I dont know if it will help my continuing elbow paind, but if I dont get a handle on it, I'm not sure I will be able to make my 5 pull-up minimum for the HKC test next month.
Well, ok, I'm sure I will be able to (barely) belt out 5 reps, but I will most likely teak my tendonitis in doing so.
What I am trying to do to correct this:
- Lowering (ecentric) a light kettlebell and using my other hand to re-rack the bell. Link: forthcoming
- Using thera-band flex bar. Link: forthcoming
- Zyflamend capsules. Herbal anti-inflmmatory that Jordan V has reported some good sucess with.
- Avoiding Presses and other things that tweak my elbow.
I think that I am also tweaking my tendons on the down swing of my cleans and high pulls. I need to revisit that.
Others have spoken to this, saying not to slow the bell down on the descent. Just let it drop and absorb the 'impact' with your hamstrings.
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