Partnered Swings with my wife.
5 2H Swings
10 2H Swings
15 2H Swings
20 2H Swings
We then moved to a Squat-Swing-Plank sequence like this:
1 Goblet Squat - 5 1H swings (each side) - 150 Sec Plank
2 Goblet Squats - 6 1H swings (each side) - 150 Sec Plank
repeat till this final set:
6 Goblet Squats - 10 1H swings (each side) - 15 Sec Plank
This was a very light workout for me. I was spending a lot of time trying to teach my wife proper form.
I am really looking forward to when she has this stuff down and we can both workout (hard) together.
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