Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Sntach Training

" yourself intelligently is important if you expect to train others." -Steve Freideds, RKC

Yesterday ended up being an imporomptu rest day, as I felt really sore and fatigued. Most of this had to do w/ the knife fighting the day before. No biggie. Rest is good.

Today I am redoubling my effort to get my snatch form perfected.
While attempting Viking Warrior Conditionig w/ a 16kg I felt a 'soreness' down near 'the boys'. I am not sure if this is from lifting wrong or banging them and the down swing. It wa almost akin to getting 'racked', but not nearly so painful. Like a gentle tap on the jewels. I feel fine now, but there is definitely something wrong.

So, using Steve's article "The Party Line for Passing the RKC Snatch Test" I am going to zero in on good form first, and worry about volume later.

Per his article, Level 1 should look like this:
Level I Milestones:
24 kg, 1 rep
24 kg, 3 reps
24 kg, 5 reps
24 kg, 3 reps, multiple sets on long rests – work up to 5 sets
24 kg, 7-10 reps – just a single set as a test of your progress
24 kg, 5 reps, multiple sets on long rests – again work up to 5 sets
When you can do 5 sets of 5 reps on long rests, you are ready for Level 2.

I will check today, but I am reckon I am capable of 5 reps with long rests to achieve 5 sets.

I will train this way for at least 2 weeks and re-evalute to see if I am ready for level 2.


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