Enter the Kettlebell & Embrace The Suck.
Ok kiddies, time to regroup.
Yup, we're talking Right of Passgage (ROP) from Enter The Kettlebell (ETK). I really like the ETK manual that Anthony DiLuglio from www.artofstrength.com wrote.
So here's how things went (there was one small problem which I will touch on later.)
2 minutes of Clubbell warmups
Z-health Neural Warmup 1
Repeat for 10 minutes:
16kg Halos 10/10
Wall Squats
Total repetitions = 2 2/3
RKC Hip Flexor Stretch
16kg Deadlift x3 (just to find the grooove)
Work Phase:
Repeat for 12 minutes:
24kg 1H Swings 10 reps (1 side only, switch hands on next iteration)
1 minute of Active Recovery**
Total number of cycles: 7.5
total # of Swings = 80
total weight slung = 4,232.8 Pounds
**Active Recovery = Jogging in Place, Jumping Jacks, Cross Jacks, Full Body Tension Planks
Mobility/Cool Down:
RKC Hip Flexor Stretch w/ pigeon stretch added
16kg RKC Armbar 4/4
Foam Roller on shoulders/back.
----- Total Time = 50min ----
So, what was the small problem I mentioned earlier. Well, I got back to my desk and discovered that I was supposed to do 20 swings not 10!
So today was practice. Feel the groove.
Embrace The Suck.
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