Meager showing last night for class. It was supposed to be an Art of Strength's Providence workout. In the end I spent some quality time helping re-groove some of the basic patterns. A very good class!
AM class had a light showing too, but enough to do the Providence routine.
I used a 24kilo for just about everything.
Ended with a 5min snatch test using a 16kg.
I did a 100reps in just over 5 mins. I purposedfully went light on this one, just to recover from a hard week of awesome gains.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
PBF in the AM
Primal Blueprint Bodyweight Drills:
rest as needed between exercises.
Normally you do 2 cycles of the above.
Only did 1 cycle today. The goal for January is to learn the moves without beating up my body.
It might be time to progress up from the pushups and the planks, but to do so, I need to do 2 cycles to confirm that I can hit the goal numbers both times.
You are supposed to do the reps straight through, but if you hit poor form/can't complete the # of reps, STOP, REST, and then finish out the set.
Eg: Goal is 50 incline push ups. If I could only do 35, I would then rest and do the final 15 before moving on to the chinups. I did not encounter any slow downs today.
rest as needed between exercises.
Exercise | Goal | Actual |
Incline Pushups | 50 | 50 |
Chinups | 7 | 7 |
Side-to-side Squat | 30/30 | 30/30 |
Dive Bomber | 15 | 15 |
Low Plank | 90s | 90s |
Low Side Plank | 45s/45s | 45s/45s |
Normally you do 2 cycles of the above.
Only did 1 cycle today. The goal for January is to learn the moves without beating up my body.
It might be time to progress up from the pushups and the planks, but to do so, I need to do 2 cycles to confirm that I can hit the goal numbers both times.
You are supposed to do the reps straight through, but if you hit poor form/can't complete the # of reps, STOP, REST, and then finish out the set.
Eg: Goal is 50 incline push ups. If I could only do 35, I would then rest and do the final 15 before moving on to the chinups. I did not encounter any slow downs today.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
AM Class
Freaking sore and tired. Tried to workout w/AM but it was obvious I was fried. I helped with Heavy TGU (hovering near bell for moral support)
Z+Swing+GS Medley
EDT from 101 KB Workout PDF
C&P 5/5
Renegade Rows 5/5
Goblet Squats 5
Partner Assisted Heavy TGU 3/3
Repeat 2x
Z+Swing+GS Medley
EDT from 101 KB Workout PDF
C&P 5/5
Renegade Rows 5/5
Goblet Squats 5
Partner Assisted Heavy TGU 3/3
Repeat 2x
PM Class
Stoked from my snatch test success, I decided to workout with my PM class...I put 'em through the ringer.
Z + Swing and GS Medley
8 CL + 5 FS
5 CL + 3 FS
3 CL + 1 FS
Plank variations
Random insanity with:
Plank Variations, Tac Lunges, Squats, Swings, 2H (goblet) Press, 2h thrusters
30:30 Swings for 5 min
Z + Swing and GS Medley
8 CL + 5 FS
5 CL + 3 FS
3 CL + 1 FS
Plank variations
Random insanity with:
Plank Variations, Tac Lunges, Squats, Swings, 2H (goblet) Press, 2h thrusters
30:30 Swings for 5 min
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Snatch Test + Chains...
24kg Swing x10
5 SW left, 5 SW right, 5 2h SW
5 sw + 5 GS
5 Snatches L/R
5 Minute Snatch Test:
Was feeling weak today, but I had been planning on doing an RKC 5-min snatch test, so F'it! I did my best, even tho I was off. Managed 83 reps in 4min.
The pace was about right for a 100 snatches in 5min. BIG improvement over my last test (months ago) where I did ~75 in 5min.
After a min rest I finished final 17 reps to hit 100...
So close!
Students did 3-rung Snatch Ladders for 15min
Chains, each link is 30sec:
Tac-Lunge (TL), 30s rest
TL + Renegage Rows (RR), + 30s Rest
TL + RR + C&P, + 30s Rest
Planks appx 2min (variations with high, low, pulsing, fist to mouth)
RR,+ 30s Rest
RR + C&P, + 30s Rest
RR, + C&p, Planks (~2min), + 30s Rest
30:30 Swings for 5 minutes.
24kg Swing x10
5 SW left, 5 SW right, 5 2h SW
5 sw + 5 GS
5 Snatches L/R
5 Minute Snatch Test:
Was feeling weak today, but I had been planning on doing an RKC 5-min snatch test, so F'it! I did my best, even tho I was off. Managed 83 reps in 4min.
The pace was about right for a 100 snatches in 5min. BIG improvement over my last test (months ago) where I did ~75 in 5min.
After a min rest I finished final 17 reps to hit 100...
So close!
Students did 3-rung Snatch Ladders for 15min
Chains, each link is 30sec:
Tac-Lunge (TL), 30s rest
TL + Renegage Rows (RR), + 30s Rest
TL + RR + C&P, + 30s Rest
Planks appx 2min (variations with high, low, pulsing, fist to mouth)
RR,+ 30s Rest
RR + C&P, + 30s Rest
RR, + C&p, Planks (~2min), + 30s Rest
30:30 Swings for 5 minutes.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Xmas Day Session at Fire-Bellz
While the family was still asleep at the hotel I snuck off to Fire-bellz for a workout on xmas morning.
Below is more or less what we did. There was no time to record the routines exactly, but this will get you close enough....I used 3 sizes, 16, 20, 24
Time on target: 1 hour.
I show up around min 6:35...Guy in a kilt...
Z-health warmup
Swings and deadlifts to get the blood flowing
The JJ asked 4 people to suggest an exercise.
1. Thrusters (Squat + Pushpress)
2. Rows
3. Burpees
4. Planks
Bascially we did a chain ladder - Each exercise for 30s.
T, rest 30s
T + Rows, rest 30s
T + R + Burpees, rest 30s
T + R + B + Push ups, Rest 30s
Repeat for what seemed forever (10 min maybe?)
Plank 30s + High Plank 30s
P + HP + Pulsing 30s
P + HP + Pulse + HP Fist to mouth (Raise 1 fist to face while in high plank)
Repeat forever
Deck of Cards:
Again, asking 4 victims what they wanted to do.
Dead Cleans, Halos, Snatches, and HTH Swings (my suggestion)
Use normal point value for cards.
Note that the Dead Cleans and Snatches are total, so if an 8 is drawn, do 4 left / 4 right.
If you end up with an odd number (say 7) pick one side and do an extra rep.
Dont worry, you will make eup any imbalances later. So 7 DCL would be 4 left/ 3 Right....
Jokers: Firstime was a 30s rest. YAY!
Next time it was Planks (similar to above)
Third time (yea, JJ put the one back in) more planks
Some Z, rkc hip flexor stretches
Below is more or less what we did. There was no time to record the routines exactly, but this will get you close enough....I used 3 sizes, 16, 20, 24
Time on target: 1 hour.
I show up around min 6:35...Guy in a kilt...
Z-health warmup
Swings and deadlifts to get the blood flowing
The JJ asked 4 people to suggest an exercise.
1. Thrusters (Squat + Pushpress)
2. Rows
3. Burpees
4. Planks
Bascially we did a chain ladder - Each exercise for 30s.
T, rest 30s
T + Rows, rest 30s
T + R + Burpees, rest 30s
T + R + B + Push ups, Rest 30s
Repeat for what seemed forever (10 min maybe?)
Plank 30s + High Plank 30s
P + HP + Pulsing 30s
P + HP + Pulse + HP Fist to mouth (Raise 1 fist to face while in high plank)
Repeat forever
Deck of Cards:
Again, asking 4 victims what they wanted to do.
Dead Cleans, Halos, Snatches, and HTH Swings (my suggestion)
Use normal point value for cards.
Note that the Dead Cleans and Snatches are total, so if an 8 is drawn, do 4 left / 4 right.
If you end up with an odd number (say 7) pick one side and do an extra rep.
Dont worry, you will make eup any imbalances later. So 7 DCL would be 4 left/ 3 Right....
Jokers: Firstime was a 30s rest. YAY!
Next time it was Planks (similar to above)
Third time (yea, JJ put the one back in) more planks
Some Z, rkc hip flexor stretches
Friday, December 24, 2010
AM Class - Deck of Cards Death
A few rounds of swings....
Training Details:
Aces = 5/5 Snatches
Face cards = 10 reps
Diamonds = Swings (add 10reps to number shown)
Clubs = Burpee's (no pushup)
Spades = Clean and Press
Hearts = Goblet Squats
Each Suit (2-10) plus 3 face cards (30 reps) = 84 reps for each exercise, except for the C&P, which we did both sides (168 total for C&P).
Plus 4 aces = 40 Snatches
I (WISELY) used a 16kg 'bell.
A few rounds of swings....
Training Details:
Aces = 5/5 Snatches
Face cards = 10 reps
Diamonds = Swings (add 10reps to number shown)
Clubs = Burpee's (no pushup)
Spades = Clean and Press
Hearts = Goblet Squats
Each Suit (2-10) plus 3 face cards (30 reps) = 84 reps for each exercise, except for the C&P, which we did both sides (168 total for C&P).
Plus 4 aces = 40 Snatches
I (WISELY) used a 16kg 'bell.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Primal Blueprint Fitness
Primal Blueprint Fitness 12-22-2010
Warmup with 24kg Kettlebell:
30seconds 2h swings
rest :30
5 1h-swings + 5 1h-swings + 5 2h-swings
rest: 30
30sec HTH Swings
Bodyweight (I go, you go):Incline Pushups (goal: 50) Completed: 35
Chinups (goal: 7) Completed 7
Prisoner Squat (goal:50) Completed 50 !!!
Jack-knife shoulder press (goal: 20) Completed: 20
Forearm Plank (goal: 90sec) Completed: 90sec
Goal: Forearm Side Plank for 45sec each side.
I goofed and did Hand Side Plank 45sec each side
Repeat:Incline Pushups (goal: 50) Completed: 40 !!!
Chinups (goal: 7) Completed 7 (barely!)
Prisoner Squat (goal:50) Completed 50 !!!
Jack-knife shoulder press (goal: 20) Completed: 21 !!!
Forearm Plank (goal: 90sec) Completed: 90sec
Goal: Forearm Side Plank for 45sec each side.
I goofed and did Hand Side Plank 45sec each side
Curse 'Shelle (Alpha FemBot) for agreeing to show up at 6am to do this.
Then thank her for being there to make me dig deep!
Warmup with 24kg Kettlebell:
30seconds 2h swings
rest :30
5 1h-swings + 5 1h-swings + 5 2h-swings
rest: 30
30sec HTH Swings
Bodyweight (I go, you go):Incline Pushups (goal: 50) Completed: 35
Chinups (goal: 7) Completed 7
Prisoner Squat (goal:50) Completed 50 !!!
Jack-knife shoulder press (goal: 20) Completed: 20
Forearm Plank (goal: 90sec) Completed: 90sec
Goal: Forearm Side Plank for 45sec each side.
I goofed and did Hand Side Plank 45sec each side
Repeat:Incline Pushups (goal: 50) Completed: 40 !!!
Chinups (goal: 7) Completed 7 (barely!)
Prisoner Squat (goal:50) Completed 50 !!!
Jack-knife shoulder press (goal: 20) Completed: 21 !!!
Forearm Plank (goal: 90sec) Completed: 90sec
Goal: Forearm Side Plank for 45sec each side.
I goofed and did Hand Side Plank 45sec each side
Curse 'Shelle (Alpha FemBot) for agreeing to show up at 6am to do this.
Then thank her for being there to make me dig deep!
Monday, December 20, 2010
AM Grind...
I am still not 100% recovered from the aforementioned Zombie Death Virus flu, but I managed to crank out some training today.
1 (20oz) cup of Duncan Donuts coffee (home brewed) w/ tblspn of heavy cream (primal friendly, as its all fat, no carbs)
28kg Snatch Ladder (3-rungs) for 15min
(I was walking around doing form checks 'n such so maybe 4 sets total)
28kg alternating TGU
5min of 20:10 24kg Swings
1 (20oz) cup of Duncan Donuts coffee (home brewed) w/ tblspn of heavy cream (primal friendly, as its all fat, no carbs)
28kg Snatch Ladder (3-rungs) for 15min
(I was walking around doing form checks 'n such so maybe 4 sets total)
28kg alternating TGU
5min of 20:10 24kg Swings
How to Challenge Yourself...
Work out with women.
Seriously. Friday was my first session after a 1 week haitus due to what I thought was surely the Zombie Flu.
Turns out it was just an upper respiratory infection.
So I met up with two Alpha Fembots...Which is actually redundant, because all of my fembots are Alpha's.
Whats a fembot?
It's a reference to the killer robots in the Austin Powers movies. Machines. Unfeeling, hardcore machines that wish to kill me. Or so it seems while I am training with them.
Ya see, most of my students (about 75%) are women. Why? I dunno, it seems hard to bring guys is when they are used to bench pressing buicks, and you hand them a 35# kettlebell.....which smokes them...
But I digress, Feeling almost un-undead on Friday I met up with two 'students' for a double kettlebell session.
I presented a page out of Geoff's KB Muscle book.
I was not sure how many sets we would end up doing, as we have never tackled KBMuscle before.
In the end, using bells we could comfortably press 10x, we did 5 sets...(I actually was a little light, using two 16kilo's, but my lungs and body were not quite ready for a double 24k session.)
Took us about 15 minutes. So, thinking we were done, I tried to make my way to the door.
They wouldnt let me pass. I guess there was more work to do.
Seriously. Friday was my first session after a 1 week haitus due to what I thought was surely the Zombie Flu.
Turns out it was just an upper respiratory infection.
So I met up with two Alpha Fembots...Which is actually redundant, because all of my fembots are Alpha's.
Whats a fembot?
It's a reference to the killer robots in the Austin Powers movies. Machines. Unfeeling, hardcore machines that wish to kill me. Or so it seems while I am training with them.
Ya see, most of my students (about 75%) are women. Why? I dunno, it seems hard to bring guys is when they are used to bench pressing buicks, and you hand them a 35# kettlebell.....which smokes them...
But I digress, Feeling almost un-undead on Friday I met up with two 'students' for a double kettlebell session.
I presented a page out of Geoff's KB Muscle book.
I was not sure how many sets we would end up doing, as we have never tackled KBMuscle before.
In the end, using bells we could comfortably press 10x, we did 5 sets...(I actually was a little light, using two 16kilo's, but my lungs and body were not quite ready for a double 24k session.)
Took us about 15 minutes. So, thinking we were done, I tried to make my way to the door.
They wouldnt let me pass. I guess there was more work to do.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Zombie Flu
Been down w/ Flu since Sunday. Feeling a bit better today. Very much stuck in upper respiratory tract.
Maybe tomorrow I will touch a 'bell...
Maybe tomorrow I will touch a 'bell...
Friday, December 10, 2010
Fitdeck Hell
Led AM Class using fitdeck bodyweight, navyseal, combat sports, and kettlebell deck.
Draw a card every minute for appx 50minutes. Also had a 50' rope set up.
Every minute a student would do ropes instead of a card. sometimes they got off easy, sometimes they didnt. :)
I am freaking sore from last nights class and this one. DEFINITELY resting today and tomorrow...
Draw a card every minute for appx 50minutes. Also had a 50' rope set up.
Every minute a student would do ropes instead of a card. sometimes they got off easy, sometimes they didnt. :)
I am freaking sore from last nights class and this one. DEFINITELY resting today and tomorrow...
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Snatch Volume + PM Fitdeck Hell
7L, 7R 24kg Snatches on the Minute for 12min
168 total
Zing! I was soooo close to wussing out at minute 10..but damn, I was already at minute 10, so screw it, I HAD to PUSH ON!
Led PM Class using fitdeck bodyweight, navyseal, combat sports, and kettlebell deck. Draw a card every minute for appx 45-50minutes. Also had a 50' rope set up. Every minute a student would do ropes instead of a card. sometimes they got off easy, sometimes they didnt. :)
Whew! But kicker, but we all made it...
168 total
Zing! I was soooo close to wussing out at minute 10..but damn, I was already at minute 10, so screw it, I HAD to PUSH ON!
Led PM Class using fitdeck bodyweight, navyseal, combat sports, and kettlebell deck. Draw a card every minute for appx 45-50minutes. Also had a 50' rope set up. Every minute a student would do ropes instead of a card. sometimes they got off easy, sometimes they didnt. :)
Whew! But kicker, but we all made it...
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Heeeeavy Swings + Snatches + Swing Wound About
5x8 88# 2h-Swings
Before PM Class:
16kg Snatches for 7min (170 total) PR!
Last 10 min of Class:
16kg Swing Roundabouts
5x8 88# 2h-Swings
Before PM Class:
16kg Snatches for 7min (170 total) PR!
Last 10 min of Class:
16kg Swing Roundabouts
Monday, December 6, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Friday AM Circuit
AM Class...
1:00 Circuit, :15 transition
Ropes (various moves)
20kg C&P
16kg Russian Twists
24kg TGU L/R
24kg 2H Release Swings
Repeat for 45min
1:00 Circuit, :15 transition
Ropes (various moves)
20kg C&P
16kg Russian Twists
24kg TGU L/R
24kg 2H Release Swings
Repeat for 45min
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Basement Ballistics - Sunday
10 1H-Swings
10 1H-Swings
10 Hot Potatoes
10 1H High Pulls
10 1H High Pulls
10 Hot Potatoes
10 Snatch (L)
10 Snatch R
10 Hot Potatoes
10 HTH Swing
10 HTH Swing
10 Hot Potatoes
10 Clean L
10 Clean R
10 Hot Potatoes
10 C&P L
10 C&P R
10 Hot Potatoes
10 slingshot
10 Crush Squat
10 slingshot
10 Crush Press
10 slingshot
10 Squat-Press Crush
10 slingshot
10 Squat-Press Crush
10 slingshot
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch/Press at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch/Squat/Press at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch/Squat/Press at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing
10 KB Pullovers
20 russian twist
10 KB Pullovers
10 1/2 TGU
10 1/2 TGU
10 Crunch w/ KB Ext above head
10 Leg Raises (rev crunch)
10 crunches
10 hands under back crunches
10 toe touches (legs vertical)
10 Windshield Wipers
10 Crunch w/ knees bent (elbow to knees)
10 Side Crunch leg raise
10 Side Crunch leg raise
10 Cross Leg Crunch
20 Legs up, touch opposite leg w/ hand
10 Plank Lift 1 Arm up
10 Plank Lift 1 Arm up
10 Marching Leg Plank
10 Pulsing Plank
10 1H-Swings
10 1H-Swings
10 Hot Potatoes
10 1H High Pulls
10 1H High Pulls
10 Hot Potatoes
10 Snatch (L)
10 Snatch R
10 Hot Potatoes
10 HTH Swing
10 HTH Swing
10 Hot Potatoes
10 Clean L
10 Clean R
10 Hot Potatoes
10 C&P L
10 C&P R
10 Hot Potatoes
10 slingshot
10 Crush Squat
10 slingshot
10 Crush Press
10 slingshot
10 Squat-Press Crush
10 slingshot
10 Squat-Press Crush
10 slingshot
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch/Press at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch/Squat/Press at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch/Squat/Press at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing
10 1H-Swings
10 Hot Potatoes
10 1H High Pulls
10 1H High Pulls
10 Hot Potatoes
10 Snatch (L)
10 Snatch R
10 Hot Potatoes
10 HTH Swing
10 HTH Swing
10 Hot Potatoes
10 Clean L
10 Clean R
10 Hot Potatoes
10 C&P L
10 C&P R
10 Hot Potatoes
10 slingshot
10 Crush Squat
10 slingshot
10 Crush Press
10 slingshot
10 Squat-Press Crush
10 slingshot
10 Squat-Press Crush
10 slingshot
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch/Press at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch/Squat/Press at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch/Squat/Press at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing
10 KB Pullovers
20 russian twist
10 KB Pullovers
10 1/2 TGU
10 1/2 TGU
10 Crunch w/ KB Ext above head
10 Leg Raises (rev crunch)
10 crunches
10 hands under back crunches
10 toe touches (legs vertical)
10 Windshield Wipers
10 Crunch w/ knees bent (elbow to knees)
10 Side Crunch leg raise
10 Side Crunch leg raise
10 Cross Leg Crunch
20 Legs up, touch opposite leg w/ hand
10 Plank Lift 1 Arm up
10 Plank Lift 1 Arm up
10 Marching Leg Plank
10 Pulsing Plank
10 1H-Swings
10 1H-Swings
10 Hot Potatoes
10 1H High Pulls
10 1H High Pulls
10 Hot Potatoes
10 Snatch (L)
10 Snatch R
10 Hot Potatoes
10 HTH Swing
10 HTH Swing
10 Hot Potatoes
10 Clean L
10 Clean R
10 Hot Potatoes
10 C&P L
10 C&P R
10 Hot Potatoes
10 slingshot
10 Crush Squat
10 slingshot
10 Crush Press
10 slingshot
10 Squat-Press Crush
10 slingshot
10 Squat-Press Crush
10 slingshot
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch/Press at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch/Squat/Press at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch/Squat/Press at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing
Thursday, November 25, 2010
10 min of swings & primal diet
Ate pretty well. Stayed primal/paleo except for the pecan pie, which I was planning on enjoying the heck out of.
I enjoyed the hell out of it. :)
@ a hotel w/ a 24kg bell. Did :15/:15 swing variations for 10min.
Hit the pool and the hot tub.!
I enjoyed the hell out of it. :)
@ a hotel w/ a 24kg bell. Did :15/:15 swing variations for 10min.
Hit the pool and the hot tub.!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Snatch Workout + PM Swings
24kg 5/5 Swings on the minute for 16 mins (160 snatches)
32kg Heavy Swings for class warmup
16kg light swing roundabout for 10 minutes for class finisher
32kg Heavy Swings for class warmup
16kg light swing roundabout for 10 minutes for class finisher
That time of the year again.
Just wanted to drop a quick note to all my current and previous students who have made the past year a big hit.
Seriously, a big thanks to all of you guys. We started off rocky and even had to cancel one class for lack of participants. Now, the room is filled to capacity and folks are signing up on a waiting list!
And now to more serious matters
We are entering THE DANGER SEASON....
Its cold.
Its dark.
And we have two big feedlot holidays coming up. Here's some hard fought advice I have learned over the years.
1. Strive to eat as healthy as you can. For me, that means I start with a big salad, followed by steamed veggies and finally a nice big helping of protein (turkey, etc...). As
I follow a primal diet, I will be skipping a lot of carbs this year compared to previous
seasons. No potatoes, chips, bread, cookies, candy, etc... With 1 exception. See #6
2. Go slow. We eat too fast. Slow it down, talk more in between forkfuls. We all
know it takes some time for our bodies to register that we are full. So go slow. Here is a
another good tip I picked up from Ori Hofmeckler's Warrior Diet:
Eat till you feel thirsty.
Turns out that an early sign that you are full is a mild thirst.
3. Exercise. Go for a walk before and/or after your meals. Maybe do 10 swings between plates?!!
4. Learn to recognize Non-Scale-Victories (NSV's).
While I was doing weight watchers (life member, btw) they really hammered us on NSV's. So what is an NSV? Here's an example: The past month my weight has not moved 1 single pound. Frustrating? Annoying? Aggravating?
It might be, except that I whipped out the tailors tape and realized I have dropped an inch off of my belly, chest and thighs. Plus I look leaner in the mirror. I also bought some new pants that I had been holding off purchasing because I was afraid I might gain back some weight.
The result? In the past year, I went from a size 36 waist to a 32. And most of that success came after I got REALLY serious about my diet in July. W00t!
5. External Validation. This is somewhat dicey, in that you don't want your selfworth based on what others think, but sometimes it can really help. My wife has been quite helpful in reminding me that have made some great gains. You see, it's harder for me to see the changes. Afterall, what I see in the mirror today is pretty much what I saw in the mirror yesterday. My wife helps put it in perspective.
6.Finally, enjoy yourself.
You will remember a great holiday season long after any dietary speed bumps are forgotten. The average American will put on 1-2#'s this holiday season. A good diet and some moderate exercise will burn 1-2#'s a week. So, worst case scenario, you are looking at a 1-2 week detour in your goals. Plus, as Russian Kettlebell practitioners, none of you are average.
Personally, I will be having a slice of my aunt-in-law's world famous pecan pie. It's a once a year treat that I really look forward to. Bear in mind, my goal will be just one slice (unlike previous years where I might have half a pie!)
Be well everyone, and again, thank you!
Just wanted to drop a quick note to all my current and previous students who have made the past year a big hit.
Seriously, a big thanks to all of you guys. We started off rocky and even had to cancel one class for lack of participants. Now, the room is filled to capacity and folks are signing up on a waiting list!
And now to more serious matters
We are entering THE DANGER SEASON....
Its cold.
Its dark.
And we have two big feedlot holidays coming up. Here's some hard fought advice I have learned over the years.
1. Strive to eat as healthy as you can. For me, that means I start with a big salad, followed by steamed veggies and finally a nice big helping of protein (turkey, etc...). As
I follow a primal diet, I will be skipping a lot of carbs this year compared to previous
seasons. No potatoes, chips, bread, cookies, candy, etc... With 1 exception. See #6
2. Go slow. We eat too fast. Slow it down, talk more in between forkfuls. We all
know it takes some time for our bodies to register that we are full. So go slow. Here is a
another good tip I picked up from Ori Hofmeckler's Warrior Diet:
Eat till you feel thirsty.
Turns out that an early sign that you are full is a mild thirst.
3. Exercise. Go for a walk before and/or after your meals. Maybe do 10 swings between plates?!!
4. Learn to recognize Non-Scale-Victories (NSV's).
While I was doing weight watchers (life member, btw) they really hammered us on NSV's. So what is an NSV? Here's an example: The past month my weight has not moved 1 single pound. Frustrating? Annoying? Aggravating?
It might be, except that I whipped out the tailors tape and realized I have dropped an inch off of my belly, chest and thighs. Plus I look leaner in the mirror. I also bought some new pants that I had been holding off purchasing because I was afraid I might gain back some weight.
The result? In the past year, I went from a size 36 waist to a 32. And most of that success came after I got REALLY serious about my diet in July. W00t!
5. External Validation. This is somewhat dicey, in that you don't want your selfworth based on what others think, but sometimes it can really help. My wife has been quite helpful in reminding me that have made some great gains. You see, it's harder for me to see the changes. Afterall, what I see in the mirror today is pretty much what I saw in the mirror yesterday. My wife helps put it in perspective.
6.Finally, enjoy yourself.
You will remember a great holiday season long after any dietary speed bumps are forgotten. The average American will put on 1-2#'s this holiday season. A good diet and some moderate exercise will burn 1-2#'s a week. So, worst case scenario, you are looking at a 1-2 week detour in your goals. Plus, as Russian Kettlebell practitioners, none of you are average.
Personally, I will be having a slice of my aunt-in-law's world famous pecan pie. It's a once a year treat that I really look forward to. Bear in mind, my goal will be just one slice (unlike previous years where I might have half a pie!)
Be well everyone, and again, thank you!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Snatch warmup + KBB-2-A
24kg 5/5 on the minute snatches
5 mins
24kg TGU
24kg GS to start, then did Double 24kg Front Squats
24kg Renegade Rows
5 mins
24kg TGU
24kg GS to start, then did Double 24kg Front Squats
24kg Renegade Rows
Friday, November 19, 2010
Snatch & Conditioning.
130 16kg snatches in 7mins before class....
PM Class....
Swing Workout
10 1H-Swings
10 1H-Swings
10 Hot Potatoes
10 1H High Pulls
10 1H High Pulls
10 Hot Potatoes
10 1H-Swings
10 1H-Swings
10 Hot Potatoes
10 HTH Swing
10 HTH Swing
10 Hot Potatoes
10 Dead Clean L
10 Dead Clean R
10 Hot Potatoes
10 C&P L
10 C&P R
10 Hot Potatoes
1 TGU/Down
1 TGU (stay upright)
1 OH Squat
10 Swings
1 TGU/Down
1 OH Squat
10 Swings
10 slingshot
10 Crush Squat
10 slingshot
10 Crush Press
10 slingshot
10 Squat-Press Crush
10 slingshot
10 Squat-Press Crush
10 slingshot
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch/Press at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch/Squat/Press at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch/Squat/Press at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing
Repeat Swing & TGU routine
Finished with 5mins of roundabout swings (Tracy Rif style)
PM Class....
Swing Workout
10 1H-Swings
10 1H-Swings
10 Hot Potatoes
10 1H High Pulls
10 1H High Pulls
10 Hot Potatoes
10 1H-Swings
10 1H-Swings
10 Hot Potatoes
10 HTH Swing
10 HTH Swing
10 Hot Potatoes
10 Dead Clean L
10 Dead Clean R
10 Hot Potatoes
10 C&P L
10 C&P R
10 Hot Potatoes
1 TGU/Down
1 TGU (stay upright)
1 OH Squat
10 Swings
1 TGU/Down
1 OH Squat
10 Swings
10 slingshot
10 Crush Squat
10 slingshot
10 Crush Press
10 slingshot
10 Squat-Press Crush
10 slingshot
10 Squat-Press Crush
10 slingshot
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch/Press at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch/Squat/Press at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing/Catch/Squat/Press at chest level
10 Dbl-Swing
Repeat Swing & TGU routine
Finished with 5mins of roundabout swings (Tracy Rif style)
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sunday Snatch
Arithmetic is not a kettlebell instructor requirement. I usually tell my students this as I miscount how many reps they have left. I did it to myself today. misread program and did 192 (24kg) kb snatches in stead of 160. I wondered why I was gassed!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
On belay
Was supposed to do some snatches....well, 160 to be precise, but I ended up being a belay-slave for a climbing wall birthday party with my daughter... A good time was had by all...
Friday, November 12, 2010
AM Burn
Feeling sluggish this AM.
Led AM class wiht KBB A (week 1)
Used light weight (16kg) and took many breaks.
Decided to skip the swings at he end and teach them the windmill instead.
Led AM class wiht KBB A (week 1)
Used light weight (16kg) and took many breaks.
Decided to skip the swings at he end and teach them the windmill instead.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Basement of Pain
met w/ the FemBots today. Did one of their routines. G-d help me.
I used a 24kg for all unless otherwise noted.
I used a 24kg for all unless otherwise noted.
Part I, repeat 3x's 20 sec. dead lifts 40 sec. 2-hand swing 30 sec. plank 1 min. jump rope or jumping jacks or jumping lunges or battling ropes (i did jumprope and battling ropes) 5 each deadlifts/5 right lunges/5 left lunges 5 right/5 left rows (or renegade rows) 20 sec. dead lifts 40 sec. 2 hand swing 30 sec. plank 1 min. jump rope or jumping jacks or jumping lunges 10 sec. hot potato/10 sec. over head press (16kg bell) 10 sec. cleans
I used a 24kg for all unless otherwise noted. Part II, repeat 3x's: TGU, 1 each side V ups, 10 x's Skull crushers, 10 x's (16kg) Kettlebell sit ups, 10 x's (16kg) I used a 16kg
Part III, Kettlebell Challenge:
Alternate 10 swings with burpees, starting with 1 burpee and adding another one after each swing set, till you get to 10 swings/10 burpees.
The point is to try to get this in under 7 minutes.
I personally managed 9 sets in 7 minutes using the 16kg.
FemBots did 10sets in 7 minutes.
They are machines!
AM Class
Ran AM thru KBB-B, did some 28kg C&P to demo the routine. Also led the Swing finisher w/ a 24kg (light day)
RKC Prep: Heavy Swing + PM Class
10x5 32kg Swings
15min of 24kg TGU
Then ran PM Class through Burn-B. I didnt train witht hem the whole time, but I definitely led the Swing finisher at the end with a 32kg.
My hip-pop has become amazing since starting the rkc:prep/heavy swing training!
10x5 32kg Swings
15min of 24kg TGU
Then ran PM Class through Burn-B. I didnt train witht hem the whole time, but I definitely led the Swing finisher at the end with a 32kg.
My hip-pop has become amazing since starting the rkc:prep/heavy swing training!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
KBB 2.0 w/ AM Class
Did Phase 1, A with class using 24kg for GU and 32kg for the GS, rows, and swings..
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Heavy Swings + Snatches + PM Class + more heavy swings
Training the Missus.
A mishmash of 2H Swings, Goblet Squats, Goblet Press (2arm overhead press).
Also taught her the high pull.
Appx 30 mins of effort using 5 and 10 rep sets.
For myself, I used 32kg for some 1h and 2h swings. Trying to really pop it up, make it float.
Hoping to get a 7min snatch test in before class tonight. Might have to happen after class. We'll see. All part of the RKC prep
Trained w/ PM Class:
10 GS, IGYG (observe knee's at bottom)
Repeat 2x
5 Clean + 5 Front Squat + 5 Press
Repeat other side
6x5 1H Heavy Swings (Ideal: Female: 20kg, Male: 28kg)
Short Bridge x25
Plank :30
Short Bridge x25
5 Alternating GUSU each side
Russian Twists 1:00
Reaction Goblet Squat (30:30)
5 1h Swings
Reaction Goblet Squat (30:30)
5 1h Swings
Reaction Goblet Squat (30:30)
5 High Pulls
5 2h swings
5 Presses
Repeat other side
5 Goblet Squats (pause at bottom)
5 Sumo Squats
5 Cossacks
5 Clean + 5 Front Squat + 5 Press
Repeat other side
6x5 1H Heavy Swings (Ideal: Female: 20kg, Male: 28kg)
Swing Finishers after small rest
30:30 any swing type. threw in a :30 GS set too.
I used a 32kg for some more heavy work...
A mishmash of 2H Swings, Goblet Squats, Goblet Press (2arm overhead press).
Also taught her the high pull.
Appx 30 mins of effort using 5 and 10 rep sets.
For myself, I used 32kg for some 1h and 2h swings. Trying to really pop it up, make it float.
Hoping to get a 7min snatch test in before class tonight. Might have to happen after class. We'll see. All part of the RKC prep
Trained w/ PM Class:
10 GS, IGYG (observe knee's at bottom)
Repeat 2x
5 Clean + 5 Front Squat + 5 Press
Repeat other side
6x5 1H Heavy Swings (Ideal: Female: 20kg, Male: 28kg)
Short Bridge x25
Plank :30
Short Bridge x25
5 Alternating GUSU each side
Russian Twists 1:00
Reaction Goblet Squat (30:30)
5 1h Swings
Reaction Goblet Squat (30:30)
5 1h Swings
Reaction Goblet Squat (30:30)
5 High Pulls
5 2h swings
5 Presses
Repeat other side
5 Goblet Squats (pause at bottom)
5 Sumo Squats
5 Cossacks
5 Clean + 5 Front Squat + 5 Press
Repeat other side
6x5 1H Heavy Swings (Ideal: Female: 20kg, Male: 28kg)
Swing Finishers after small rest
30:30 any swing type. threw in a :30 GS set too.
I used a 32kg for some more heavy work...
Monday, November 1, 2010
Heavy Swings
32kg Swings 11x5
Focos on really making the bell float at the top (chest height).
Focos on really making the bell float at the top (chest height).
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Level 1 Skills Class
Today at 1pm.
Gonna make 'em sore.
Most of them will also be at my 6am class tomorrow!

Gonna make 'em sore.
Most of them will also be at my 6am class tomorrow!
Introduction to Kettlebell Training this Sunday
This is where the fun begins. Learn the essential techniques for training with kettlebells safely and effectively.
An intense course designed to teach you cornerstone kettlebell movements, this course is a prerequisite for the AM and PM kettlebell classes.
Topics include joint mobility, basic techniques, and core kettlebell movements. This class is offered once a month and is approximately 2 hours of instruction. FLAT soled shoes required (chuck taylors, converse, vans, vibram fivefingers, wrestling, powerlifting shoes etc…).
Bring: Flat-soled shoes. Water bottle. Hand towel.
Sunday Oct 31st @ 1pm
Duration: 2 hours
Cost: $30
Duration: 2 hours
Cost: $30
Call or email for details...
RKC-Prep tuneup
Met w/ Sr.RKC Zar Horton for a RKC-prep tuneup...
I am always amazed by the high level of teaching the RKC world fosters.
Zar was able to notice some small subtle incorrect movements in my knees. A little tweak, problem solved.
Shoulder was tender from hvy presses a few weeks back. A few T-Phase Z-Health drills, pain gone. Killer stuff..
Also came away with some suggested RKC-prep training to do.
I am always amazed by the high level of teaching the RKC world fosters.
Zar was able to notice some small subtle incorrect movements in my knees. A little tweak, problem solved.
Shoulder was tender from hvy presses a few weeks back. A few T-Phase Z-Health drills, pain gone. Killer stuff..
Also came away with some suggested RKC-prep training to do.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Basement Ballistics
Met w/ Joy & Lorilee at L's basement for some ballistic KB training.
Rest as needed.
floorpress – 5 each side
Bicycle with legs only, arms holding two kb’s in a double press – 10 times
v-up’s – 5 times
cleans, 3 ea. side
10 mountain climbers
5 V-ups
Repeat 4x
floorpress – 5 each side
Bicycle with legs only, arms holding two kb’s in a double press – 10 times
v-up’s – 5 times
C&P 3-rung Ladder 1, 2, 3
Between each rung, do 5 snatches each arm
Double cleans, 5 times (remember, try to stay heavy)
Reverse lunge, 2 each side
20 mountain climbers
floorpress – 5 each side
Bicycle with legs only, arms holding two kb’s in a double press – 20 times
v-up’s – 10 times
7. 1H-Swing Ladder (4, 5, 6, 7)
8. Alternating Getups for 5 minutes
9. Snatch Ladder (4,5,6,7)
Goblet squat, heavy, 5x’s
5 push ups
floorpress – 5 each side
Bicycle with legs only, arms holding two kb’s in a double press – 10 times
v-up’s – 5 times
Rest as needed.
floorpress – 5 each side
Bicycle with legs only, arms holding two kb’s in a double press – 10 times
v-up’s – 5 times
cleans, 3 ea. side
10 mountain climbers
5 V-ups
Repeat 4x
floorpress – 5 each side
Bicycle with legs only, arms holding two kb’s in a double press – 10 times
v-up’s – 5 times
C&P 3-rung Ladder 1, 2, 3
Between each rung, do 5 snatches each arm
Double cleans, 5 times (remember, try to stay heavy)
Reverse lunge, 2 each side
20 mountain climbers
floorpress – 5 each side
Bicycle with legs only, arms holding two kb’s in a double press – 20 times
v-up’s – 10 times
7. 1H-Swing Ladder (4, 5, 6, 7)
8. Alternating Getups for 5 minutes
9. Snatch Ladder (4,5,6,7)
Goblet squat, heavy, 5x’s
5 push ups
floorpress – 5 each side
Bicycle with legs only, arms holding two kb’s in a double press – 10 times
v-up’s – 5 times
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
C&P + Swings
Appx Week 8 of RoP
5 ladders / 3 Rungs, 24kg
32kg 1arm rows
24kg 10 left, 10 right. Rest 1 min. Repeat 4x in 8 min.
5 ladders / 3 Rungs, 24kg
32kg 1arm rows
24kg 10 left, 10 right. Rest 1 min. Repeat 4x in 8 min.
Publish Post
Sunday, October 17, 2010
5k Chi Run
Not exactly screaming fast, but not bad considering this my 5th run of the year...(started end of September)
202# on the bathroom scale
Not exactly screaming fast, but not bad considering this my 5th run of the year...(started end of September)
202# on the bathroom scale
Saturday, October 16, 2010
C&P Test + Swings
Goal: 5rungs/5 ladders of 24kg with 28kg 1arm rows
Ladder One: 5 rungs, rest 2min
Ladder Two: 4 rungs, rest 2min
Ladder Three: 4 rungs, rest 2min
Ladder Four: three rungs + another 3rd rung
Ladder Five: 3 rungs
5min of swings. Timer set to :15 repeating
8-10 reps per 15 sec. Some 1 min sets thrown in.
Used 2H and 1H and alternating.
Ok, well, my dreams of nailing 5 ladders of 5 rungs were shot down. So what does this mean?
Per Enter the Kettlebell, I cannot move up to the next weight until I can do 5x5
My plan is to do 5 ladders with 3 rungs on Monday, 4 rungs on Weds and see if I can do 5x5 next Sat.
This more or less puts me at week 8 of RoP from ETK.
Ladder One: 5 rungs, rest 2min
Ladder Two: 4 rungs, rest 2min
Ladder Three: 4 rungs, rest 2min
Ladder Four: three rungs + another 3rd rung
Ladder Five: 3 rungs
5min of swings. Timer set to :15 repeating
8-10 reps per 15 sec. Some 1 min sets thrown in.
Used 2H and 1H and alternating.
Ok, well, my dreams of nailing 5 ladders of 5 rungs were shot down. So what does this mean?
Per Enter the Kettlebell, I cannot move up to the next weight until I can do 5x5
My plan is to do 5 ladders with 3 rungs on Monday, 4 rungs on Weds and see if I can do 5x5 next Sat.
This more or less puts me at week 8 of RoP from ETK.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Primal Workout of The Week: Cave Burpees
100 full burpee's for time.
Took me 13m45s
Slow compared to other primals, but damn, that was a kickbutt workout!
Took me 13m45s
Slow compared to other primals, but damn, that was a kickbutt workout!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
heavy swinging...
5min of
5 Wall Squats
5 Pumps
5 Halos
10min of:
32kg 2H Swings 20 reps
rest 1min
(training w/ the missus (she's doing Program Minimum))
5 Wall Squats
5 Pumps
5 Halos
10min of:
32kg 2H Swings 20 reps
rest 1min
(training w/ the missus (she's doing Program Minimum))
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
RoP: C&P + Rows + Swings
Shoulder feeling better, still sticking w/ 24kg. No Pullups yet.
24kg C&P 5 ladders, 4 rungs
24kg 1Arm Row 5 ladders, 4 rungs
8min 24kg 2h Swings 50reps - rest 20:
Swing 50r
rest 20sec
swing 30 rest Swing 10 rest Swing 10
rest 20
swings 20r rest swings 5r
24kg C&P 5 ladders, 4 rungs
24kg 1Arm Row 5 ladders, 4 rungs
8min 24kg 2h Swings 50reps - rest 20:
Swing 50r
rest 20sec
swing 30 rest Swing 10 rest Swing 10
rest 20
swings 20r rest swings 5r
Monday, October 11, 2010
c&p + rows + swings
going lighter today due to tender mid delt
24kg 2h swing 20reps
24kg C&P - 5 Ladders with 3 rungs per side + 24kg Double Row
24kg 2h swing 20reps
24kg C&P - 5 Ladders with 3 rungs per side + 24kg Double Row
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Saturdy Mixup
2.27mile chi run
50yd sprint x2
10 push ups
50yd sprint x2
10 swingset knee tucks
10 pushups
10 swingset knee tucks
10 pushups
75yd sprint x2
10 incline pulls
10 incline pushups
1:00 static top of dip
10 incline pull
10 incline pushups
10 plyo wall hops
10 box squats mid thigh
10 cossacks
50yd sprint x2
10 push ups
50yd sprint x2
10 swingset knee tucks
10 pushups
10 swingset knee tucks
10 pushups
75yd sprint x2
10 incline pulls
10 incline pushups
1:00 static top of dip
10 incline pull
10 incline pushups
10 plyo wall hops
10 box squats mid thigh
10 cossacks
Monday, October 4, 2010
RoP C&P + Snatches
28kg C&P
3 ladders of 3 Rungs
(rest 2min between ladders)
28kg Snatches
10 Left
10 Right
Rest 1 min.
repeated for 5:45sec
Managed 3sets each side, 60 total
3 ladders of 3 Rungs
(rest 2min between ladders)
28kg Snatches
10 Left
10 Right
Rest 1 min.
repeated for 5:45sec
Managed 3sets each side, 60 total
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
5k ChiRun
Went for my first 5k ChiRun on blacktop in my vibrams (I have done some trail runs in the past that were probably 5K+)
Used 175 BPM on my metronome. Stayed mostly in 2nd gear.
My stopwatch glitched, so I dont know the total run time, but it was a pretty relaxed pace, 9min/miles maybe? I wasnt going for the gold, just trying to get my volume up.
No aches, pains, or new war wounds to impress the ladies with.
Used 175 BPM on my metronome. Stayed mostly in 2nd gear.
My stopwatch glitched, so I dont know the total run time, but it was a pretty relaxed pace, 9min/miles maybe? I wasnt going for the gold, just trying to get my volume up.
No aches, pains, or new war wounds to impress the ladies with.
Friday, October 1, 2010
RoP: Presses & Swings
28kg C&P 3 ladders of 3 Rungs
Pullup ladders
rest 1min between rungs
28kg Swings
25 Left
rest 10 sec
25 Right
rest 10 sec
25 2h Swings
rest 10 sec
25 2h Swings (Set bell down at rep 9 to breathe!)
rest 10 sec
25 2h Swings (Set bell down at rep 9 to breathe!)
Total time 6 min.
Tweaked left delt a bit. Reckon I am lifting shoulder a bit. Will drop weight next session and watch movement in the mirror.
Mark Rifkind mentions thinking about the pivot point for the press is actually at the insertion of the lat in the humerus. So don't think of pressing from shoulder joint.
Pullup ladders
rest 1min between rungs
28kg Swings
25 Left
rest 10 sec
25 Right
rest 10 sec
25 2h Swings
rest 10 sec
25 2h Swings (Set bell down at rep 9 to breathe!)
rest 10 sec
25 2h Swings (Set bell down at rep 9 to breathe!)
Total time 6 min.
Tweaked left delt a bit. Reckon I am lifting shoulder a bit. Will drop weight next session and watch movement in the mirror.
Mark Rifkind mentions thinking about the pivot point for the press is actually at the insertion of the lat in the humerus. So don't think of pressing from shoulder joint.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Rite of Passage
28kg C&P
3 ladders of 3 Rungs
rest 2min between rungs
28kg Snatches
10 Left
10 Right
Rest 1 min.
repeat for 5 min.
Managed 2sets each side, 40 total
3 ladders of 3 Rungs
rest 2min between rungs
28kg Snatches
10 Left
10 Right
Rest 1 min.
repeat for 5 min.
Managed 2sets each side, 40 total
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Primal Blueprint Fitness: WOW -- Fight and Flight
Total max reps in 3 cycles of:
30 seconds Decline Pushups
30 seconds Box Jumps*
30 seconds Pullups
30 seconds Shoulder Press Pushups
Finish workout with a 15 minute Run
This workout is designed to be done with a partner.
Warmup: A couple rotations of the Grok Squat and Grok Hang.
With a partner, alternate 30 seconds of moving with 30 seconds of rest. For example, while you are completing max reps in 30 seconds of Decline Pushups your partner is counting your reps aloud and cheering you on. As soon as your time is up it’s your partners turn to complete max reps in 30 seconds of Decline Pushups and your turn to rest and encourage your partner. Tally your total reps and report your score in today’s comment board.
After completing 3 cycles of each of the 4 movements finish the workout with a 15 minute run.
Total max reps in 3 cycles of:
30 seconds Decline Pushups
30 seconds Box Jumps*
30 seconds Pullups
30 seconds Shoulder Press Pushups
Finish workout with a 15 minute Run
This workout is designed to be done with a partner.
Warmup: A couple rotations of the Grok Squat and Grok Hang.
With a partner, alternate 30 seconds of moving with 30 seconds of rest. For example, while you are completing max reps in 30 seconds of Decline Pushups your partner is counting your reps aloud and cheering you on. As soon as your time is up it’s your partners turn to complete max reps in 30 seconds of Decline Pushups and your turn to rest and encourage your partner. Tally your total reps and report your score in today’s comment board.
After completing 3 cycles of each of the 4 movements finish the workout with a 15 minute run.
Primitive Snatch at 8,500'
Was at a primitive camo workshop yesterday. While everyone else was eating a lunch full of bread, soda, and chips, I decided to do some 24kg snatches. I love the Warrior Diet. No need to get loaded down with large lunches to function at a higher level.
And yea, I travel with a 'bell in my truck. You never know when you might need to do some KB training!
So, I thought I might do a 100rep 5min snatch test, going 10reps on each arm.
I got to 60 before getting gased. The reason?
Well, one, I just need to do more snatching. And two, I was at 8,500' feet (about 2,000 feet higher than normal for me.) Definitely not as much air up there!
Going to do a primal blueprint session at the park today. Hopefully I will have a good turnout...
And yea, I travel with a 'bell in my truck. You never know when you might need to do some KB training!
So, I thought I might do a 100rep 5min snatch test, going 10reps on each arm.
I got to 60 before getting gased. The reason?
Well, one, I just need to do more snatching. And two, I was at 8,500' feet (about 2,000 feet higher than normal for me.) Definitely not as much air up there!
Going to do a primal blueprint session at the park today. Hopefully I will have a good turnout...
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Master of the Hunt
Appx 20 min of light running for class.
Based off of Hash House Harrier rules.
I laid a 95% cold trail. Once everyone was gathered I took off and laid first 5%, giving illusion that I laid out the whole run hot :o)
Was a mile of so warm up for them...then:
Master of the Hunt, part 2
50m sprint
25m alligator crawl (later on Seal Crawl) Bear crawl if you were tired.
25m crab crawl
10 Jackknife (Pike) Pushups
8kg 1arm KB toss (alternating arms) shotput style....50m
heavy drag (I used 88kg, others ramped down to varying sizes)
3 push ups
farmers walk 25m then switch arms, another 25m
light overhead press (the 8kg "shotputs")
repeat for 20min
Appx 2.5 sets..
Based off of Hash House Harrier rules.
I laid a 95% cold trail. Once everyone was gathered I took off and laid first 5%, giving illusion that I laid out the whole run hot :o)
Was a mile of so warm up for them...then:
Master of the Hunt, part 2
50m sprint
25m alligator crawl (later on Seal Crawl) Bear crawl if you were tired.
25m crab crawl
10 Jackknife (Pike) Pushups
8kg 1arm KB toss (alternating arms) shotput style....50m
heavy drag (I used 88kg, others ramped down to varying sizes)
3 push ups
farmers walk 25m then switch arms, another 25m
light overhead press (the 8kg "shotputs")
repeat for 20min
Appx 2.5 sets..
Friday, September 17, 2010
KBB Week 16 (A)
24kg Snatch 3resp/side repeat for 15 min
75 reps in 5min, 160 reps by the end of 15min
28kg Reverse Lung 10 reps/side
28kg Stagger Stance Row 10 reps/side
Repeated 5x
75 reps in 5min, 160 reps by the end of 15min
28kg Reverse Lung 10 reps/side
28kg Stagger Stance Row 10 reps/side
Repeated 5x
Toe is still a bit bruised so I went easy and did a 1.44mile chirun along road and dirt paths...
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
KBB Week 16 !!! (B)
Missed Monday's training due to bruised toe from Grok Rocks workout on Sunday.
Doesn't appear to be broke, thankfully..
28kg Contra-lateral single leg deadlift 3R/side
15 min
Metabolic Complexes
24kg 5reps of Clean + 5reps of Front Squat + 5reps of Press ALL on one side.
Then repeat for the other side.
Repeat for 15min
4sets on both sides
Doesn't appear to be broke, thankfully..
28kg Contra-lateral single leg deadlift 3R/side
15 min
Metabolic Complexes
24kg 5reps of Clean + 5reps of Front Squat + 5reps of Press ALL on one side.
Then repeat for the other side.
Repeat for 15min
4sets on both sides
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Grok's Rock Primal Workout (Sunday)
Joy & Michelle showed up for a primal session.
50m Sprint
25m Bear Crawl
25m Lunges
50m Squat & Throws using 18# KB
Repeat 8 (FREAKING) times
more or less 28min
50m Sprint
25m Bear Crawl
25m Lunges
50m Squat & Throws using 18# KB
Repeat 8 (FREAKING) times
more or less 28min
KBB (A) (Saturday), Running
Started day off with some casual ChiRunning...2 miles I reckon....
Later on I did KBB:
24kg Snatch 3resp/side repeat for 15 min
16kg Overhead Reverse Lung 10 reps/side
28kg Stagger Stance Row 10 reps/side
repeated twice then upped to 24kg
24kg Overhead Reverse Lung 10 reps/side
28kg Stagger Stance Row 10 reps/side
for 2 sets
No time for TGU but i did go to my daughters gmanstic b'day party were I got to play on trampolines,swing on ropes, climb out of The Cheesepit...
Good stuff.
Later on I did KBB:
24kg Snatch 3resp/side repeat for 15 min
16kg Overhead Reverse Lung 10 reps/side
28kg Stagger Stance Row 10 reps/side
repeated twice then upped to 24kg
24kg Overhead Reverse Lung 10 reps/side
28kg Stagger Stance Row 10 reps/side
for 2 sets
No time for TGU but i did go to my daughters gmanstic b'day party were I got to play on trampolines,swing on ropes, climb out of The Cheesepit...
Good stuff.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Tracy's "15min routine"
Playing around with swings and my new flip camera. (no vid in this post, sorry)
So I did her "15 min swing workout" from her new DVD, which is good stuff btw.
I did appx 262 swings during her "15min routine" (actually 11min 15sec), but the first time around I used a 16kg, mostly to try and match her 10rep/15 sec pace.
After reviewing my swings I was horrified. I had a slight arc in my back. Nothing that hurt, but clear as day on the video. So then I rewound the disc and tried it again, making a point to get a better arc in my spine.
Didnt work. Up to 525 swings now...
Rewound DVD and grabbed the 24kg and did about 40 more swings.
Better, but not what I wanted.
Rewound it again (by now I am only doing 40 or 50 swings per rewind doing half w/ 16kg and half w/ 24kg)
I have no idea how many swings I did today, but in the neighborhood of 800 swings seems a good stab....
Some things I need to fix/be aware of:
2H swing (10 reps)
1H transfers (10)
2h swings (speed) (12)
1H transfers (10)
2H swing (10 reps) + 1H transfers (10) (30 secs total)
rest :30
2h swings (speed) (12) + 1H transfers (10)(30 secs total)
rest :30
1H transfers (10) + 2h swings (speed) (12) (30 secs total)
rest :30
(1) 1H-swing + (1) transfer, switch hands, repeat 10x (20 reps total)
rest :30
(1) 1H-swing + (1) transfer, switch hands, repeat 10x (20 reps total) + (2) 2H swings (working in to rest at this point)
rest less than :30
(4) 1H-swing + (1) transfer, switch hands, repeat 10x (20 reps total) + (4) 2H swings
rest less than :30
(4) 1H-swing + (1) transfer, switch hands, repeat 10x (20 reps total) + (6) 2H swings
rest less than :30
(10) 1h swing (left) + (10) 1h swing (right) + 2h-swing (8)
rest less than :30
(10) 1h swing (left) + (10) 1h swing (right) + 2h-swing (10)
rest less than :30
2H-swing (10)
So I did her "15 min swing workout" from her new DVD, which is good stuff btw.
I did appx 262 swings during her "15min routine" (actually 11min 15sec), but the first time around I used a 16kg, mostly to try and match her 10rep/15 sec pace.
After reviewing my swings I was horrified. I had a slight arc in my back. Nothing that hurt, but clear as day on the video. So then I rewound the disc and tried it again, making a point to get a better arc in my spine.
Didnt work. Up to 525 swings now...
Rewound DVD and grabbed the 24kg and did about 40 more swings.
Better, but not what I wanted.
Rewound it again (by now I am only doing 40 or 50 swings per rewind doing half w/ 16kg and half w/ 24kg)
I have no idea how many swings I did today, but in the neighborhood of 800 swings seems a good stab....
Some things I need to fix/be aware of:
- I must really make a point of arching back when I am down low, about to start swinging. Make sure I have an anterior tilt on pelvis.
- Keep eyes on horizon, lift head a little at the bottom. I was really looking too far down.)
- Pull up the kneecaps. I noticed that once I forgot to do that, my glutes stopped firing as hard.
- Practice AP thoracic glides from Z-health
- Practice 'Chickens' from Z-health
- Practice more swings...
2H swing (10 reps)
1H transfers (10)
2h swings (speed) (12)
1H transfers (10)
2H swing (10 reps) + 1H transfers (10) (30 secs total)
rest :30
2h swings (speed) (12) + 1H transfers (10)(30 secs total)
rest :30
1H transfers (10) + 2h swings (speed) (12) (30 secs total)
rest :30
(1) 1H-swing + (1) transfer, switch hands, repeat 10x (20 reps total)
rest :30
(1) 1H-swing + (1) transfer, switch hands, repeat 10x (20 reps total) + (2) 2H swings (working in to rest at this point)
rest less than :30
(4) 1H-swing + (1) transfer, switch hands, repeat 10x (20 reps total) + (4) 2H swings
rest less than :30
(4) 1H-swing + (1) transfer, switch hands, repeat 10x (20 reps total) + (6) 2H swings
rest less than :30
(10) 1h swing (left) + (10) 1h swing (right) + 2h-swing (8)
rest less than :30
(10) 1h swing (left) + (10) 1h swing (right) + 2h-swing (10)
rest less than :30
2H-swing (10)
Thursday, September 9, 2010
KBB Week 15 (B)
28kg Contra-lateral single leg deadlift 3R/side
15 min
Metabolic Complexes
24kg 5reps of Clean + 5reps of Front Squat + 5reps of Press ALL on one side.
Then repeat for the other side.
Repeat for 15min
(5sets on L side, 4 sets on R.)
28kg Contra-lateral single leg deadlift 3R/side
15 min
Metabolic Complexes
24kg 5reps of Clean + 5reps of Front Squat + 5reps of Press ALL on one side.
Then repeat for the other side.
Repeat for 15min
(5sets on L side, 4 sets on R.)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
KBB Week 15 (A)
24kg Snatch 3resp/side repeat for 15 min
28kg Reverse Lung 10 reps/side
28kg Stagger Stance Row 10 reps/side
Repeated 3x (forgot to set timer and after 3 my form was ****)
28kg TGU
10 min
28kg Reverse Lung 10 reps/side
28kg Stagger Stance Row 10 reps/side
Repeated 3x (forgot to set timer and after 3 my form was ****)
28kg TGU
10 min
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
KBB Week 14 (B)
Cut down 3 trees and move limbs to curb.
Move large logs to pile for burning this winter.
28kg Contra-lateral single leg deadlift 3R/side
15 min
Metabolic Complexes
24kg 5reps of Clean + 5reps of Front Squat + 5reps of Press ALL on one side.
Then repeat for the other side.
Repeat for 15min
Cut down 3 trees and move limbs to curb.
Move large logs to pile for burning this winter.
28kg Contra-lateral single leg deadlift 3R/side
15 min
Metabolic Complexes
24kg 5reps of Clean + 5reps of Front Squat + 5reps of Press ALL on one side.
Then repeat for the other side.
Repeat for 15min
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Carry Heavy Things & Grok Tag
From Primal Blueprint:
Using 24kg kettlebells
50yd 2 arm farmers walk
50yd 1 arm clean & walk
50yd 1 arm clean & walk
50yd 1 arm Overhead Walk
50yd 1 arm Overhead Walk
50yd 2 arm Overhead Walk
Round 2
50yd 2 arm farmers walk
50yd 1 arm clean & walk
50yd 1 arm clean & walk
50yd 1 arm Overhead Walk
50yd 1 arm Overhead Walk
50yd 2 arm Overhead Walk (dropped to 16kg for this last one.)
Then appx 30 mins of Grok Tag.
everyone drops and does 10 burpees. slowest one is IT.
Begin the chase!
Next person to get tagged drops and does 5 push ups.
Next person does 10, etc.. till you reach 20. After 20 pushups is complete everyone rests 2 mins.
Repeat as above but sub squats for PU)
Repeat as above but do 30 secs of 50 rope undulations.
Call it a day...Unless you are my crazy kettlebell students. Then you do 5mins of 30:30 swings (i didnt participate as I was cleaning up.)
Total time ~40min (45 id you did bells)
Using 24kg kettlebells
50yd 2 arm farmers walk
50yd 1 arm clean & walk
50yd 1 arm clean & walk
50yd 1 arm Overhead Walk
50yd 1 arm Overhead Walk
50yd 2 arm Overhead Walk
Round 2
50yd 2 arm farmers walk
50yd 1 arm clean & walk
50yd 1 arm clean & walk
50yd 1 arm Overhead Walk
50yd 1 arm Overhead Walk
50yd 2 arm Overhead Walk (dropped to 16kg for this last one.)
Then appx 30 mins of Grok Tag.
everyone drops and does 10 burpees. slowest one is IT.
Begin the chase!
Next person to get tagged drops and does 5 push ups.
Next person does 10, etc.. till you reach 20. After 20 pushups is complete everyone rests 2 mins.
Repeat as above but sub squats for PU)
Repeat as above but do 30 secs of 50 rope undulations.
Call it a day...Unless you are my crazy kettlebell students. Then you do 5mins of 30:30 swings (i didnt participate as I was cleaning up.)
Total time ~40min (45 id you did bells)
KBB Week 14 (A)
24kg Snatch 3resp/side repeat for 15 min
28kg Reverse Lung 10 reps/side
28kg Stagger Stance Row 10 reps/side
Repeated 5x, 15min
28kg TGU
10 min
28kg Reverse Lung 10 reps/side
28kg Stagger Stance Row 10 reps/side
Repeated 5x, 15min
28kg TGU
10 min
KBB Week 14 (b) (Tuesday)
28kg Contra-lateral single leg deadlift 3R/side
17 sets in 15 min
Metabolic Complexes
28kg 5reps of Clean + 5reps of Front Squat + 5reps of Press ALL on one side. Then repeat for the other side. ONE set. Dropped down to 24kg after that.
24kg 5reps of Clean + 5reps of Front Squat + 5reps of Press ALL on one side. Then repeat for the other side. 4 sets
17 sets in 15 min
Metabolic Complexes
28kg 5reps of Clean + 5reps of Front Squat + 5reps of Press ALL on one side. Then repeat for the other side. ONE set. Dropped down to 24kg after that.
24kg 5reps of Clean + 5reps of Front Squat + 5reps of Press ALL on one side. Then repeat for the other side. 4 sets
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
KBB Week 13 (A)
24kg Snatch 3resp/side repeat for 15 min
Appx 150 snatches
24kg Reverse Lung 10 reps/side
28kg Stagger Stance Row 10 reps/side
Repeated 4x, 15min
24kg TGU
10 min
Appx 150 snatches
24kg Reverse Lung 10 reps/side
28kg Stagger Stance Row 10 reps/side
Repeated 4x, 15min
24kg TGU
10 min
Tracy Reifkind's new DVD
Just picked up TR's new Swing DVD
I followed along during the first part of the 2H 10coutn swing demo. WHEW!
I have never really swung a 'bell like this. Actively braking on the up swing with a forceful downswing (I have done down swing overspeed eccentrics, but I never slowed them down on the way up.) It was the only way I could keep pace w/ her. Maybe this is due to my large size (6'5"). My pendulum just cant move that fast. I am going to email her and ask her about this.
Needless to say, I already like what I have done. Trying to crank out 15 reps in 30 seconds with little to nest, WHEW! Can you say ass kicker.
And I was using a 16kilo... I think this DVD is going to make a great addition to my library, and to my students torture, er, routines.
I followed along during the first part of the 2H 10coutn swing demo. WHEW!
I have never really swung a 'bell like this. Actively braking on the up swing with a forceful downswing (I have done down swing overspeed eccentrics, but I never slowed them down on the way up.) It was the only way I could keep pace w/ her. Maybe this is due to my large size (6'5"). My pendulum just cant move that fast. I am going to email her and ask her about this.
Needless to say, I already like what I have done. Trying to crank out 15 reps in 30 seconds with little to nest, WHEW! Can you say ass kicker.
And I was using a 16kilo... I think this DVD is going to make a great addition to my library, and to my students torture, er, routines.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Grok's Rock Primal Workout
Managed to sucker a former KB student, my wife, a co-worker and a kola bear into doing the WoW (workout of the week) from
50m Sprint
25m Bear Crawl
25m Lunges
50m Squat & Throw using 55# sandbag
Repeat 8 (FREAKING) times
Took us ~25min
(Apologies for the lousy dark camera work. I am still getting used to my Flip.)
50m Sprint
25m Bear Crawl
25m Lunges
50m Squat & Throw using 55# sandbag
Repeat 8 (FREAKING) times
Took us ~25min
(Apologies for the lousy dark camera work. I am still getting used to my Flip.)
Friday, August 27, 2010
KBB Week 13 (B)
28kg Contra-lateral single leg deadlift 3R/side
19 sets in 15 min
Metabolic Complexes
24kg 5reps of Clean + 5reps of Front Squat + 5reps of Press ALL on one side. Then repeat for the other side.
Ideally you should not put the bell down at all in the 15min. Practically speaking I made it 3/3 before needing to start resting.
Appx numbers: 7 sets per side which more or less = 70 Cleans+FS+Presses!
WOW! Insane workout.
19 sets in 15 min
Metabolic Complexes
24kg 5reps of Clean + 5reps of Front Squat + 5reps of Press ALL on one side. Then repeat for the other side.
Ideally you should not put the bell down at all in the 15min. Practically speaking I made it 3/3 before needing to start resting.
Appx numbers: 7 sets per side which more or less = 70 Cleans+FS+Presses!
WOW! Insane workout.
KBB Week 13 (A)
24kg Snatches 3reps/side
appx 100 in 15min
28kg Rev Lunge 10l/10r
28kg Staggered 1-arm row 10l/10r
9 sets (5l, 4r) in 15 min
Skipped TGU due to tweaky, weak knee/hammies
appx 100 in 15min
28kg Rev Lunge 10l/10r
28kg Staggered 1-arm row 10l/10r
9 sets (5l, 4r) in 15 min
Skipped TGU due to tweaky, weak knee/hammies
Monday, August 23, 2010
After leading the class in warm-ups we did some forms practice and rounded out the evening with some sparring. Felt great to be dueling again. :)
Friday, August 20, 2010
KBB end of week 12 (b)
28kg Contralateral Single leg deadlift Ladder (3 rungs) repeated
9 sets
Time: 15min
24kg C&P 3reps Left and then Front Squat 3reps Left
24kg C&P 3reps Right and then Front Squat 3reps Right
Repeat 9x in 15m
50' Rope vs 32kg Swings
30:30 (work:rest)
9 sets
Time: 15min
24kg C&P 3reps Left and then Front Squat 3reps Left
24kg C&P 3reps Right and then Front Squat 3reps Right
Repeat 9x in 15m
50' Rope vs 32kg Swings
30:30 (work:rest)
- Large Symetric Undulations
- 2H Swing
- Grappler
- 1H Swing Left (15sec)
- 1H Swing Right (15sec)
- Asymetric fast small waves
Monday, August 16, 2010
KBB Week 12 (b)
28kg Contralateral Single leg deadlift Ladder (3 rungs) repeated
8 sets
Time: 15min
28kg C&P 3reps Left and then 28kg + Front Squat 3reps Left
28kg C&P 3reps Right and then 28kg + Front Squat 3reps Right
~15ming - lost track of time
8 sets
Time: 15min
28kg C&P 3reps Left and then 28kg + Front Squat 3reps Left
28kg C&P 3reps Right and then 28kg + Front Squat 3reps Right
~15ming - lost track of time
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Ropes and KBB end of week 11 (a)
28Kg Snatch ladder, 3rungs (42 reps total)
Grip on Left side is the main weakness. I need to do some more Farmer walks w/a heavy bell and some more crush grips.
Right side is spot on.
14 min
28kg Alternating TGU
18 reps total
Rope Work: 30:30
Symetric two-arm waves
asymetric two-arm waves
Side waves
1H-Bull whip Left
1H-Bull whipRight
Underhand Symetric two-arm waves
Underhand asymetric two-arm waves
Underhand Side waves
Underhand 1H-Bull whip Left
Underhand 1H-Bull whipRight
2-H woodchopper motion (left and right)
Total time: 11m:30s
10 min
Been a while since I have done these, what with my week long layoff. Decided to drop down to the 24k and 20kg. It went well.
** Tore two calluses midway and had to scrounge for some socks to complete the routine.
Grip on Left side is the main weakness. I need to do some more Farmer walks w/a heavy bell and some more crush grips.
Right side is spot on.
14 min
28kg Alternating TGU
18 reps total
Rope Work: 30:30
Symetric two-arm waves
asymetric two-arm waves
Side waves
1H-Bull whip Left
1H-Bull whipRight
Underhand Symetric two-arm waves
Underhand asymetric two-arm waves
Underhand Side waves
Underhand 1H-Bull whip Left
Underhand 1H-Bull whipRight
2-H woodchopper motion (left and right)
Total time: 11m:30s
10 min
Been a while since I have done these, what with my week long layoff. Decided to drop down to the 24k and 20kg. It went well.
** Tore two calluses midway and had to scrounge for some socks to complete the routine.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Rope rope rope....Pipe Pipe Pipe
Got my 1.5" Manila in the mail today.
Started off wanting to do 1min on 1 min off....
Failed at 40 secs or so...
switches to 30:30 for anohter 6 minutes....WHEW!
These things are awesome. I did two arm synchronous undulations, alternating arms, 1-arms....I was gassed...
Next I grabbed the slosh pipe for a walka roudn the yard doign a Zercher carry.
Repeated doing overhead walk
And finally did some "paddling" to finish me off...
Started off wanting to do 1min on 1 min off....
Failed at 40 secs or so...
switches to 30:30 for anohter 6 minutes....WHEW!
These things are awesome. I did two arm synchronous undulations, alternating arms, 1-arms....I was gassed...
Next I grabbed the slosh pipe for a walka roudn the yard doign a Zercher carry.
Repeated doing overhead walk
And finally did some "paddling" to finish me off...
Thursday, August 12, 2010
KBB Week 10 redo (B)
24kg Contralateral Single leg deadlift Ladder (3 rungs) repeated
8 sets
Time: 15min
28kg C&P 3reps Left and then 28kg + Front Squat 3reps Left
28kg C&P 3reps Right and then 28kg + Front Squat 3reps Right
Repeat7x in 14m
(lateral side of knee still a little tweaky)
24kg 1h swing 30:30
7min (form started failing. Time to stop)
*rested as needed, so a few of those were not 30sec, but more like 20 sec.
8 sets
Time: 15min
28kg C&P 3reps Left and then 28kg + Front Squat 3reps Left
28kg C&P 3reps Right and then 28kg + Front Squat 3reps Right
Repeat7x in 14m
(lateral side of knee still a little tweaky)
24kg 1h swing 30:30
7min (form started failing. Time to stop)
*rested as needed, so a few of those were not 30sec, but more like 20 sec.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Tae Kwon Do w/ Daughter
I think my daughter (and neighbor girl) are really diggin' TKD. I think I have training (accountability) buddies now!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Half-Day ChiRunning Workshop - Albuquerque, NM
I will be attending this workshop in Sept.
Half-Day ChiRunning Workshop - Albuquerque, NM
Location: Albuquerque, NM |
Date: Sep 4, 2010 |
Time: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm |
Instructors: Mark Wallis |
Address: Sandia Preparatory School 532 Osuna Road NE, Albuquerque, NM 87113 |
Number of Seats Remaining: 7 |
In this workshop you will learn the basic ingredients of the ChiRunning® Technique. You will get lots of personal attention and enjoy a rich learning experience packed with good information to help you run injury-free for the rest of your life.
Class Format: The ChiRunning® Essentials workshop includes four hours of instruction in a single 1/2 day course. The Instructor will be guiding you through many exercises and drills designed to leave you with a clear sense of what the ChiRunning® technique feels like in your body. We will not be doing lots of running (contrary to what you might imagine), so no matter what condition you are in, have no fear. We will spend time alternating between demonstrations, fun exercises and technique drills...the nature of the day will be relaxed, full and inspiring.
The workshop will be held outdoors, please check the weather forecast and dress appropriately. Please bring snacks and water if needed.
• The Keys to Effortless, Injury-free Running
• The Physics of Running: Run without Using Your Legs
• ChiRunning® versus Power Running
• Introduction to the ChiRunning® Form
• Injury prevention techniques
• Personal Check-in Tricks and Tools
• Learning to Use Your Gears
• Core Muscle Drills and Exercises
• Pre-run Body Looseners, Post-run Stretches
• Innovative technique drills
• How to conserve energy at any speed
• Sand pit exercise
• Video Analysis
Each participant will receive electronic handouts of the material covered in class.
For additional information about this Workshop please contact the Instructor at: or visit the Mark's website at
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Phase 3 Week 10 (A)
24Kg Snatch ladder, 3rungs **
15 min
24kg Alternating TGU
20kg 1H Swing 30:30
10 min
Been a while since I have done these, what with my week long layoff. Decided to drop down to the 24k and 20kg. It went well.
** Tore two calluses midway and had to scrounge for some socks to complete the routine.
15 min
24kg Alternating TGU
20kg 1H Swing 30:30
10 min
Been a while since I have done these, what with my week long layoff. Decided to drop down to the 24k and 20kg. It went well.
** Tore two calluses midway and had to scrounge for some socks to complete the routine.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Kbb week 10 redo (B)
Redoing week 10 after taking some time off to let my CNS settle down.
24kg Contralateral Single leg deadlift Ladder (3 rungs) repeated 7x
Time: 14min
(PR with heavier weight)
28kg C&P 5reps Left and then 28kg Front Squat 5reps Left
28kg C&P 5reps Right and then 28kg Front Squat 5reps Right
Repeat 4x in 12m30s
24kg 1h swing 30:30
*rested as needed, so a few of those were not 30sec, but more like 20 sec.
All in all a good day, and a great session for a comeback after a week off.
24kg Contralateral Single leg deadlift Ladder (3 rungs) repeated 7x
Time: 14min
(PR with heavier weight)
28kg C&P 5reps Left and then 28kg Front Squat 5reps Left
28kg C&P 5reps Right and then 28kg Front Squat 5reps Right
Repeat 4x in 12m30s
24kg 1h swing 30:30
*rested as needed, so a few of those were not 30sec, but more like 20 sec.
All in all a good day, and a great session for a comeback after a week off.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Interesting back off effects
Plateaued at ~215#'s with a recent jump to 218/220
Training hard using Kettlebell Burn and ITF Tae Kwon Do
Diet: Warrior Diet
the 24kg suddenly felt heavy. I mean really heavy.
A 24kg bell is the low end of my working weight, so for it to feel heavy was odd.
So-so till last week. Then whammo, 5am wake ups (hour before alarm clock) or worse a 2am wake up and not being able to go back to bed.
Course of action:
First and foremost, I did a food log for a week and discovered that I have been chronically under-eating. Which is odd, because you would think that would be very hard, but the Warrior Diet conditions you to eat light during the day. After a while, with out realizing it, I had cut my calories Waaaay back.
So step 1.
Eat more quality nutrients (range fed beef, chicken, organic fruits and veggies)
Step 2.
No training. I did do some yard work, which got me sweaty, but light compared to heavy bell work.
Sleep is still an issue (5am roll call, but no 2am BS)
My weight has dropped to 216 while eating more!
I feel better over all. Monday will be TKD and I wont start lifting again till Tuesday.
Plateaued at ~215#'s with a recent jump to 218/220
Training hard using Kettlebell Burn and ITF Tae Kwon Do
Diet: Warrior Diet
the 24kg suddenly felt heavy. I mean really heavy.
A 24kg bell is the low end of my working weight, so for it to feel heavy was odd.
So-so till last week. Then whammo, 5am wake ups (hour before alarm clock) or worse a 2am wake up and not being able to go back to bed.
Course of action:
First and foremost, I did a food log for a week and discovered that I have been chronically under-eating. Which is odd, because you would think that would be very hard, but the Warrior Diet conditions you to eat light during the day. After a while, with out realizing it, I had cut my calories Waaaay back.
So step 1.
Eat more quality nutrients (range fed beef, chicken, organic fruits and veggies)
Step 2.
No training. I did do some yard work, which got me sweaty, but light compared to heavy bell work.
Sleep is still an issue (5am roll call, but no 2am BS)
My weight has dropped to 216 while eating more!
I feel better over all. Monday will be TKD and I wont start lifting again till Tuesday.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
up at 2am - Insomnia
Definitely time for a matter how good I feel at lunch time I am not slinging today...I think I am in burnout mode....
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tae Kwon Do
Did some good defense knife blocks, lots of punching and kicking. A little jump 'n roll 'n crescent kicks with stepping side kick and elbow strikes...
all in all, a good session.
all in all, a good session.
KBB Week 10 (B)
20kg Contralateral Single leg deadlift Ladder (3 rungs) repeated 8x
Time: 14.5min
28kg C&P 5reps Left and then 28kg Front Squat 5reps Left
28kg C&P 5reps Right and then 28kg Front Squat 5reps Right
Repeat 4x in 15min
20kg 1h swing 30:30
Time: 14.5min
28kg C&P 5reps Left and then 28kg Front Squat 5reps Left
28kg C&P 5reps Right and then 28kg Front Squat 5reps Right
Repeat 4x in 15min
20kg 1h swing 30:30
Took my bell to my pistol training class.
24kg 1H Swings 20:10
5 mins
Overhead Walk
repeated twice.
Good day.
24kg 1H Swings 20:10
5 mins
Overhead Walk
repeated twice.
Good day.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Phase 3 Week 9 (A)
28Kg Snatch ladder, 3rungs
7 sets (each side) in 13.5min
PR bump using 28kg.
72 snatches total
28kg Alternating TGU
9 per side total in 15min
(18 total)
20kg 1H Swing 20:10
Aiming for 10min.
7 sets (each side) in 13.5min
PR bump using 28kg.
72 snatches total
28kg Alternating TGU
9 per side total in 15min
(18 total)
20kg 1H Swing 20:10
Aiming for 10min.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
KBB Phase 3, week 9 (B)
16kg Contralateral Single leg deadlift Ladder (3 rungs) repeated 6x
Time: 15min
28kg C&P 5reps Left
28kg Front Squat 5reps Left
28kg C&P 5reps right
28kg Front Squat 5reps Right
too heavy for today - Switch to 24kg
24kg C&P 5reps right, 24kg Front Squat 5reps Right
24kg C&P 5reps left, 24kg Front Squat 5reps Left
did this for 4 sets + the first set in 15min
20kg 1h swing 20:10
Time: 15min
28kg C&P 5reps Left
28kg Front Squat 5reps Left
28kg C&P 5reps right
28kg Front Squat 5reps Right
too heavy for today - Switch to 24kg
24kg C&P 5reps right, 24kg Front Squat 5reps Right
24kg C&P 5reps left, 24kg Front Squat 5reps Left
did this for 4 sets + the first set in 15min
20kg 1h swing 20:10
Monday, July 19, 2010
Phase 3, week 9 (A)
24Kg Snatch ladder, 3rungs
7 sets (each side) in 13min
24kg Alternating TGU 10/side
in 15min
20kg 1H Swing 20:10
3min then had to drop to
16kg 1h swing 20:10
Aiming for 10min.
7 sets (each side) in 13min
24kg Alternating TGU 10/side
in 15min
20kg 1H Swing 20:10
3min then had to drop to
16kg 1h swing 20:10
Aiming for 10min.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Snatches this AM
All I had was me 28kg with me at the hotel so I tried working a few 2H-swings, 1H swings, followed up by a few snatches.
I am REALLY surprised how hard a 28kg snatch is compared to a 24kg!
Only did a few sets of 5 before tweaking my left lat. I am supposed to start KBB phase 3 this week with a bell that I can do 5RM Snatches with. I think that might be the 28kg!
I am REALLY surprised how hard a 28kg snatch is compared to a 24kg!
Only did a few sets of 5 before tweaking my left lat. I am supposed to start KBB phase 3 this week with a bell that I can do 5RM Snatches with. I think that might be the 28kg!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
KBB week 8 (b)
On travel w/ 1 bell, so in the hotel i did:
28kg C&P 3reps each side for 12 sets (last set was assisted by other arm.)
Rest 3m
28kg Getup Situp, 5reps each side (4 sets)
28kg Reverse Lunge, 8 reps each side (3 sets)
Repeat for 15min
rest 3m
Phase 3 starts next week and I cannot freaking wait for the change in moves (snatches, etc!)
28kg C&P 3reps each side for 12 sets (last set was assisted by other arm.)
Rest 3m
28kg Getup Situp, 5reps each side (4 sets)
28kg Reverse Lunge, 8 reps each side (3 sets)
Repeat for 15min
rest 3m
Phase 3 starts next week and I cannot freaking wait for the change in moves (snatches, etc!)
Friday, July 16, 2010
Koski's Strength and Conditioning
I will be at Koski's Strength and Conditioning Studio today from 5-7 for his grand opeing celebration.
Swing on by and say howdy!
Swing on by and say howdy!
Email from Suzanne:
In celebration of our fabulous, new fitness studio, Bob and Suzanne are hosting a Client Appreciation Open House this Friday night July 16, from 5 to 7 pm at 181 Central Park Square, next door to Origami. Come enjoy appetizers, win door prizes and check out our new space!!Hope to see you
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Tae Kwon Do!
My school is finally back up and running. It felt great to be hitting things again.
Pretty mild day all in all. The school has picked up some young'ins so we were hitting basics today.
I need to convince my barbie-princess-fairy-butterfly daughter to take TKD with me!
Pretty mild day all in all. The school has picked up some young'ins so we were hitting basics today.
I need to convince my barbie-princess-fairy-butterfly daughter to take TKD with me!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Happy Happy Joy Joy....
A small skirmish in my battle against my bodyfat.
Weight: 216 -No, that's not the news.
Belly measurement: 37.5" - Yes, that's the news. I have dropped an inch off of my waist!
Weight: 216 -No, that's not the news.
Belly measurement: 37.5" - Yes, that's the news. I have dropped an inch off of my waist!
Monday, July 12, 2010
KBB week 8 (b)
(1) 32kg Assisted Press (3reps each side) then back to 28kg C&P 3reps each side for 9 more sets
Rest 3m
28kg Getup Situp, 5reps each side (4 sets)
28kg Reverse Lunge, 8 reps each side (3 sets)
Repeat for 15min
rest 3m
16kg 1h Swings 30:30 Protocol**
** Today should have been a no swing day, but since my conditioning has been lackluster up till now, I added it back in. Maybe I will take Fri off.
Rest 3m
28kg Getup Situp, 5reps each side (4 sets)
28kg Reverse Lunge, 8 reps each side (3 sets)
Repeat for 15min
rest 3m
16kg 1h Swings 30:30 Protocol**
** Today should have been a no swing day, but since my conditioning has been lackluster up till now, I added it back in. Maybe I will take Fri off.
Friday, July 9, 2010
KBB Week 7 (A)
24kg TGU 3reps Left, then 3 reps Right.
4 sets + 1 rep at the very end on each side to finish up the time...
15min total
Rest 3 Min
Metabolic Pairings:
40kg Goblet Squat for 11 reps PR!
32kg Staggered Stance Row 11l/10R PR!
Rest 60 sec
Repeat 4x (appx 12min)
To wiped from the 11rep sets to do swings...even w/ the 16kg I was in shit form...ergo, no swings!
24kg TGU 3reps Left, then 3 reps Right.
4 sets + 1 rep at the very end on each side to finish up the time...
15min total
Rest 3 Min
Metabolic Pairings:
40kg Goblet Squat for 11 reps PR!
32kg Staggered Stance Row 11l/10R PR!
Rest 60 sec
Repeat 4x (appx 12min)
To wiped from the 11rep sets to do swings...even w/ the 16kg I was in shit form...ergo, no swings!
AFAA Update
As you recall, during fathers day weekend I had to take the AFAA Personal Trainer cert so I can continue teaching kettlebells @ the Y.
Well, On tuesday I got my Card! W00t!
Next up.....RKC baby...
Well, On tuesday I got my Card! W00t!
Next up.....RKC baby...
Update to my Geoff Neuport Email on KBB
So my intrepid webslingers, when we last left this thread I had sent an email to Geoff noting how my swings w/ a 16kilo (my baby weight) was crisper at the end of his KBB workout.
[Read the previous blog post to catch up...]
My theory was that by the end, you can't muscle the bell through with shitty form, which was what I was trying to do with a heavy bell. He advised me it was ok to go low.
You know what? It worked swimmingly!
Got a reply yesterday from G when I told him about it.
I'm 6'5" /215#, so Geoff must be huge if I am a little person.
[Read the previous blog post to catch up...]
My theory was that by the end, you can't muscle the bell through with shitty form, which was what I was trying to do with a heavy bell. He advised me it was ok to go low.
You know what? It worked swimmingly!
Got a reply yesterday from G when I told him about it.
Nice guy. I like that he takes the time to respond to the little people.Excellent, Sean!
And you are correct in your guess.
Look forward to hearing about more of your progress.
I'm 6'5" /215#, so Geoff must be huge if I am a little person.
Email to class 003 about lead toxicity and dieting
Ok, so I keep forgetting to relay this info.
But first, good job last night. Except for [redacted] who now has an unexcused absence on her permanent record.
Two things, one toxins, and one about dieting.
First and foremost, a report came out several months ago about high lead and/or cadmium levels on an undisclosed brand of Chinese made kettlebells. Which brand? No one is saying (fear of lawsuits, eh?). The problem, with the exception of perhaps two brands, all KB's are made in China!
So follow simple lead safety guidelines: When you are done handling, well, really any metal, wash your hands. The primary route for this type of lead poisoning is through ingestion, not touching. Wash your hands after class!
Now I have no idea if the bells we use are bad. Truthfully, I have used this brand for years and have not see any signs of lead toxicity. Be prudent. Wash your hands. I would apply this to all metal contact (including dumbbells, barbells plates, etc..)
I just read Dan John's 'Never Let Go' book and he had an interesting piece of advice on dieting.His recommendation?
Go hardcore for one month.
For one month follow whatever plan you are on to a tee.
You see, one strict month is manageable for most of us.
Its easier to resist the donuts or candy machine for one month, than it is to resist them when you are on the forever diet plan that most of us employ.
I personally have taken this advice to heart and I am telling you it makes your will power so much stronger.
I know I know, you guys are thinking, but Sean, you are like a freaking manly man adonis, you dont need to diet! (I hope your laughing now...)
Well, sadly, I do. I am really struggling with "the last 20 pounds". And truthfully I have been for nearly a year. There is some mystical magical barrier that my body throws up when I hit this weight. Its evil. So I have been super strict, following my diet plan and things are starting to happen.
Best of all, the results are spurring me on. I am going to try 1 more month of strictness. After that, I may switch to a muscle building plan, or maybe just a maintenance plan, and then I will come back to my diet.
Finally, here is one of my fav quotes:
“We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” -Jim Rohn
Where were you a year ago? What if you had been disciplined one year ago, where would you be? Where do you want to be in one year?
Have a good weekend , see you Tuesday, when we watch [redacted] perform a bulgarian split squat snatch windmill triple lindsey for the class to make penance for missing Thursday.
But first, good job last night. Except for [redacted] who now has an unexcused absence on her permanent record.
Two things, one toxins, and one about dieting.
First and foremost, a report came out several months ago about high lead and/or cadmium levels on an undisclosed brand of Chinese made kettlebells. Which brand? No one is saying (fear of lawsuits, eh?). The problem, with the exception of perhaps two brands, all KB's are made in China!
So follow simple lead safety guidelines: When you are done handling, well, really any metal, wash your hands. The primary route for this type of lead poisoning is through ingestion, not touching. Wash your hands after class!
Now I have no idea if the bells we use are bad. Truthfully, I have used this brand for years and have not see any signs of lead toxicity. Be prudent. Wash your hands. I would apply this to all metal contact (including dumbbells, barbells plates, etc..)
I just read Dan John's 'Never Let Go' book and he had an interesting piece of advice on dieting.His recommendation?
Go hardcore for one month.
For one month follow whatever plan you are on to a tee.
You see, one strict month is manageable for most of us.
Its easier to resist the donuts or candy machine for one month, than it is to resist them when you are on the forever diet plan that most of us employ.
I personally have taken this advice to heart and I am telling you it makes your will power so much stronger.
I know I know, you guys are thinking, but Sean, you are like a freaking manly man adonis, you dont need to diet! (I hope your laughing now...)
Well, sadly, I do. I am really struggling with "the last 20 pounds". And truthfully I have been for nearly a year. There is some mystical magical barrier that my body throws up when I hit this weight. Its evil. So I have been super strict, following my diet plan and things are starting to happen.
Best of all, the results are spurring me on. I am going to try 1 more month of strictness. After that, I may switch to a muscle building plan, or maybe just a maintenance plan, and then I will come back to my diet.
Finally, here is one of my fav quotes:
“We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” -Jim Rohn
Where were you a year ago? What if you had been disciplined one year ago, where would you be? Where do you want to be in one year?
Have a good weekend , see you Tuesday, when we watch [redacted] perform a bulgarian split squat snatch windmill triple lindsey for the class to make penance for missing Thursday.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Snatch Drill
Had a few minutes befor emy PM Kettlebell Burn class, so I did 100 24kg Snatches.
10L/10R no time constraint, rest as needed.
repeat till I hit 100
The goal was just to get used to the volume.
10L/10R no time constraint, rest as needed.
repeat till I hit 100
The goal was just to get used to the volume.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
KBB Week 7 B
28kg C&P 3reps each side
repeated for 9 sets.
Rest 3m
28kg Getup Situp, 5reps each side (4 sets)
28kg Reverse Lunge, 8 reps each side (4 sets)
Repeat for 15min
rest 5m (longer so I can recharge for swings)
16kg 1h Swings 30:30 Protocol
goal: 10min
Reality: 10min!
repeated for 9 sets.
Rest 3m
28kg Getup Situp, 5reps each side (4 sets)
28kg Reverse Lunge, 8 reps each side (4 sets)
Repeat for 15min
rest 5m (longer so I can recharge for swings)
16kg 1h Swings 30:30 Protocol
goal: 10min
Reality: 10min!
Email from Geoff
My edited email to Geoff Neupert
With this program tho, after getting smoked doing the first two parts of the routine, the swing finishers with a 16kilo actually felt crisper, with WAY more ham activation than I have felt in a long time!
I can only think that when your toasted, doing those last sets of swing forces you to rely ONLY on good technique, where as when you are fresh, you can muscle through it. By using a heavy bell in my previous attempts, all I noticed was crap form because I was too fried to swing properly.
All in all, it was a great session. I hope to sleep like the dead tonight. I'm toast!
Howdy Geoff,I also sent him a copy of my latest training log. His reply:
Right now I just finished week 6 of KBB. Here's my question, how do I pick the right size bell for the swings.
By the end of the Strength & Metabolic Pairings, I find I have little left in the tank for swings. I am consistently failing at 5min or less on the finishers.
Should I drop to a 20kg or 16kg? (edit: I was using a 24 in phase 1)
You're an animal!Ok, I may have edited that last part... ;o)
Why don't you alternate between bell sizes? Use what you're normally using on one session, then drop to a lighter bell the next session and repeat the sequence? For the lighter bell, use the size that you think will allow you to complete the Finishers. Err on the side of caution, so go as light as you think necessary. If there's any doubt, then it's probably too heavy.I dropped to a 16kilo today and what was interesting was that prior to this session, I always felt that I had much better swing form with a heavy weight. I know they say your 8kg swing should look exactly like your 24kg swing, but I always felt I got more ham activation using a heavier bell.
With this program tho, after getting smoked doing the first two parts of the routine, the swing finishers with a 16kilo actually felt crisper, with WAY more ham activation than I have felt in a long time!
I can only think that when your toasted, doing those last sets of swing forces you to rely ONLY on good technique, where as when you are fresh, you can muscle through it. By using a heavy bell in my previous attempts, all I noticed was crap form because I was too fried to swing properly.
All in all, it was a great session. I hope to sleep like the dead tonight. I'm toast!
Monday, July 5, 2010
KBB Week 7 (A)
24kg TGU 3reps Left, then 3 reps Right.
4 sets
Rest 3 Min
Metabolic Pairings:
40kg Goblet Squat for 10 reps
32kg Staggered Stance Row 10l/10R
Rest 60 sec
Repeat 4x (appx 12min)
rest 5+ min...
Actually felt nauseous. Holding off on swings for a while. No need to puke.
24kg TGU 3reps Left, then 3 reps Right.
4 sets
Rest 3 Min
Metabolic Pairings:
40kg Goblet Squat for 10 reps
32kg Staggered Stance Row 10l/10R
Rest 60 sec
Repeat 4x (appx 12min)
rest 5+ min...
Actually felt nauseous. Holding off on swings for a while. No need to puke.
Friday, July 2, 2010
KBB Week 6 (B)
28kg C&P 3reps each side
repeated for 10 sets.
Still had 2m left so I dropped to 24kg for 1 more on each side.
(11 sets, so 66 reps total)
Rest 3m
28kg Getup Situp, 5reps each side (4 sets)
28kg Reverse Lunge, 8 reps each side (3 sets)
Repeat for 15min
rest 5m (longer so I can recahrge for swings)
24kg 1h Swings 20:10 Protocol
goal: 10min
Reality: 5min
Sigh...I need to work on swings on my off days...
repeated for 10 sets.
Still had 2m left so I dropped to 24kg for 1 more on each side.
(11 sets, so 66 reps total)
Rest 3m
28kg Getup Situp, 5reps each side (4 sets)
28kg Reverse Lunge, 8 reps each side (3 sets)
Repeat for 15min
rest 5m (longer so I can recahrge for swings)
24kg 1h Swings 20:10 Protocol
goal: 10min
Reality: 5min
Sigh...I need to work on swings on my off days...
Thursday, July 1, 2010
KBB Week 6 (A)
24kg TGU 3reps Left, then 3 reps Right.
Lost track of sets but I did it for 15min
Rest 3 Min
Metabolic Pairings:
40kg Goblet Squat for 9 reps
32kg Staggered Stance Row 9l/9R
Rest 60 sec
40kg Goblet Squat for 9 reps
32kg Staggered Stance Row 9l/9R
Rest 120 sec (2x as long as I was supposed to, but I was gassed)
40kg Goblet Squat for 9 reps
32kg Staggered Stance Row 9l/9R
Rest 60 sec
40kg Goblet Squat for 9 reps
32kg Staggered Stance Row 9l/9R
Goal 15min, made it 14min.
rest 3 min...
24kg 1H Swing L 20:10
24kg 1H Swing R 20:10
So stopped. Too tired.
24kg TGU 3reps Left, then 3 reps Right.
Lost track of sets but I did it for 15min
Rest 3 Min
Metabolic Pairings:
40kg Goblet Squat for 9 reps
32kg Staggered Stance Row 9l/9R
Rest 60 sec
40kg Goblet Squat for 9 reps
32kg Staggered Stance Row 9l/9R
Rest 120 sec (2x as long as I was supposed to, but I was gassed)
40kg Goblet Squat for 9 reps
32kg Staggered Stance Row 9l/9R
Rest 60 sec
40kg Goblet Squat for 9 reps
32kg Staggered Stance Row 9l/9R
Goal 15min, made it 14min.
rest 3 min...
24kg 1H Swing L 20:10
24kg 1H Swing R 20:10
So stopped. Too tired.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Had to work through lunch today, which is why lunch workouts suck....But it is when I am at my strongest.
Reconfirmed resting HR is in the low 40's this morning. Thats always nice.
Reconfirmed resting HR is in the low 40's this morning. Thats always nice.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Snatch Workout...
Lunch break:
16kg Snatch 7reps per 15:15
did 10 sets; Time 5min
Was hoping for more, but it is a start...
The VO2Max 15:!5 is for 80 sets total....that's 40 minutes!
Looking at the positive, I am 12% complete on this task!
Wall Pushups
3 sets of 50
24kg 1H Swings 1min:1min protocol
3 sets
Knee tucks
3 sets of 40 (resting during sets..whew!)
16kg Snatch 7reps per 15:15
did 10 sets; Time 5min
Was hoping for more, but it is a start...
The VO2Max 15:!5 is for 80 sets total....that's 40 minutes!
Looking at the positive, I am 12% complete on this task!
Wall Pushups
3 sets of 50
24kg 1H Swings 1min:1min protocol
3 sets
Knee tucks
3 sets of 40 (resting during sets..whew!)
KBB-2 Part B (Monday)
28kg C&P 3reps each side
repeat for 15m
(10 sets, so 60 reps total. Buh-zingah!)
28kg Getup Situp, 5reps each side (4 sets)
28kg Reverse Lunge, 8 reps each side (4 sets)
Repeat for 15min
24kg 1h Swings 20:10 Protocol
goal: 10min
Reality: 5min
Swings are dogging me, but my strength/lifting ability is progressing quite nicely!
Later that afternoon....
3 reps each side with 200# crush grip (similar to CoC Crushers but with pound's instead of single digit numbers
repeat for 15m
(10 sets, so 60 reps total. Buh-zingah!)
28kg Getup Situp, 5reps each side (4 sets)
28kg Reverse Lunge, 8 reps each side (4 sets)
Repeat for 15min
24kg 1h Swings 20:10 Protocol
goal: 10min
Reality: 5min
Swings are dogging me, but my strength/lifting ability is progressing quite nicely!
Later that afternoon....
3 reps each side with 200# crush grip (similar to CoC Crushers but with pound's instead of single digit numbers
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Easy Skill Drill (snatches and overhad walks...)
Easy day, just wanted to work some drills.
28kg one-arm overhead walk around the yard (left/right)
16kg Snatch 15:15 protocol (just working on snatch groove)
4 min
28kg+16kg Offset Overhead Walk around the yard (left)
28kg+16kg Offset Overhead Walk around the yard (right)
28kg 1H Swings 10L
28kg 1H Swings 10R
24kg kg 1H Swings 10L
24kg 1H Swings 10R
Didnt want to go too hard and heavy today. tomorrow is my first C&P day using my new 28kg..
28kg one-arm overhead walk around the yard (left/right)
16kg Snatch 15:15 protocol (just working on snatch groove)
4 min
28kg+16kg Offset Overhead Walk around the yard (left)
28kg+16kg Offset Overhead Walk around the yard (right)
28kg 1H Swings 10L
28kg 1H Swings 10R
24kg kg 1H Swings 10L
24kg 1H Swings 10R
Didnt want to go too hard and heavy today. tomorrow is my first C&P day using my new 28kg..
Saturday, June 26, 2010
took my new 28kilo for a spin
Took her to my company summer picnic. Yeah, I'm "that guy". I reckon if you are reading this, so are you.
I did keep telling them that I left the heavy ones at home.
I picked up the 28k/62# so I can more easily make the transition from a 24kg C&P to a 32kg C&P.
So every time I needed to help my daughter in to or out of a tree, I did a C&P followed by an overhead walk to where she was at. I would work the reverse side on the stroll back.
Also tossed in some a couple snatches and some farmers walk.
Quite a bit of volume spread over 3 hours or so. I will be sore tomorrow.
I did keep telling them that I left the heavy ones at home.
I picked up the 28k/62# so I can more easily make the transition from a 24kg C&P to a 32kg C&P.
So every time I needed to help my daughter in to or out of a tree, I did a C&P followed by an overhead walk to where she was at. I would work the reverse side on the stroll back.
Also tossed in some a couple snatches and some farmers walk.
Quite a bit of volume spread over 3 hours or so. I will be sore tomorrow.
Friday, June 25, 2010
KBB Phase 2 Part A
Challenge Day.
Decided to see if my 10RM needed for the GS is really ona 32kg.
So I did the 8reps using a 40kg. Guess what? I did it! Booo-yah!
After Monday's performance with the 24kg on the TGU i dropped down to a 20kg so I could do 3 reps in a row.
20kg TGU 3reps Left, then 3 reps Right.
repeat 4x in 15min
Rest 3 Min
Metabolic Pairings:
40kg Goblet Squat for 8 reps
32kg Staggered Stance Row (similar to 1-arm but back leg is much closer.
Repeated 5x/sied for 15min
rest 4 min...
24kg 1H-Swing 15:15
goal: 10 minutes.
Actual: 5m30s minute.before form got messy.
Needs work!
Decided to see if my 10RM needed for the GS is really ona 32kg.
So I did the 8reps using a 40kg. Guess what? I did it! Booo-yah!
After Monday's performance with the 24kg on the TGU i dropped down to a 20kg so I could do 3 reps in a row.
20kg TGU 3reps Left, then 3 reps Right.
repeat 4x in 15min
Rest 3 Min
Metabolic Pairings:
40kg Goblet Squat for 8 reps
32kg Staggered Stance Row (similar to 1-arm but back leg is much closer.
Repeated 5x/sied for 15min
rest 4 min...
24kg 1H-Swing 15:15
goal: 10 minutes.
Actual: 5m30s minute.before form got messy.
Needs work!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
KBB Phase 2 - Week 1 - Part B
24kg C&P 3 reps left, 3 reps right
Repeated for 15min = 78 reps
rest 3min
Metabolic Pairings
24kg GUSU 5reps left, 5reps left (4 sets total = 40 total)
32kg Rev Lunge 8reps (3 sets total = 48 reps)
Repeat for 15min
24kg 1H-Swing 15:15
Repeat for 10min
avg of 8 reps a set.
Later in the evening,
24kg Overhead walks. - These really get your 'core' activated. Trying to keep a bell locked overhead while walking on on even ground, up lanscaped stairs, etc.. WHEW!
Did another set with a 16kg
24kg C&P 3 reps left, 3 reps right
Repeated for 15min = 78 reps
rest 3min
Metabolic Pairings
24kg GUSU 5reps left, 5reps left (4 sets total = 40 total)
32kg Rev Lunge 8reps (3 sets total = 48 reps)
Repeat for 15min
24kg 1H-Swing 15:15
Repeat for 10min
avg of 8 reps a set.
Later in the evening,
24kg Overhead walks. - These really get your 'core' activated. Trying to keep a bell locked overhead while walking on on even ground, up lanscaped stairs, etc.. WHEW!
Did another set with a 16kg
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Resting HR Karvonen Formula
Resting HR this morning, 43. Will take an average over the next few days to be sure..
Once you have your resting HR you can detect overtaining (if it increases) and you can also plug it into the karvonen formula to create a more realistic heart rate range.
(220) - (your age) = MaxHR
(MaxHR) - (resting heart rate) = HR Reserve
(HRR) x (60% to 80%) = training range %
(training range %) + (resting heart rate) = (your target training zone)
So for me, age 38:
220-38 =182 MHR
182 - 43 = 139 Heart Rate Reserve
139 * .60 (%) = 83.4
83.4 + 43 = 126 (60%)
139 * .80 (%) = 111.2
111.2+ 43 = 152 (80%)
139 * 1.00 (%) = 139.4
139.4+ 43 = 182(100%)
I have not used a HRmonitor in a while, but I know heavy and/or fast snatching puts me near 177, which working backwards would be:
177-43 = 134
134 / 139.4 = 96%
Yea, it feels like 96...
I will dig out my monitor and see the next time I do a heavy workout where I fall...
Once you have your resting HR you can detect overtaining (if it increases) and you can also plug it into the karvonen formula to create a more realistic heart rate range.
(220) - (your age) = MaxHR
(MaxHR) - (resting heart rate) = HR Reserve
(HRR) x (60% to 80%) = training range %
(training range %) + (resting heart rate) = (your target training zone)
So for me, age 38:
220-38 =182 MHR
182 - 43 = 139 Heart Rate Reserve
139 * .60 (%) = 83.4
83.4 + 43 = 126 (60%)
139 * .80 (%) = 111.2
111.2+ 43 = 152 (80%)
139 * 1.00 (%) = 139.4
139.4+ 43 = 182(100%)
I have not used a HRmonitor in a while, but I know heavy and/or fast snatching puts me near 177, which working backwards would be:
177-43 = 134
134 / 139.4 = 96%
Yea, it feels like 96...
I will dig out my monitor and see the next time I do a heavy workout where I fall...
Monday, June 21, 2010
KBB Phase 2 Week 1 Part A
24kg TGU 3reps Left, then 3 reps Right.
3 reps is alot w/ the TGU!!! Had to REALLY focus when descending on the 3rd rep..
Managed to do that 2 times before I dropped down to 2reps/per side...
So it looked like this:
Rest 3 Min
Metabolic Pairings:
32kg Goblet Squat for 8 reps
32kg Staggered Stance Row (similar to 1-arm but back leg is much closer.
hinge at the hips ala DL form.
Goal: Repeat for 15 Min...
Actual: 5 sets in 11m30s
rest 4 min...
24kg 1H-Swing 15:12
goal: 10 minutes.
Actual: 1 minute.
I was tired and I have not adjusted to my diet. So I called this Finished. Maybe tongiht I will work on my snatch form a little bit.
24kg TGU 3reps Left, then 3 reps Right.
3 reps is alot w/ the TGU!!! Had to REALLY focus when descending on the 3rd rep..
Managed to do that 2 times before I dropped down to 2reps/per side...
So it looked like this:
Rest 3 Min
Metabolic Pairings:
32kg Goblet Squat for 8 reps
32kg Staggered Stance Row (similar to 1-arm but back leg is much closer.
hinge at the hips ala DL form.
Goal: Repeat for 15 Min...
Actual: 5 sets in 11m30s
rest 4 min...
24kg 1H-Swing 15:12
goal: 10 minutes.
Actual: 1 minute.
I was tired and I have not adjusted to my diet. So I called this Finished. Maybe tongiht I will work on my snatch form a little bit.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
AFAA...And FAT....And KBB-4 Part B
got home from day 2 of my AFAA cert class.
We did, among many things, skin fold testing.
As the only (fat) man in the class. I got to make my shirt off so they could demo the test on a guy. A month ago I would have enjoyed the results as I was really doing really well on the Warrior diet. (10#'s lighter easily...)
BUT, in the past month I have been not so good in terms of food choices...Especially late at night (curse my beloved wife for buying such sweet sweet goodies for my daughter! And our monthly meeting of the LBC (Little boys club) met for pizza, beer and poker on thursday...
All of this is soooo wrong since I am supposed to be doing "KB Burn" for training.
I reckon you want to know what my numbers were...
Ok, deep breath.
Maybe one more...
Its moments like these that put you back on track.
As of today, I am swearing off all garbage, going back to my Warrior Diet veggie overload and I am going to lean out DAMNIT!
FWIW: I have no problem w/ Geoff's nutrition guidelines in KBB, but my 'day job' keeps me hoppin' and we work 10-hour days...I just dont feel up to carrying in a cooler of food everyday...
After waddling my 23% in the door I did Week 3 of KBB part b (C&P day)
KBB-4 Part B
24kg C&P Ladder 3-Rungs L/R
repeated 7x in a 15min period
The last set was more like push presses, as my L side is weaker.
To keep things even, I did PP on the Right for the last set too.
Volume = 9979.2#'s
Rest 3 Min
Metabolic Pairings
A. 24kg GetUp-SitUp 5Reps Left/Right – 4 Sets
B. 32kg Reverse Lunge 5reps, L/R – 3 Sets
Total Time 14min
Volume = 4220#'s
Rest 3 mins
2H Swings
Still struggling with this one.
I did 3 sets of 30:30 w/ the 32kg
I dropped to the 24kg (which felt like afeather in comparison) and did another set of 30:30
At this point I was fried. Long days studying, poor diet, crappy sleep last night...Well....I wussed out and called it quits.
One more week of this and then I move to Phase 2 of KBB, which utilizes 1H swings for the finisher...
We did, among many things, skin fold testing.
As the only (fat) man in the class. I got to make my shirt off so they could demo the test on a guy. A month ago I would have enjoyed the results as I was really doing really well on the Warrior diet. (10#'s lighter easily...)
BUT, in the past month I have been not so good in terms of food choices...Especially late at night (curse my beloved wife for buying such sweet sweet goodies for my daughter! And our monthly meeting of the LBC (Little boys club) met for pizza, beer and poker on thursday...
All of this is soooo wrong since I am supposed to be doing "KB Burn" for training.
I reckon you want to know what my numbers were...
Ok, deep breath.
Maybe one more...
Its moments like these that put you back on track.
As of today, I am swearing off all garbage, going back to my Warrior Diet veggie overload and I am going to lean out DAMNIT!
FWIW: I have no problem w/ Geoff's nutrition guidelines in KBB, but my 'day job' keeps me hoppin' and we work 10-hour days...I just dont feel up to carrying in a cooler of food everyday...
After waddling my 23% in the door I did Week 3 of KBB part b (C&P day)
KBB-4 Part B
24kg C&P Ladder 3-Rungs L/R
repeated 7x in a 15min period
The last set was more like push presses, as my L side is weaker.
To keep things even, I did PP on the Right for the last set too.
Volume = 9979.2#'s
Rest 3 Min
Metabolic Pairings
A. 24kg GetUp-SitUp 5Reps Left/Right – 4 Sets
B. 32kg Reverse Lunge 5reps, L/R – 3 Sets
Total Time 14min
Volume = 4220#'s
Rest 3 mins
2H Swings
Still struggling with this one.
I did 3 sets of 30:30 w/ the 32kg
I dropped to the 24kg (which felt like afeather in comparison) and did another set of 30:30
At this point I was fried. Long days studying, poor diet, crappy sleep last night...Well....I wussed out and called it quits.
One more week of this and then I move to Phase 2 of KBB, which utilizes 1H swings for the finisher...
AFAA Cert...
Taking a 3-day AFAA cert so I can continue teaching at the Y.
As a Y-employee (KB Instructor) I must have a recognized cert, not surprisingly, HKC/RKC is not on their approved list.
I was a bit uppity about the whole thing. Most of the work is what you would expect from a big box gym trainer... "Isolate this...Use this machine...Dont do deadlifts ..." etc...
4+ years ago I would have eaten this sh*t up, but now that I have found religion (kettlebells), my reply to just about any client is "Pick up a kettlebell!"
Its not all bad, the anatomy and physiology is good, whic would help when discussing problems with other professionals.
I am telling myself to just shutup and do it!
The fact that it has messed up the timing of my training has not helped. I hope to squeak one in tonight...I have one more week on KBB Phase I. Phase II will have same exercises but the temp/volume will be changed...
Just shutup and do it!
As a Y-employee (KB Instructor) I must have a recognized cert, not surprisingly, HKC/RKC is not on their approved list.
I was a bit uppity about the whole thing. Most of the work is what you would expect from a big box gym trainer... "Isolate this...Use this machine...Dont do deadlifts ..." etc...
4+ years ago I would have eaten this sh*t up, but now that I have found religion (kettlebells), my reply to just about any client is "Pick up a kettlebell!"
Its not all bad, the anatomy and physiology is good, whic would help when discussing problems with other professionals.
I am telling myself to just shutup and do it!
The fact that it has messed up the timing of my training has not helped. I hope to squeak one in tonight...I have one more week on KBB Phase I. Phase II will have same exercises but the temp/volume will be changed...
Just shutup and do it!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
KBB-4 Part A
24kg alternating TGU
Repeat for 15min
total sets 10 (each side!)
PR for a 15 min routine!
3 min rest...I needed it.
32kg Goblet Squat 5 reps
32kg 1-Arm row (each side) 5 reps/side
Repeat for 9 sets
PR!! for a 15min routine!
3 min rest...I needed it.
32kg 2H Swing
Goal: 30:30 for 10 min.
Reality (I was really gassed by this point): 20:40 for 6 min.
Decided I should quit while I was behind. :o)
Repeat for 15min
total sets 10 (each side!)
PR for a 15 min routine!
3 min rest...I needed it.
32kg Goblet Squat 5 reps
32kg 1-Arm row (each side) 5 reps/side
Repeat for 9 sets
PR!! for a 15min routine!
3 min rest...I needed it.
32kg 2H Swing
Goal: 30:30 for 10 min.
Reality (I was really gassed by this point): 20:40 for 6 min.
Decided I should quit while I was behind. :o)
Monday, June 14, 2010
KBB-4 Part B
KBB-4 C&P Ladder 4-Rungs L/R
repeat for 15min
Rest 2.5 Min
A. 24kg GetUp-SitUp 5Reps Left/Right – 4 Sets
B. 32kg Reverse Lunge 5reps, L/R – 4 Sets
TotalTime 15min
Rest 3 mins
32kg 2H Swing 30:30 Protocol
10 min total. Dying by the end...
repeat for 15min
Rest 2.5 Min
A. 24kg GetUp-SitUp 5Reps Left/Right – 4 Sets
B. 32kg Reverse Lunge 5reps, L/R – 4 Sets
TotalTime 15min
Rest 3 mins
32kg 2H Swing 30:30 Protocol
10 min total. Dying by the end...
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Snatchy Snatchy
The Party Line for Passing the RKC Snatch Test
Level 3
Start 1 min countdown
24kg snatch 5l then 5r
Rest till 1min expires.
Did 10 sets, so that's 50 per arm. 100 total.
The Party Line for Passing the RKC Snatch Test
Level 3
Start 1 min countdown
24kg snatch 5l then 5r
Rest till 1min expires.
Did 10 sets, so that's 50 per arm. 100 total.
KBB-3 Part A (Friday)
Well after all that complaining about being 'hungover' I cranked out my KBB routine later that afternoon.
24kg alternating TGU
Repeat for 14m30s min
total reps 9/side. 18 total.
3 min rest
32kg Goblet Squat 5 reps
32kg 1-Arm row (each side) 5 reps/side
Repeat for 8 sets (appx 13min)
Had to make an appointment, so skipped swings today. Might make it up over the weekend.
24kg alternating TGU
Repeat for 14m30s min
total reps 9/side. 18 total.
3 min rest
32kg Goblet Squat 5 reps
32kg 1-Arm row (each side) 5 reps/side
Repeat for 8 sets (appx 13min)
Had to make an appointment, so skipped swings today. Might make it up over the weekend.
Friday, June 11, 2010
ugh...Burnout? Cert hell?
I feel hungover today.
Weird, since I have not had a drink in a few weeks...
So, its either diet related, perhaps a sugar hangover, or its over training.
I did try that snatch test yesterday....hmmm...Nothing weird in my diet last night...Well...there were a few fritos, which I may not classify as good food, I have never felt this bleh after eating a some...
So what should I do?
Well, regroup on my diet, and maybe skip today's workout. :o)
I am also studying for my AFAA cert which is next weekend. Now there's a story for ya.
I signed up for the cert thurs and the guy on the phone pretty much thought I was crazy. Apparently they want you to spend a month pre-studying before you take the cert...I have 8 days to digest 400+ pages of Anatomy & Physiology, ethics, teaching modalities, etc...
I'm shooting for 60 pages a day. Which so far sucks! 60 pages of A&P is enough to make your brain explode.
Still, I feel confident that I will attain the AFAA cert, not that this will be easy by any stretch of the imagination. The cert will allow me to train folks at the Y.
Weird, since I have not had a drink in a few weeks...
So, its either diet related, perhaps a sugar hangover, or its over training.
I did try that snatch test yesterday....hmmm...Nothing weird in my diet last night...Well...there were a few fritos, which I may not classify as good food, I have never felt this bleh after eating a some...
So what should I do?
Well, regroup on my diet, and maybe skip today's workout. :o)
I am also studying for my AFAA cert which is next weekend. Now there's a story for ya.
I signed up for the cert thurs and the guy on the phone pretty much thought I was crazy. Apparently they want you to spend a month pre-studying before you take the cert...I have 8 days to digest 400+ pages of Anatomy & Physiology, ethics, teaching modalities, etc...
I'm shooting for 60 pages a day. Which so far sucks! 60 pages of A&P is enough to make your brain explode.
Still, I feel confident that I will attain the AFAA cert, not that this will be easy by any stretch of the imagination. The cert will allow me to train folks at the Y.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Snatch Test
Actice recovery day ;o)
24kg Snatch test
10 Left
10 Right
10 Left
10 Right
10 Left
10 Right
5 Left
5 Right
Total Time: 5 min
Ultimately, for the RKC i need 100reps in 5 min.
I have a ways to go.
Stuff to think about while prepping for snatch test:
How to Add 10-20 repetitions to your 5 minute snatch test....
24kg Snatch test
10 Left
10 Right
10 Left
10 Right
10 Left
10 Right
5 Left
5 Right
Total Time: 5 min
Ultimately, for the RKC i need 100reps in 5 min.
I have a ways to go.
Stuff to think about while prepping for snatch test:
How to Add 10-20 repetitions to your 5 minute snatch test....
The Party Line for Passing the RKC Snatch Test
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
KBB-2 Part B
Experimented w/ 32Kg C&P today, as noted below*
32kg *Assisted C&P Ladder 3 Rungs (left & right) – Not quite ready for mega sets of 32Kg presses…dropped down to 24kg
24kg C&P Ladder 3-Rungs L/R
24kg C&P Ladder 3-Rungs L/R
24kg C&P Ladder 3-Rungs L/R
24kg C&P Ladder 3-Rungs L/R Time: 15:00More next time.
Rest 2 Min
32kg GUSU – Nearly killed myself. Maybe the presses took it out of me, but I QUICKLY switched to 24kg for this superset.
A. 24kg GetUp-SitUp 5Reps Left/Right – 4 Sets Total
B. 32kg Reverse Lunge 5reps, L/R – 3 Sets TotalTime 14:08
Rest 3mins while debating how to make the 2-3min rest stretch into 4 min...No dice....
Swings….Horrific Swings
Intended: 32kg 2H Swings using 30:30 Protocol with an avg rep range of 14or 15.
Set 1: 15 Reps (YES!)
Set 2: 13 Reps (Ummmm...)
Set 3 – 10: 10 reps. (WTF?!?!)
Why 10 reps?
I found that I could not maintain good tension (glutes) at the top of the swing when I hit the higher rep range.
So, just like I tell my students, go for Quality, not Quantity. I found I was still able to be tense using 10 rep sets which basically turned it into a 20:40 split.
Don’t worry. I will get there!
Swing Time: 10 min.
32kg *Assisted C&P Ladder 3 Rungs (left & right) – Not quite ready for mega sets of 32Kg presses…dropped down to 24kg
24kg C&P Ladder 3-Rungs L/R
24kg C&P Ladder 3-Rungs L/R
24kg C&P Ladder 3-Rungs L/R
24kg C&P Ladder 3-Rungs L/R Time: 15:00More next time.
Rest 2 Min
32kg GUSU – Nearly killed myself. Maybe the presses took it out of me, but I QUICKLY switched to 24kg for this superset.
A. 24kg GetUp-SitUp 5Reps Left/Right – 4 Sets Total
B. 32kg Reverse Lunge 5reps, L/R – 3 Sets TotalTime 14:08
Rest 3mins while debating how to make the 2-3min rest stretch into 4 min...No dice....
Swings….Horrific Swings
Intended: 32kg 2H Swings using 30:30 Protocol with an avg rep range of 14or 15.
Set 1: 15 Reps (YES!)
Set 2: 13 Reps (Ummmm...)
Set 3 – 10: 10 reps. (WTF?!?!)
Why 10 reps?
I found that I could not maintain good tension (glutes) at the top of the swing when I hit the higher rep range.
So, just like I tell my students, go for Quality, not Quantity. I found I was still able to be tense using 10 rep sets which basically turned it into a 20:40 split.
Don’t worry. I will get there!
Swing Time: 10 min.
Monday, June 7, 2010
KBB-2 Part A
Decided to kick it up today and use the 32kg for everything...
32kg alternating TGU
4 sets before I decided to drop to 24kg for safety's sake.
24kg for another 3 sets
13 min total
3 min rest
32kg Goblet Squat 5 reps
32kg 1-Arm row (each side) 5 reps/side
Repeat for 7 sets (apps 14min)
4min rest
32kg 2H Swing 30:30 protocol
Was supposed to go for 10 min, but after 4min30sec I was cooked....
But I was using a 32kilo bell, and not my usual 24k..
Whew! Good, hard training session. I love it!
32kg alternating TGU
4 sets before I decided to drop to 24kg for safety's sake.
24kg for another 3 sets
13 min total
3 min rest
32kg Goblet Squat 5 reps
32kg 1-Arm row (each side) 5 reps/side
Repeat for 7 sets (apps 14min)
4min rest
32kg 2H Swing 30:30 protocol
Was supposed to go for 10 min, but after 4min30sec I was cooked....
But I was using a 32kilo bell, and not my usual 24k..
Whew! Good, hard training session. I love it!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
KBB-1 Part B
A. Strength:
24kg C&P 3-runged ladder.
Repeated for 4 ladders.
Rest 3 min
B. Metabolic Pairing:
B1. 24kg Getup-Situp 5 per side
B2. 24kg Suitcase Reverse Lunge 5 per side
Repeated for 8 rounds.
Rest 3 min
C. Finisher
24kg 2H Swing - 20:40 Protocol.
Repeated for 10 mins.
avg 12 swings / set
24kg C&P 3-runged ladder.
Repeated for 4 ladders.
Rest 3 min
B. Metabolic Pairing:
B1. 24kg Getup-Situp 5 per side
B2. 24kg Suitcase Reverse Lunge 5 per side
Repeated for 8 rounds.
Rest 3 min
C. Finisher
24kg 2H Swing - 20:40 Protocol.
Repeated for 10 mins.
avg 12 swings / set
Thursday, June 3, 2010
VO2Max Snatching
Trying to get back into my snatching groove.
Beginner day :o)
15:15 protocol
16kg Snatches, 7 reps /side
11 sets total.
WHEW! I need to work on these A LOT more...But this is a babystep to get back into the groove...
Beginner day :o)
15:15 protocol
16kg Snatches, 7 reps /side
11 sets total.
WHEW! I need to work on these A LOT more...But this is a babystep to get back into the groove...
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
KBB A routine...
-= Strength =-
24kg Alternating Turkish Getup (15 min)
18 reps total (432kilos moved)
-= Metabolic Pairings (Supersets) =-
24kg Goblet Squat 6 reps
24kg 1-Arm Rows 6 reps
repeat for 15min
9 sets total (3888 kilos moved)
-= Finishers =-
24kg 2H Swings (20:40) split
10 minutes with an average of 10.5 swings/ rep
105 swings total (2520 kilos moved)
Total weight moved: 6840kg/15,079 pounds
-= Strength =-
24kg Alternating Turkish Getup (15 min)
18 reps total (432kilos moved)
-= Metabolic Pairings (Supersets) =-
24kg Goblet Squat 6 reps
24kg 1-Arm Rows 6 reps
repeat for 15min
9 sets total (3888 kilos moved)
-= Finishers =-
24kg 2H Swings (20:40) split
10 minutes with an average of 10.5 swings/ rep
105 swings total (2520 kilos moved)
Total weight moved: 6840kg/15,079 pounds
Friday, May 28, 2010
Snatch Workout...
Was feeling low energy due to a so-so night of sleep. Ended up going to the park with the little ones and my 24kg kettlebell - BUT I forgot my timer!
I decided to do some snatch training, so here's the numbers:
24kg Snatch Left 10 reps
24kg Snatch Right 10 reps
repeat 5x resting as needed...
100 Snatches total! No idea how long it took me, but it was hard. I definitely need to add these back into my program...Especially ifI plan on getting my RKC cert.
I decided to do some snatch training, so here's the numbers:
24kg Snatch Left 10 reps
24kg Snatch Right 10 reps
repeat 5x resting as needed...
100 Snatches total! No idea how long it took me, but it was hard. I definitely need to add these back into my program...Especially ifI plan on getting my RKC cert.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
KBB Part B
DEFINITELY back in the swing of things today:
A. Strength:
24kg C&P 3-runged ladder.
Repeated for 4 ladders.
Rest 3 min
B. Metabolic Pairing:
B1. 24kg Getup-Situp 5 per side
B2. 24kg Suitcase Reverse Lunge 5 per side
Repeated for 8 rounds.
Rest 3 min
C. Finisher
24kg 2H Swing - 20:40 Protocol.
Repeated for 10 mins.
total weight moved today: 7392kg (16,296.57 pounds)
A. Strength:
24kg C&P 3-runged ladder.
Repeated for 4 ladders.
Rest 3 min
B. Metabolic Pairing:
B1. 24kg Getup-Situp 5 per side
B2. 24kg Suitcase Reverse Lunge 5 per side
Repeated for 8 rounds.
Rest 3 min
C. Finisher
24kg 2H Swing - 20:40 Protocol.
Repeated for 10 mins.
total weight moved today: 7392kg (16,296.57 pounds)
Monday, May 24, 2010
back at...FINALLY!
Finally over my upper resp infection...well 99% there.....
KBB Part A
24kg Alterating Getups 8 per side
24kg Goblet Squat 5 reps
24kg 1-Arm rows (left) 5 reps
24kg 1-Arm rows (right) 5 reps
Repeat 10x
= 3600kg
Skipped Swings (upper respiratory still a bit tender...)
KBB Part A
24kg Alterating Getups 8 per side
24kg Goblet Squat 5 reps
24kg 1-Arm rows (left) 5 reps
24kg 1-Arm rows (right) 5 reps
Repeat 10x
= 3600kg
Skipped Swings (upper respiratory still a bit tender...)
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Heavy Metal 2
Was in SF yesterday and decided to stop by and do dkbfitness's Heavy Metal II class!
I really enjoyed the class! Believe it or not, in the nearly 3.5 yrs I have slinging bells, this was my first class I have taken that was not a skills, cert or other form of jam-packed learning. Just some good old fashion fun.
The energy from the group was great, and having one of the gal's do tactical pull-ups before me definitely made me dig deeper. (she was an animal wrapped in the skin of mortal female shell!)
My work schedule will probably keep me from attending this class to regularly, but it was worth it yesterday!
Exercises included such things as:
Double Deadlifts
Double Cleans
Double C&P's
Pull ups
Push ups
Clean and Squats
and a bit of crying...
Ok, the crying was my addition to the work out... phew!
I am taking Sat & Sunday off to recuperate....
I really enjoyed the class! Believe it or not, in the nearly 3.5 yrs I have slinging bells, this was my first class I have taken that was not a skills, cert or other form of jam-packed learning. Just some good old fashion fun.
The energy from the group was great, and having one of the gal's do tactical pull-ups before me definitely made me dig deeper. (she was an animal wrapped in the skin of mortal female shell!)
My work schedule will probably keep me from attending this class to regularly, but it was worth it yesterday!
Exercises included such things as:
Double Deadlifts
Double Cleans
Double C&P's
Pull ups
Push ups
Clean and Squats
and a bit of crying...
Ok, the crying was my addition to the work out... phew!
I am taking Sat & Sunday off to recuperate....
Thursday, May 6, 2010
24kg Alternating Getup **
Exertion Level: 8
**I tried to do 3 reps per side then switch, but this was too hard (read: Unsafe)
24kg Goblet Squat 5 reps, followed by
32kg 1Arm Rows 5 reps per side
Repeat for 15min
24kg 2H-Swings
30:30 protocol for 10 min
Exertion Level: 10
30:30 kills me!
total training time was arounf 45-50 mins.
Exertion Level: 8
**I tried to do 3 reps per side then switch, but this was too hard (read: Unsafe)
24kg Goblet Squat 5 reps, followed by
32kg 1Arm Rows 5 reps per side
Repeat for 15min
24kg 2H-Swings
30:30 protocol for 10 min
Exertion Level: 10
30:30 kills me!
total training time was arounf 45-50 mins.
Hi, My Name is Sean and I have a problem....
As I was leaving to go do my manly brutal kettlebell work guess what arrives? Yup, the enchiladas.
Being a man among men, I felt obliged to help haul the food into the building. the moment I opened the car door and smelled those enchiladas, my willpower crumbled.
3 serving later and I am afraid to look that the scale. Here I am trying to lose that last 10#'s and I'm pretty sure I just ate a day’s worth of calories in one sitting.
Oh well, I guess it was fated to be my free day. But now I must be ever vigilant this weekend. No junk. All fresh veggies and wholesome food.
For those that don’t know I am following the Warrior diet, which is not too shabby. In a nutshell, you can eat fruit and veggies during the day and then at night you have a really big meal. There is a sequence to it though.
First, leafy greens.
Then other veggies.
Then your lean protein.
Then, if you are still hungry, you can have some wholesome carb's...Like, I dunno, fruits, etc....
But how do you know when you're full? It’s simple really. You are full when you are thirsty!
Say what? I know, crazy, but it’s true. One of the, "Hey you are full" indicators is thirst.
I managed to get pretty lean on this program. then I went on travel. No big deal, but it has taken me a while to refocus on my diet.
I'm back now! Except for the enchiladas...
No junk this weekend.
Being a man among men, I felt obliged to help haul the food into the building. the moment I opened the car door and smelled those enchiladas, my willpower crumbled.
3 serving later and I am afraid to look that the scale. Here I am trying to lose that last 10#'s and I'm pretty sure I just ate a day’s worth of calories in one sitting.
Oh well, I guess it was fated to be my free day. But now I must be ever vigilant this weekend. No junk. All fresh veggies and wholesome food.
For those that don’t know I am following the Warrior diet, which is not too shabby. In a nutshell, you can eat fruit and veggies during the day and then at night you have a really big meal. There is a sequence to it though.
First, leafy greens.
Then other veggies.
Then your lean protein.
Then, if you are still hungry, you can have some wholesome carb's...Like, I dunno, fruits, etc....
But how do you know when you're full? It’s simple really. You are full when you are thirsty!
Say what? I know, crazy, but it’s true. One of the, "Hey you are full" indicators is thirst.
I managed to get pretty lean on this program. then I went on travel. No big deal, but it has taken me a while to refocus on my diet.
I'm back now! Except for the enchiladas...
No junk this weekend.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Practice what you preach - Training
After last week I decided that C&P's with a 24kg (54#) bell was not challenging enough, so today I bumped up to using 32kg (70#'s).
What I found was that 32kg was too much, and I dont own a 28kg. Though I should probably buy one.
Instead I did push presses and backup presses.
So the push press utilizes a small dip in the legs to assist the bell up.
Pavel advocates the long push press in his bonus text to the Enter The Kettlebell book.
I was not looking for a heavy leg day today, so I did a minor dip, make sure to keep good tension.
The backup press: Use your other hand to assist the bell pas the sticking point.
32kg Clean & Press Ladders. 3 rungs, 3 steps. (see above notes)15 Mins totalRest: 3min
32kg Getup-Situp
32kg Reverse Farmer Lunge
32kg Getup-Situp
32kg Reverse Farmer Lunge
24kg Getup-Situp <- I was getting tired and wisely decided to drop down to the 24kg bell for this final GUSU.I ran out of time and was not able to squeak in another set of lunges.
time 15min
Rest 3min
24kg 2h-Swing 30:30
I WAS DYING today!
I made it halfway through with no ill affects. But after the midpoitn, I was feeling tanked. I even (GASP!) set the bell downb early a few times.
Thats right, I practice what I preach.
I was too tired to SAFELY swing the bell for a full 30 sec, so I set it down and enjoyed the extra few seconds of rest. It was dreamy.
All in all, a good session for me. Its been nearly a week since I slung iron, I feel proud of my work today.
What I found was that 32kg was too much, and I dont own a 28kg. Though I should probably buy one.
Instead I did push presses and backup presses.
So the push press utilizes a small dip in the legs to assist the bell up.
Pavel advocates the long push press in his bonus text to the Enter The Kettlebell book.
I was not looking for a heavy leg day today, so I did a minor dip, make sure to keep good tension.
The backup press: Use your other hand to assist the bell pas the sticking point.
32kg Clean & Press Ladders. 3 rungs, 3 steps. (see above notes)15 Mins totalRest: 3min
32kg Getup-Situp
32kg Reverse Farmer Lunge
32kg Getup-Situp
32kg Reverse Farmer Lunge
24kg Getup-Situp <- I was getting tired and wisely decided to drop down to the 24kg bell for this final GUSU.I ran out of time and was not able to squeak in another set of lunges.
time 15min
Rest 3min
24kg 2h-Swing 30:30
I WAS DYING today!
I made it halfway through with no ill affects. But after the midpoitn, I was feeling tanked. I even (GASP!) set the bell downb early a few times.
Thats right, I practice what I preach.
I was too tired to SAFELY swing the bell for a full 30 sec, so I set it down and enjoyed the extra few seconds of rest. It was dreamy.
All in all, a good session for me. Its been nearly a week since I slung iron, I feel proud of my work today.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Feel the burn part B
C&P Ladders. 3 rungs, 5 sets witha 24kg
total # of F&P: 30
*I think I need to jump up to a heavier weight. Not sure if I can go from 24 to 32 with out an intermediate bell....
Seg2 (15min):
24kg GU, 5 reps followed by
24kg reversed lunge
-Repeat for 15 min.
Basically did 2 sets of GU and 2 sets of lunges
total #of GU: 20
total # of lunges: 20
24kg 2H-Swings, using 20:40 for 10 min
total # swings: 82
total weight moved today: 3,648kg, or 8,042 pounds...
C&P Ladders. 3 rungs, 5 sets witha 24kg
total # of F&P: 30
*I think I need to jump up to a heavier weight. Not sure if I can go from 24 to 32 with out an intermediate bell....
Seg2 (15min):
24kg GU, 5 reps followed by
24kg reversed lunge
-Repeat for 15 min.
Basically did 2 sets of GU and 2 sets of lunges
total #of GU: 20
total # of lunges: 20
24kg 2H-Swings, using 20:40 for 10 min
total # swings: 82
total weight moved today: 3,648kg, or 8,042 pounds...
Monday, April 26, 2010
Feel the burn....
24kg Alternating Getup
appx 8 sets /side
Total reps 16
Exertion Level: 8
32kg Alternating Goblet Squat 5 reps per side, followed by
32kg 1Arm Rows 5 reps per side
Repeat for 15min
appx 9 sets
Exertion Level: 10 / 8
24kg 2H-Swings
10:20 protocol for 10 min
appz number of reps/ set is 10.
10 sets x 10 reps = 100 swings...
240kg swung.... Hoooah!
Exertion Level: 9
total training time was arounf 45-50 mins.
note: Towards end I lost focus and my back feels tight.
as Dr Mark cheng says:
The Hard Style Lock teaches you not only to generate an MVC (Maximum Volitional Contraction), but to do it in several muscle groups with a high degree of coordination. There are 5 points of this Lock:
1. Heels - Drive them into the ground without letting them come off the ground at any time.
2. Knees - Lock them out completely, as if pushing your knee pits backward as hard as you can.
3. Glutes - Without compromising the knee lock, clench your glutes so tightly that your hips rotate forward on your thighs.
4. Abs - Shorten your abdominal plate (from your solar plexus to your groin) as tightly as possible while exhaling a short, sharp breath.
5. Lats - Draw your shoulder blades down in such a way as to shove them down towards your butt.
appx 8 sets /side
Total reps 16
Exertion Level: 8
32kg Alternating Goblet Squat 5 reps per side, followed by
32kg 1Arm Rows 5 reps per side
Repeat for 15min
appx 9 sets
Exertion Level: 10 / 8
24kg 2H-Swings
10:20 protocol for 10 min
appz number of reps/ set is 10.
10 sets x 10 reps = 100 swings...
240kg swung.... Hoooah!
Exertion Level: 9
total training time was arounf 45-50 mins.
note: Towards end I lost focus and my back feels tight.
as Dr Mark cheng says:
The Hard Style Lock teaches you not only to generate an MVC (Maximum Volitional Contraction), but to do it in several muscle groups with a high degree of coordination. There are 5 points of this Lock:
1. Heels - Drive them into the ground without letting them come off the ground at any time.
2. Knees - Lock them out completely, as if pushing your knee pits backward as hard as you can.
3. Glutes - Without compromising the knee lock, clench your glutes so tightly that your hips rotate forward on your thighs.
4. Abs - Shorten your abdominal plate (from your solar plexus to your groin) as tightly as possible while exhaling a short, sharp breath.
5. Lats - Draw your shoulder blades down in such a way as to shove them down towards your butt.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
quick update
was on travel for a bit. Back in town and have started teaching my Y class. So far so good, they are a good group.
Started Neuport's latest download, kettlebell burn.
I normally would not have spent so much on a d/l only product, but I my side business experience a little bump in sales, so I splurged.
It is a tough routine, I will post up how I do with it as time goes on.
Started Neuport's latest download, kettlebell burn.
I normally would not have spent so much on a d/l only product, but I my side business experience a little bump in sales, so I splurged.
It is a tough routine, I will post up how I do with it as time goes on.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Strength Day
24kg Double Press 5reps
24kg Double Front Squat 5reps
32kg Goblet Squat 5 reps
24kg Double Press 5reps
24kg Double Front Squat 5reps
32kg Goblet Squat 5 reps
24kg Double Press 5reps
24kg Double Front Squat 4 reps
32kg Goblet Squat 5 reps
32kg 1arm Jerk 5 rep Left
32kg 1arm Jerk 5 rep Right
24kg Double Jerks 5 reps
32kg Rows 5 Left
32kg Rows 5 Right
24kg 1arm Jerk 5 rep Left
24kg 1arm Jerk 5 rep Right
16kg Double Jerks 5 reps
32kg Rows 5 Left
32kg Rows 5 Right
24kg Double Front Squat 5reps
32kg Goblet Squat 5 reps
24kg Double Press 5reps
24kg Double Front Squat 5reps
32kg Goblet Squat 5 reps
24kg Double Press 5reps
24kg Double Front Squat 4 reps
32kg Goblet Squat 5 reps
32kg 1arm Jerk 5 rep Left
32kg 1arm Jerk 5 rep Right
24kg Double Jerks 5 reps
32kg Rows 5 Left
32kg Rows 5 Right
24kg 1arm Jerk 5 rep Left
24kg 1arm Jerk 5 rep Right
16kg Double Jerks 5 reps
32kg Rows 5 Left
32kg Rows 5 Right
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