an 8kg bell.
I used 32kg to follow along with her. (I alternated 1 and 2h swings.)

Z-health warmup
RKC Minimum - Total time 12 minutes

We made a great break through with her swings by using a stretchy band to do banded swings with her. All of a sudden, whamo, she was nailing the hip snap.

Its a good day.

My workout after training w/ the missus. Straight out of Brett Jones RKC Prep article.
24kg C&P 5 Reps
24kg 1H Swing 10 (Left/Right)
24kg Double Clean and Front Squat 5 reps (Holy hell!)
24kg 1H Swing 10 (Left/Right)
24kg Get-up 5 (left/right)
24kg 1H Swing 10 (Left/Right)
Snatch 5 reps
40kg 2H Swing 10

Post Work out thoughts:
Still need help w/ 24kg Snatch form. Practice Practice Practice
Everything else is moving along nicely.

My HKC test is ~3 weeks away!

Friday, December 25, 2009

On Travel

Was on travel w/ the missus. Going to make up today'w workout tomorrow. Booo-yah!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Snatch Form & convict conditioning

Zhealth & Clubbell warmups.

24Kg Snatch 5x5 50 Snatches Total

Vertical Pulls 3x40
ShoulderSquats 2x25

I still hate the shoulderstand squats. I can't seem to get vertical like the photo's form the Convict Conditioning book.I was going to bail on them, but a co-worker who is also doing some CC work encouraged me to stick with it a little longer.

I will be doing level 2 of the pulls. The vertical pull does not provide any challenge. Level 2 would be a horizontal pullup. I will most likely achieve this using a table.

No TKD tonight due to the proximity to the holidays. I may do some TGU's when I get home.

Sntach Training

" yourself intelligently is important if you expect to train others." -Steve Freideds, RKC

Yesterday ended up being an imporomptu rest day, as I felt really sore and fatigued. Most of this had to do w/ the knife fighting the day before. No biggie. Rest is good.

Today I am redoubling my effort to get my snatch form perfected.
While attempting Viking Warrior Conditionig w/ a 16kg I felt a 'soreness' down near 'the boys'. I am not sure if this is from lifting wrong or banging them and the down swing. It wa almost akin to getting 'racked', but not nearly so painful. Like a gentle tap on the jewels. I feel fine now, but there is definitely something wrong.

So, using Steve's article "The Party Line for Passing the RKC Snatch Test" I am going to zero in on good form first, and worry about volume later.

Per his article, Level 1 should look like this:
Level I Milestones:
24 kg, 1 rep
24 kg, 3 reps
24 kg, 5 reps
24 kg, 3 reps, multiple sets on long rests – work up to 5 sets
24 kg, 7-10 reps – just a single set as a test of your progress
24 kg, 5 reps, multiple sets on long rests – again work up to 5 sets
When you can do 5 sets of 5 reps on long rests, you are ready for Level 2.

I will check today, but I am reckon I am capable of 5 reps with long rests to achieve 5 sets.

I will train this way for at least 2 weeks and re-evalute to see if I am ready for level 2.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Amazing Mobility Routine (Morning)

Woke up a little early (and a bit stiff from TKD practice last night.)

So what the heck, I decided to bust out Greg Mihovich's Amazing Mobility DVD. I probably haven't looked at it in a few months, but I am glad I did today.

The moves are pretty simple but they really get the joints lube'd and primed.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning, Convict Conditioning, TKD


Z-Health Neural


Viking Warrior Conditioning

15:15 with 16kg kettlebell. Manages 17 sets before form started to slip

Convict conditioning:

3x50 Wall Pushups - Still hard towards the end. Maybe another week or so with this guy.

3x40 Knee Tucks - 3rd set was rough!

Tae Kwon Do (evening)

Did some full speed knife defenses. Holy shit people move fast. I was stabbed 15 times ina 1 minute round. I defended at least twice that...

Was tired. Too tired for safe TGU practice tonight.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Heavy Kettlebell Work

24Kg Double C&P - 5 Reps
Pullups - 5 Reps
Repeat 3x - Rest as needed

24kg Double Front Squat 5 reps
16kg Double Swing10 reps
Repeat 3x - Rest as needed

Viking Push Press 1x8 each side.

I am trying to learn the Kettlebell Jerk. Going over Pavel's Return od the Kettlebell book, he mentions that V Push presses can assist in learning the Jerk.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Goblets, BU Presses, Banded Swings

Zhealth warmup
Cubbell warmup

24KG Goblet Squats 5 reps
16kg Bottom Up presses, 5 reps
24kg Banded 2H Swings
Repeat 5x

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


17 sets of 15:15 w/ a 16kg bell

Tuesdays RKC Prep and CC

I got too busy to updates yesterdays work out till today.
Its a mix of Brett Jone's RKC Prep and the new Convict conditioning book by Paul Wade.The CC routines are secondary to my RKC prep goals, which is good.

I don't have any ego invested in the CC routines since the RKC is my main focus. Originally I was going to do Pushups- Level 2 (incline) but after trying that routine on Sunday (as a test) I was incredibly sore. So I have resolved to just start at the beginning for all of my CC plans.

1# Clubbell shoulder warmup
Z-health Warmup
All performed with a 24kg kettlebell:

  • Clean & Front Squat (Left) 5 reps
  • Swing 20 reps
  • Clean & Front Squat (Right) 5 reps
  • C&P (Left) 5 reps
  • Clean & Front Squat (Left) 5 reps
  • Get-up (alternating) 5 reps
  • Clean & Front Squat (Right)5 reps
  • Snatch 5 reps
  • C&P 5 reps (Right)
  • 5 reps

Convict Conditioning - New Blood:

  • Wall Pushups goal: 3x50 Actual: 1x50 and 1x38. Elbow felt a bit weak, so I decided to call it good.
  • Knee Tucks goal: 3x40 Actual 1x40, 1x10. Wiped out. Time to call it a day.

After action report: I was gassed by the end of my RKC prep work which made the CC exercises tough. But thats ok, I will gain endurance as tiem goes on. Ultimately I need to repeat the RKC work three times instead of just once like I did today.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Thomas Jefferson

"A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball, and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be your constant companion of your walks." --Thomas Jefferson, letter to Peter Carr, 1785

Monday, December 14, 2009

Rest Day

My New 1# and 2# clubbells came today. did a little work with them. As I suspected my low ceilings are a problem. I will probably use them at work and at Tae Kwon Do.

Speaking of TKD, I had to skip class today to watch the little...which is why today is a impromptu rest day.

I also got my Beyond Stretching Seminar DVD from ebay. I need to tear in to that too.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Convict Conditioning

Just got the book, and despite all the smack-talk I've seen about the Author, I really dig this book.

I am going to incorporate the New Blood program into my other activites.

Today I did some prelimianry bodywork to see which progression I will use.

New Blood does the following:
Leg raises


My progressions will be the following:
Pushups - Step Two - Incline Push ups. 3 sets of 40 is my goal to progress to the next level.
Leg raises - Step One -Knee tucks on bench. 3 sets of 40 is my goal to progress to the next level.
Pullups - Step One -Vertical pulls. 3 sets of 40 is my goal to progress to the next level.
Squats - Step One -Shoulder Squats. 3 sets of 50 is my goal to progress to the next level.

Heavy Kettlebell Work

24Kg Double C&P - 5 Reps
Pullups - 5 Reps
Repeat 3x - Rest as needed

16kg Double Front Squat 5 reps
24kg Double Swing 5 reps
Repeat 3x - Rest as needed

Notes: My 2nd and 3rd set of Pullups were really strong! It was like the C&P's primed my lats to really fire. Also, no elbow pain with the C&P or the Pullups. I am VERY happy about this.

The front squats might have been doable w/ double 24's. I will have to play around with that.

The double swings were awkward. I need to review my Mahler and Paavel DVD's to get some tips on them.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Pistols and C&P

Sara Cheathams Z-health Warmup

Warmup (Start on left side):
16kg Windmill
16kg TGU
repeat on right side
Repeat set 3x

1/2 Pistol 5 reps each side**
16kg C&P 5 reps each side
repeat 3x

**Left knee hurts when I try to ascend from rock bottom.
So I am squating to a 90' and going back up. Doing this on both sides so I dont develope an imbalance. (I can do a full pistol on my right side)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

VO2Max Training plus skills training

Lunch Workout:

  • Vo2Max: 21 sets of 7 rep 15:15 protocol with 16kg bell = 147 snatches
  • 1H-Swings 16kg 30:30 protocol for 5 mintues = 108 swings
  • Goblet Squats 16kg 5 reps, 3 sets (30 seconds rest between squats.)


  • Pullups. Since my elbow is inflamed, I only did concentric pulls (up, n down.)
  • Inversion. (Invertrac spinal elongation rack)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tae Kwon Do and TGU Plus more

Pretty good TKD session today. A bit of bag work (which was a little rough on my elbow, but I survived.)

Came home and crank through 10 minutes of TGU's with a 25kg bell.

Then I tried to run the missus through a swing work out, but my daughter ruined that.

Oh well. I did manage to do 4 sets of 10 reps w/ the 40kg bell. The heavy bell is part of my training goals. To make the snatch test easier I am going to really focus on heavy swings for the next few months.

Check out

How to Add 10-20 repetitions to your 5 minute snatch test....


Starting to read a bit more on systemic inflamation.
I dont know if it will help my continuing elbow paind, but if I dont get a handle on it, I'm not sure I will be able to make my 5 pull-up minimum for the HKC test next month.

Well, ok, I'm sure I will be able to (barely) belt out 5 reps, but I will most likely teak my tendonitis in doing so.

What I am trying to do to correct this:
  • Lowering (ecentric) a light kettlebell and using my other hand to re-rack the bell. Link: forthcoming
  • Using thera-band flex bar. Link: forthcoming
  • Zyflamend capsules. Herbal anti-inflmmatory that Jordan V has reported some good sucess with.
  • Avoiding Presses and other things that tweak my elbow.

I think that I am also tweaking my tendons on the down swing of my cleans and high pulls. I need to revisit that.

Others have spoken to this, saying not to slow the bell down on the descent. Just let it drop and absorb the 'impact' with your hamstrings.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Elbow Pain

Going to try Zyflamend and see if that helps. Others have reported sucess on the DD forum.

Heavy Swings, Heavy High Pulls

TKD Cancelled on accoutn of heavy snow.

Heavy, did I say HEAVY! Lets do it!

2h Heavy Swings 1oreps
2h Heavy Swings 1oreps
High Pull R 1oreps
High Pull L 1oreps
2h Heavy Swings 1orepss
High Pull R 1oreps
High Pull L 1oreps
2h Heavy Swings 1oreps
High Pull R 1oreps
High Pull L 1oreps

5 Pullups

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Heavy Swings & Windmills

Thinking that the only way to make my 24Kg Snatches seem easier, i did a few reps w/ a 32Kg. The weak link was my grip on the down swing so I have decided to do some heavy swings to get my grip stronger and to get used to the feel of a 32 Kg moving quickly.

Todays workout:
32kg 2H Swings followed by 1 minute of Jogs or Jumping Jacks.
Repeat 6x

24Kg Windmills L,R
repeat 5x

Friday, December 4, 2009

Conditioning day: Swings, TGU, Rows and Banded Swings

Z-health warmup:

  1. Ankle tilt lateral and medial
  2. Middle toe-pull
  3. Outside toe-pull
  4. Inside toe-pull
  5. Ankle circle
  6. "D" Knee circles
  7. Hip pendulum front
  8. Hip pendulum side
  9. Pelvic tilt
  10. Side pelvic tilt
  11. Lumbar circle (raggedy-anne doll drop to side)
  12. Thoracic AP wave
  13. Lateral thoracic wave
  14. Cervical glide (Left-right)
  15. Ear to shoulder stretch (reach jaw to ceiling)
  16. Chickens
  17. Shoulder circle straight up
  18. Shoulder circle side
  19. Shoulder circle front
  20. Shoulder circle cross front
  21. Shoulder circle back
  22. Elbow circles toward face
  23. Elbow circles away from face
  24. Lateral wrist glide
  25. Front wrist glide (up-down, paint fence)
  26. Finger wave both directions
  27. Jaw glide to side
  28. Jaw glide to front.


  • 24Kg Swings 10 minutes of 30:30 protocol
  • 24kg TGU 10 minutes


  • 24kg Banded Swings 10 reps
  • 24kg 1 set 1-arm row (L,R) 5 reps
    repeat 3x

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Had to run business errands at lunch. Decided to chill this evening, so its officially a day off for me.

Planning on conditioning work tomorrow. Swings n such.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tae Kwon Do, Turkish Getups

TKD tonight. did soem bag work. My R elbow is a bit enflamed. Hurt when I hit the bag. Time to back off on elbow hurting exercise.

Did 1 set (elft and right) of 32kg TGU. Seemed a bit unstable so I dropped down to 24kg for the final 4 sets.

Swings, Snatches, Insanity Cardio Power & Resistance

Tuesday Lunch Workout:

24kg Swings. Pattern looked like this,
2H swing, 1H Swing (L), 1H swing (R). Repeat for 10 minutes using 30:30 protocol.

24Kg Snatches. Trying to get my body used to the heavy bell (heavy for me anyhow).

10 Snatches (L). Rest 1 minute
10 Snatches (R). Rest 1 minute
Repeat 3 more times for a total of 60 snatches.

Insanity Cardio Power & Resistance with the missus.